June 2020, Volume 79, No. 6, Supplement 2


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Hawai‘i Journal of Health and Social Welfare Special Issue on Health Disparities in US Affiliated Pacific Islanders: The Voyage Forward
Neal A. Palafox MD, MPH and Lee Buenconsejo-Lum MD

Hawaii J Health Soc Welf. 2020;79(6 suppl 2):3-5.
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Lessons from the Field: The Traditional Monarch of Kitti in Pohnpei Addresses the High Rates of Non-Communicable Diseases through Local Policy
Johnny Hadley, Jr. BA and Evonne Sablan MPA

Hawaii J Health Soc Welf. 2020;79(6 suppl 2):6-9.
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Lessons from the Field: Lessons from Yap - Changing Government and Cultural Practice Through Public Health Policy
Martina Reichhardt BJRN

Hawaii J Health Soc Welf. 2020;79(6 suppl 2):10-12.
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Lessons from the Field: Going Local — Everybody Wins
Aileen C. Tareg DrPH, CHES and Martina L.E. Reichhardt BJRN

Hawaii J Health Soc Welf. 2020;79(6 suppl 2):13-18.
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Lessons from the Field: Interventions to Improve Health and Quality of Life to Address the NCD Crisis in Palau - Fostering Collaboration Across Sectors within the Government and Civil Society
Edolem Ikerdeu MA; Annabel Lyman MPH; Candace Koshiba BA; Irish Tutii; Valerie Whipps BA; Komtil Ngirmang BA; and Sylvia Osarch DCHMS

Hawaii J Health Soc Welf. 2020;79(6 suppl 2):19-23.
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Smoking, Nutrition, Alcohol, Physical Activity, and Obesity (SNAPO) Health Indicators Among College Students in Guam
Nicole Nazareno; Audrey Benavente; Michael Alicto; Joane Arceo; Ayn Charfauros; Courtney Dizon; Ethan Flores; Jesse Fontanilla; Brandon Holm; Calvin Johanes; Joed Mercado; Karina Perez; Kendrick Perez; Jordan Tingson; and Yvette C. Paulino PhD, CPH

Hawaii J Health Soc Welf. 2020;79(6 suppl 2):24-29.
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Lessons from the Field: Guam Salt Reduction Campaign
Ruby Gonzales; Lawrence Alam; Al Silverio; and Dioreme Navasca MPH

Hawaii J Health Soc Welf. 2020;79(6 suppl 2):30-32.
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Dental Caries and Otitis Media Among Schoolchildren in Palau
Inger B. Appanaitis MPH; William E. Lambert PhD; Eli Schwarz DDS, PhD, MPH; Michael R. Lasarev MS; and Berry Moon Watson MPH

Hawaii J Health Soc Welf. 2020;79(6 suppl 2):33-39.
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Cumulative Incidence Rates of Breast Cancer by Age for Filipinos and Chamorros in Guam
Grazyna Badowski PhD; Brayan Simsiman BS; Renata Bordallo MSW, CTR; Michael Green CTR; Yurii B. Shvetsov PhD; Lynne R. Wilkens DrPH; Rachel Novotny PhD, RDN; and Rachael T. Leon Guerrero PhD, RDN

Hawaii J Health Soc Welf. 2020;79(6 suppl 2):40-44.
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Using a Short Message System to Increase Cervical Cancer Screening Uptake among Chuukese Women in Guam: Lessons Learned from Linking Distance Technology Between Carriers and Using Telehealth Communication in a Cross-Cultural Context
Lilnabeth P. Somera PhD; Ana Joy P. Mendez RN, PhD; and Angelina Mummert

Hawaii J Health Soc Welf. 2020;79(6 suppl 2):45-51.
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An Assessment of E-health Resources and Readiness in the Republic of the Marshall Islands: Implications for Non-communicable Disease Intervention Development
Angela Sy DrPH; Candace Tannis MD, MPH; Scott McIntosh PhD; Margaret Demment PhD; Tolina Tomeing AA; Jahron Marriott MS; Tracee Fukunaga BS; Lee Buenconsejo-Lum MD; and Timothy Dye PhD

