December 2022, Volume 81, No. 12, Supplement 3


Download HJHSW_Dec22.Suppl3.pdf here



Guest Editors’ Message: Toward a Hawai‘i State Plan for the Substance Use System of Care: Implications for a Healing System among Public Sectors and Health Disparity Populations
Jane Onoye PhD; Susana Helm PhD; Jared Yurow PsyD; John Valera MURP; Tricia Mabellos DrPH

Hawaii J Health Soc Welf. 2022;81(12 suppl 3):2-5.
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Housing First: Harm Reduction at the Intersection of Homelessness and Substance Use
Heather M. Lusk MSW; David Shaku LCSW; Aashish Hemrajani MA; Nikos Leverenz JD; Juliana Moefu-Kaleopa LCSW, CSAC; Andrea F. Staley MA

Hawaii J Health Soc Welf. 2022;81(12 suppl 3):6-11.
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Implications for a System?of?Care in?Hawai‘i?for?Criminal Justice?and Substance Use
Jared K. Redulla BA; Gregory Nikogosyan DO

Hawaii J Health Soc Welf. 2022;81(12 suppl 3):12-18.
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Establishing a System of Care for Severe and Refractory Dual Disorder in the State of Hawai‘i
Gerald Busch MD, MPH; Jin Young Seo MSW

Hawaii J Health Soc Welf. 2022;81(12 suppl 3):19-26.
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Implications for a System of Care in Hawai‘i for Youth Involved in the Justice System and Substance Use
Tai-An Miao PhD; Earl S. Hishinuma PhD; Karen N. Umemoto PhD

Hawaii J Health Soc Welf. 2022;81(12 suppl 3):27-36.
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Strategies to Help CWS-Involved Parents Complete Substance Use Treatment and Protect their Children in Hawai‘i
Yoko Toyama Calistro MSW; Karen Worthington JD

Hawaii J Health Soc Welf. 2022;81(12 suppl 3):37-42.
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Conceptualizing a New System of Care in Hawai‘i for Native Hawaiians and Substance Use
Sheri-Ann P. Daniels EdD; Lilinoe Kauahikaua MSW; Charis Kaio BS; J. N?pua Casson-Fisher MPH; Tercia Ku BS

Hawaii J Health Soc Welf. 2022;81(12 suppl 3):43-51.
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Systems of Care Implications in Hawai‘i: Sexual and Gender Minorities
Thaddeus Pham BS; Cade Akamu BA; Annie Do MPH; Kevin K. Tomita PhD; Sarah Combs MPH

Hawaii J Health Soc Welf. 2022;81(12 suppl 3):52-61.
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Implications for a System of Care in Hawai‘i: Primary Care Integration of Substance Use Disorder Treatment
Miki Kiyokawa MD; Thomas Henry Nguyen Quattlebaum MD

Hawaii J Health Soc Welf. 2022;81(12 suppl 3):62-68.
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