April 2022, Volume 81, No. 4, Supplement 2


Download HJHSW_Apr22.Suppl2.pdf here



Guest Editors’ Message: Hawai‘i’s Health Care Workforce
Teresa Schiff-Elfalan MD; Vanessa S. Wong MD, MS

Hawaii J Health Soc Welf. 2022;81(4 suppl 2):2-3.
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Hawai‘i Physician Workforce Assessment 2020
Kelley Withy MD, PhD; Kathleen Joo BS; Christian Potter BA, MS

Hawaii J Health Soc Welf. 2022;81(4 suppl 2):4-10.
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Laying the Kahua (Foundation): Incorporating Elements of Attitude and Purpose for Underrepresented Student Success at the University of Hawai‘i John A. Burns School of Medicine ‘Imi Ho‘?la Post-Baccalaureate Program
Sharleen Y. Chock PhD; Kimberly B. Yamauchi MPA; Winona K. Lee MD

Hawaii J Health Soc Welf. 2022;81(4 suppl 2):11-14.
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Building a Culturally Aware Native Hawaiian Health Professions Workforce
Donna-Marie Palakiko PhD, RN, APRN; Kai‘olu DeFries BS; Kilohana Haitsuka BA, MSWc; Lisa L. Ka‘anoi MPH

Hawaii J Health Soc Welf. 2022;81(4 suppl 2):15-19.
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Hawai‘i Rural Health Program: Shaping the Next Generation of Rural Doctors
Clare-Marie M. Anderson BS; Sara A. McAllaster BS; Grant M. Yoneoka BS; Tyler J. Thorne BA; Erin M. NaPier BA; Christina E. Tse BA; Amandalin C.R. Rock BSN; Chad R. Russell BS, BA; Gunnar A. Lee BA; Weston P. McCue BS; Jill S.M. Omori MD

Hawaii J Health Soc Welf. 2022;81(4 suppl 2):20-23.
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Report on the 1990 – 2018 John A. Burns School of Medicine Medical Student Specialty Match and Residency Position Data
Nash A.K. Witten MD; Lovedhi Aggarwal MD; Allen L. Hixon MD

Hawaii J Health Soc Welf. 2022;81(4 suppl 2):24-27.
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Training Future Pharmacists to Optimize the Healthcare Workforce
Nicole Young PharmD, BCCCP; Sheri Tokumaru PharmD, BCCCP; Roy Goo PharmD

Hawaii J Health Soc Welf. 2022;81(4 suppl 2):28-30.
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Hawai‘i Registered Dietitian Nutritionist 2019-2020 Workforce Assessment
Kathleen A. Joo BS; Marie K. Fialkowski PhD, RD, LDN; Monica Esquivel PhD, RDN, CSSD; Stacy L. Haumea DrBH, RDN, LD, CDCES

Hawaii J Health Soc Welf. 2022;81(4 suppl 2):31-38.
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Increasing Geriatric Care Capability in Hawai‘i’s Healthcare Systems through the Pacific Islands Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP) at the University of Hawai‘i
Aida Wen MD; Miquela Ibrao MPH, MSW; Kathryn Braun DrPH; Lauren Okamoto MD; Cody Takenaka MD; Karen Lubimir MD; Samina Ahsan MD; Ritabelle Fernandes MD; Kamal Masaki MD

Hawaii J Health Soc Welf. 2022;81(4 suppl 2):39-45.
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Expanding Access to Contraception: Identifying Accessibility Gaps Across Hawai‘i Communities
AAlyssandra Baniqued BS; Sarah Murayama BA; Rochelle Mae Cadiente BS; Bianca Calio BS; Jessica Cabusog MPH; Kellie Goya BS; Jasmine Tyson MS; Teresa Schiff-Elfalan MD; Komal Soin MD, MPH; Bliss Kaneshiro, MD, MPH

Hawaii J Health Soc Welf. 2022;81(4 suppl 2):46-51.
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