
Volume 17 [September 1957-August 1958]

Contents and Index

Number 1, September-October 1957

Scientific Articles
     Recent Advances in Surgery
     J. E. Strode, M.D.

     Peritoneal Lavage
     R. E. Hearn, M.D., and Wilbur C. Berry, M.D.

Case Report
     Metastatic Carcinoma of the Choroid
     William John Holmes, M.D.

     Pan-Pacific Surgical Association

     Principles of Medical Ethics of the AMA

     Summarios in Interlingua

     Book Reviews


     County Society Reports


     Hawaii Medical Association

     In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii--X

     Notes and News

     Perhaps It's Your Nerves

     President's Page

     This is What's New!

Inter-Island Nurses' Bulletin
Rosie Chang, R. N. M. Litt., Editor

     Hawaii Nurses' Section

     General Interest

     District and Section News


Number 2, November-December 1957

Scientific Articles
     Salmonellosis and Shigellosis on Oahu, 1948-55
     Max Levine, Ph.D., James R. Enright M.D., and George Ching, B.S.

     Dermabrasion for Acne Scars and Other Skin Defects
     Harold M. Johnson, M.D.

     Erythroblastic Hypoplasia Associated with a Thymoma
     A. S Hartwell, M.D., AND Leon E. Mermod, M.D.

Case Report
     Coma Following Meprobamate
     Hyman W. Fisher, M.D.

     Salmonellosis in Hawaii

     "Closed Shops" for Doctors

     Stealing from Insurance Companies

     One to 930

     Aloha, Dr. and Mrs. Irvine McQuarrie!

     Book Reviews

     Bureau of Medical Economics


     County Society Reports


     In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii--XI

     Notes and News

     President's Page

     This is What's New!

Inter-Island Nurses' Bulletin
Rosie Chang, R.N., M.Litt., Editor

     Oahu Nurses' Section

     26th Annual Convention

     Clinical and technical


Number 3, January-February 1958

Scientific Articles
     The Cytologic Detection of Early Uterine Cervical Cancer
     Walter B. Quisenberry, M.D., Norman R. Sloan, M.D., and Kam Lang Wong, B.A.

     Eclampsias and Toxemias of Pregnancy
     Harold L. Melsheimer, M.D.

     Fluoride Tablets for dental Decay, preliminary Report
     F. L. Tabrah, M.D., and B. M. Eveleth, M.D.

     Crown Flower Keratoconjunctivitis
     H. E. Crawford, M.D.

Case Reports
     Severe Pre-Eclampsia in an Isolated Rural Community
     J. I. F. Reppun, M.D.

     Fluoridation: Safe, Effective, and Proper

     Gastric Cancer Examinations

     Free Choice of Physician

     Book Reviews


     County society Reports

     Hawaii medical Association


     In Memoriam-Doctors of Hawaii--XII

     Notes and News

     President's Page

     This is What's New!

Inter-Island Nurses' Bulletin
Rosie Chang, R.N., M.Litt., Editor


     Civil Defense Section


Number 4, March-April 1958

Scientific Articles
     Peptic Ulcers in children
     Ross Y. Hagino, M.D.

     Staphylococcus Empyema in Children
     Calvin C. J Sia, M.D., AND Scott C. Brainard, M.D.

     Aminophylline Toxicity in Children
     Sorrell H. Waxman, M.D.

     Poison Control Center at Kauikeolani Children's Hospital
     Donald F. Char, M.D.

     Rheumatic Pneumonitis
     John A. Harbinson, M.D.

     Medical Education Program in Hawaii

     Kauikeolani Children's Hospital

     Book Reviews

     Bureau of Medical Economics


     County Society Reports


     In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii--XIII

     Meetings in Honolulu

     Notes and News

     President's Page

     Program for HMA Annual Meeting

     This is What's New!

Inter-Island Nurses' Bulletin
Rosie Chang, R.N., M.Litt., Editor

     President's Message

     Clinical and Technical

     Nursing Education and Nursing Service

     General Interest

     District and Section News


Number 5, May-June 1958

Scientific Articles
     Antepartum Hemorrhage: Part I-Premature Placental Separation
     Robert A. Kimbrough, JR., M.D. and Robert A. Rogers, JR., M.D.

     Newer Trends in Obstetrics
     Herbert E. Schmitz, M.D., and Charles J. Smith, M.D.

     Ocular Signs of Metabolic Disease in Children
     P. Jameson Evans, M.D.

     Some Problems in Blood and Plasma Replacement
     Charles S. Judd, JR., and Rogers Lee Hill, M.D.

Case Report
     Warthin's Tumor
     Thomas W. Cowan, M.D.

     Give to Your Library

     Hawaii Summer Medical Conference

     Nuclear Test vs. human Life

     Book Reviews

     County Society Reports

     Hawaii Medical Association


     In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii--XIV

     Notes and News

     Perhaps It's Their Nerves

     President's Page

     This is What's New!

Inter-Island Nurses Bulletin
Rosie Chang, R.N., M.Litt., Editor

     President's Message


     Nursing Education and Nursing Service

     Clinical and Technical

     General Interest

     District and Section News


Number 6, July-August, 1958

Scientific Articles
     Presidential Address
     Samuel L. Yee, M.D.