Hawaii J Health Soc Welf. 2020;79(6 suppl 2):52-57.
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A Rapid Assessment Procedure to Develop A Non-Communicable Disease Prevention Pilot Health Communications Project Using E- and M-Health Communications in Pohnpei State, Federated States of Micronesia
Angela Sy DrPH; Jahron Marriott MS; Candace Tannis MD, MPH; Margaret Demment PhD; Scott McIntosh PhD; Johnny Hadley BA; Pertina Albert; Lee Buenconsejo-Lum MD, FAAFP; and Timothy Dye PhD

Hawaii J Health Soc Welf. 2020;79(6 suppl 2):58-63.
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Cultural Considerations for Conducting the Health Information National Trends Survey with Micronesian Communities: Lessons from a Qualitative Study
Kevin Cassel DrPH; Hye-ryeon Lee PhD; Lilnabeth P. Somera PhD; Grazyna Badowski PhD; and Megan Kiyomi Inada Hagiwara DrPH

Hawaii J Health Soc Welf. 2020;79(6 suppl 2):64-69.
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Attitudes Towards Family Planning among Bhutanese, Burmese, and Iraqi Refugee Women: A Qualitative Study
Komal S. Soin MD, MPH; Kathryn Beldowski MD; Elizabeth Bates MD; Kristine Pamela Garcia MD; Sapna Naik MD; Ellen Plumb MD; Rickie Brawer PhD, MPH, MCHES; Abbie Santana MSPH; and Marc Altshuler MD

Hawaii J Health Soc Welf. 2020;79(6 suppl 2):70-77.
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Building Capacity for Caregiver Education in Yap, Micronesia
Ritabelle Fernandes MD, MPH; Pius You; Martina Reichhardt BJRN; Christina Wang DNP, MPH, APRN; Daniel Langston MSN, CNS, NP; and Lam Nguyen MD

Hawaii J Health Soc Welf. 2020;79(6 suppl 2):78-81.
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Evolving Palliative Care Practices among Marshall Islanders in Hawai‘i: Generational Comparisons
Lauren Okamoto MD; Sheldon Riklon MD; Kamal Masaki MD; Christina Bell MD, PhD; Anna Tamai MD; and Gregory G. Maskarinec PhD

Hawaii J Health Soc Welf. 2020;79(6 suppl 2):82-88.
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Costs and Resources Used by Population-based Cancer Registries in the US-Affiliated Pacific Islands
Patrick Edwards MSc; Lee E. Buenconsejo-Lum MD, FAAFP; Florence K.L. Tangka PhD; Youngju Jeong MS; Janos Baksa MIM; Paran Pordell MPH; Mona Saraiya MD, MPH; and Sujha Subramanian PhD

Hawaii J Health Soc Welf. 2020;79(6 suppl 2):89-98.
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Cancer Mortality in the US-Affiliated Pacific Islands, 2008–2013
Elizabeth A. Van Dyne MD, MPH; Mona Saraiya MD, MPH; Arica White PhD, MPH; Daniel Novinson MD, MPH; Virginia Senkomago PhD, MPH; and Lee Buenconsejo-Lum MD, FAAFP

Hawaii J Health Soc Welf. 2020;79(6 suppl 2):99-107.
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Building Capacity for Logic Models and Evaluation Planning Using Canoe-building Concepts
Nicole M. Kuiper MPH; Haley L. Cash PhD, MPH; MaryBeth T. Welton BS; and Celeste Chung MSW, MPH

Hawaii J Health Soc Welf. 2020;79(6 suppl 2):108-112.
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Hemodialysis in the Compact Nations of the US Affiliated Pacific: History and Health Care Implications
Margaret S. Min BA; Arnold W. Siemsen MD; Emi Chutaro MSc; James E. Musgrave MD; Ramona L. Wong MD; and Neal A. Palafox MD, MPH

Hawaii J Health Soc Welf. 2020;79(6 suppl 2):113-119.
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Viewpoint: Pacific Voyages - Ships - Pacific Communities: A Framework for COVID-19 Prevention and Control
Neal A. Palafox MD, MPH; Bruce R. Best MS; Allen Hixon MD; and Wilfred C. Alik MD

Hawaii J Health Soc Welf. 2020;79(6 suppl 2):120-123.
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