     Antepartum Hemorrhage: II, Placement Previa
     Robert A. Rodgers M.D.

     Cone Shell Stings
     Alan J. Kohn, Ph.D.

     The Venom Apparatus of the Cone Shell
     Ralph T. Hinegardner, M.S.

     First Poliovirus isolation in Hawaii
     Clara, K. S. Yuen, M.S. W. Harold Civin, M.D. and Paul Y. Tamura, M.D.

     American Society of Medical Technologist

     Kaiser Plan in Honolulu

     The "102d" Annual Meeting

     Annual Index

     Books Reviews

     Bureau of Medical Economics

     Hawaii Medical Association Proceedings

     Hawaii Medical Service Association

     In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii--XV

     Notes and News

     Our New President

     President's Page

     This is What's New

     Hawaii Technologist's Bulletin

Inter-Island Nurses' Bulletin
Rosie Chang, R.N., M.Litt., Editor


     Nursing Education and Nursing Service

     General Interest


Indexes to Volume 17

Subject and Title Index   &   Author Index


Subject and Title Index

A-D   E-H   I-M   N-P   R-W  

Acne Scars and other skin defects, dermabrasion for, 140
Aminophylline toxicity in children, 345
Antepartum hemorrhage
     Part I, premature placental separation, 441
     Part II, placenta previa, 525

Top of Subject and Title Index

Blood and plasma replacement, some problems in, 452
Book reviews, 56, 159, 254, 362, 471, 547

Top of Subject and Title Index

Cancer, early uterine, cervical, the cytologic detection of, 233
Carcinoma, metastatic of the choroid, 42
Cervical cancer, the cytologic detection of early uterine, 233
     aminophylline toxicity in, 345
     peptic ulcer in, 335
     staphylococcus empyema in, 339
Choroid, metastatic carcinoma of, 42
Coma following meprobamate, 146
Cone Shell
     stings, 528
     venom apparatus of, 533
County society reports, 51, 162, 257, 366, 472
Crown flower keratoconjuntivitis, 244
Cytologic detection of early uterine cervical cancer, 233

Top of Subject and Title Index

Dental decay, fluoride tablets for, 241
Dermabrasion for acne scars and other skin defects, 140
Disaster nursing, 262, 273
Doctors of Hawaii--In Memoriam, 48, 152, 252, 358, 464, 544
     Akana, C. T., 544
     Amesse, John William, 545
     Armitage, Edward Harris, 252
     Atning, Edward, 465
     Augur, George Jacob, 253
     Burgess, George Waldo, 74
     Fitch, George L., 465
     Galbraith, William James, 545
     Garvin, Charles Louis 545
     Goodhue, William Joseph Arthur, 359
     Haida, Katsugoro, 359
     Hayes, Henry L., 464
     Hodgins, Arthur Gordon, 358
     Hoffman, Walter Heinrich Otto, 252
     Humphris, Francis Howard, 153
     Irwin, Archer, 49
     Irwin, Frank, 153
     Jobe, George Washington, 545
     Kellog, Preston Stanley, 545
     Li, Khai Fai, 48
     Li, Tai Heong Kong, 48
     Leong, Seu Shee, 545
     McDonald, Jonathan Titus, 464
     McGettigan, Robert Joseph, 49
     McMillan, Thomas, 74
     Mitamura, Toshiyuki, 465
     Moore, William L., 152
     Noblitt, W. S., 253
     Rhodes, Emmet C., 74
     Rice, Milton, 358
     Rogers, William Gibson, 464
     Sabey, Louis Andrew, 544
     Schwallie, William Alphonse, 253
     Sinclair, Archibald Neil, 152
     Soga, Kikujiro, 252
     Spinola, A. P. C. R., 252
     Taylor, William Edwin, 153
     Tracy, John S., 153
     Waterhouse, Ernest Coniston, 359
     Waughop, John W., 49
     Wilkinson, Richard John, 464
     Wood, Hubert, 358
     Yanagihara, Kichitaro, 252

Top of Subject and Title Index

Eclampsias and toxemias of pregnancy, 236
     Aloha, Dr. and Mrs. McQuarrie, 151
     American Society of Medical Technologists, 541
     "Closed shops" for doctors, 149
     Fluoridation; safe, effective, and proper, 247
     Free choice of physician, 248
     Gastric cancer examination, 248
     Give to your library, 458
     Hawaii summer medical conference, 458
     Kaiser plan, 540
     Kauikeolani Children's Hospital, 353
     Kauikeolani Children's Hospital continuous medical education program in Hawaii, 333
     Nuclear tests vs. human life, 457
     One to 930, 150
     Pan-Pacific surgical Association, 45
     Principles of medical ethics of the American Medical Association, 46
     Salmonellosis in Hawaii, 149
     Stealing from insurance companies, 150
     Summarios in Interlingua, 45
     The 102d annual meeting, 541
Empyema, staphylococcus, 339
Erythroblastic hypoplasia associated with a thymoma, 143

Top of Subject and Title Index

First polio virus isolations done in Hawaii, 537
Fluoride tablets for dental decay, 241

Top of Subject and Title Index

Hawaii Medical Association, 50, 260, 470, 551
Hawaii Medical Service Association, 54, 158, 256, 360, 463, 546
Health and the sexes, 369
Hemorrhage, antepartum
     Part I, premature placental separation, 441
     Part II, placenta previa, 525
Hypoplasia, erythroblastic, associated with a thymoma, 143

Top of Subject and Title Index

Inter-Island Nurses' Bulletin, 60, 164, 262, 368, 474, 581

Top of Subject and Title Index

Keratoconjunctivities, crown flower, 242

Top of Subject and Title Index

Lavage, peritoneal-a neglected clinical procedure, 40

Top of Subject and Title Index

Mass casualties, principles of surgery in managing, 265
Medical Economics, Bureau of, 156, 361, 542
Mental health aspects in public health nursing, 171
Meprobamate, coma following, 146
Metabolic disease, ocular signs of, in children, 448
Metastatic carcinoma of the choroid, 42

Top of Subject and Title Index

Newer trends in obstetrics, 445
Notes and news, 58, 160, 258, 363, 466, 548
     disaster, 262, 273
     psychiatric, new horizons in, 477
     public health mental health aspects in, 171

Top of Subject and Title Index

     Fennel, Eric A., 466
     Gaspar, Louis A. R., Jr., 549
     Harl, Virgil A., 548
     Hayes, Henry Homer, 161
     Mitchell, Eugene W., 259
     Mori, Motokazu, 467
     Wiig, Laurence Maxon, 59
     Yamanoha, Richard A., 365
     Yoshizawa, Jiro, 364
Obstetrics, newer trends in, 445
Ocular signs of metabolic disease in children, 448

Top of Subject and Title Index

Peptic ulcers in children, 335
Perhaps it's your nerves, 55, 463
Peritoneal lavage-a neglected clinical procedure, 40
Placenta previa, antepartum hemorrhage, part II, 525
Placenta, premature separation, 441
Plasma, and blood, replacement, some problems in, 452
Poison control center at Kauikeolani Children's Hospital, 348
Pneumonitis, rheumatic, 350
Polio virus, first isolation done in Hawaii, 537
Pre-eclampsia, severe, in an isolated rural community, 245
Premature placental separation, 441
Pregnancy, eclampsias and toxemias of, 236
Presidential address, 523
President's Page, 44, 148, 246, 356, 456, 539
Principles of surgery in managing mass casualties, 265
Psychiatric nursing, new horizons in, 477
Public health nursing, mental health aspects in, 171

Top of Subject and Title Index

Rheumatic pneumonitis, 350

Top of Subject and Title Index

Salmonellosis and shigellosis on Oahu, 1948-1955, 133
Sexes, the and health, 369
Shigellosis and salmonellosis on Oahu, 1948-1955, 133
Some problems in blood and plasma replacement, 452
Staphylococcus empyema in children, 339
Stings, cone shell, 528
     principles of, in managing mass casualties, 265
     recent advances in, 29

Top of Subject and Title Index

This is what's new!, 47, 157, 249, 356, 459, 543
Thymoma, erythroblastic hypoplasis associated with, 143
Toxemias and eclampsias of pregnancy, 236
Toxicity, amonophylline, in children, 345
Tumor, Warthin's, 455

Top of Subject and Title Index

Ulcers, peptic, in children, 335
Uterine cervical cancer, early, cytologic detection of, 233

Top of Subject and Title Index

Venom apparatus of the cone shell, 533

Top of Subject and Title Index

Warthin's tumor, 455

Top of Subject and Title Index


Author Index

B-H   J-T   W-Y  

Berry, Wilbur C., 40
Bowers, Warner F., 265
Brainard, Scott S., 339
Char, Donald F. B., 348
Ching, George, 133
Civin, W. Harold, 537
Cowan, Thomas W., 455
Crawford, H. E., 244
Enright, James R., 133
Evans, P. Jameson, 448
Eveleth, B. M., 241
Fisher, Hyman W., 146
Hagino, Ross Y., 335
Harbinson, John A., 350
Hartwell, A. S, 143
Hearn, R. E., 40
Hinegardner, Ralph T., 533
Hill, Rogers Lee, 452
Holmes, William John, 42

Top of Author Index

Johnson, Harold M., 140
Judd, Charles S., Jr., 452
Kimbrough, Robert A., Jr., 441, 525
Kohn, Alan J., 528
Levine, Max, 133
Melsheimer, Harold L., 236
Mermod, Leon E., 143
Quisenberry, Walter B., 233
Reppun, J. I. F., 245
Rodgers, Robert A., Jr., 441, 525
Sia, Calvin C. J., 339
Schmitz, Herbert E., 445
Sloan, Norman, 233
Smith, Charles J., 445
Steigman, Alex J., 333
Strode, Joseph E., 29
Tabrah, F. L., 241
Tamura, Paul Y., 537

Top of Author Index

Waxman, Sorrell H., 345
Wong, Kam Lang, 233
Yee, Smauel L., 523
Yuen, Clara, 537

Top of Author Index