
Volume 18 [September 1958-August 1959]

Contents and Index

Number 1, September-October 1958

Scientific Articles
     Virus Disease as Problems in Medical Practice
     Ernest Jawetz, M.D., Ph.D.

     Diagnostic Radiation and Its Significance to Man
     George W. Henry, M.D.

     Hypogammaglobulinemia (Agammaglobulinemia) in a Ten-year-old-Girl
     W. Harold Civin, M.D., and Douglas H. Sandberg M.D.

Case Reports
     Douglas B. Bell, II, M.D.

     Leiomyosarcoma of the Duodenum
     Henry C. Gotshalk, M.D., and Rogers L. Hill, M.D.


     Medical Care Plan Objectives

     Radiation Hazards

     BCG Vaccination

     Book Reviews


     County Society Reports


     Hawaii Medical Association

     In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii--XVI

     Notes and News

     President's Page

     This is What's New

     Hawaii Technologist's Bulletin

Inter-Island Nurses' Bulletin
Rosie Chang, R.N., M.Litt., Editor


     Presidents Message

     General Interest

     Nursing Education and Nursing Service


Number 2, November-December 1958

Scientific Articles
     The Use of Gonadal Steroids in Gynecology
     Robert A. Kimbrough, JR., M.D. and S. Leon Israel, M.D.

     Surgery for Mitral Stenosis
     C. M. Burgess, M.D. and A. S Hartwell., M.D.

     Composition of Some Hawaii Fishes
     Mabel Walker, M.S., Nao S. Wenkam, M.D., and Carey D. Miller, M.D.

     Medical Ethics
     H. L. Arnold, M.D.

     Division of Surgical Fees

     Antibiotic-resistant Staphylococci

     Book Review

     Bureau of Medical Economics

     County Society Reports


     In Memeoriam-Doctors of Hawaii-VII

     Notes and News

     President's Page

     Special Report

     This is What's New!

Hawaii Technologist's Bulletin

Inter-Island Nurses' Bulletin
     General Interest

     Nursing Education and Nursing Service

     District and Section News


Number 3, January-February 1959

Scientific Articles
     Demographic Factors Influencing Birth Weight
     Charles G. Bennett, M.A., and Lillian S. K. Louis, M.S.P.H

     Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus with Tolbutamide-Review of 30 Case
     Donald W. Brown, M.D.

     Simultaneous (Combined) Right and Left Heart Catheterization
     Raymond G. Chang, M.D., and Bernard J. B. Yim, M.D.

     The Disease of Filipino Men
     Hyman W. Fisher, M.D.

     A Tighter Medical Practice Act

     Parkinson's Law

     Book Reviews

     County Society Reports

     Hawaii Medical Association


     In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii--XVIII

     Notes and News

     President's Page

     This is What's New!

Medical Technologists' Bulletin

Inter-Island Nurses' Bulletin
Rosie Chang, R.N., M.Litt., Editor
     President's Message

     Clinical and Technical

     Nursing Education and Nursing Service

     District and Section News


Number 4, March-April 1959

Scientific Articles
     Peritonitis in Infants and Children
     James L. Mertz, M.D.

     Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn Due to ABO Incompatibility
     S. H Waxman, M.D.

     Some Aspects of Physiology in the Premature Infant
     Ross Y. Hagino, M.D.

     Diagnosis and Management of Fibrocystic Disease of the Pancreas
     Nasser Movassaghi, M.D.

     Liver Function in Infants and Children
     Richard K. B. Ho, M.D.

     Pulmonary Hyaline membrane Disease in the Newborn
     John A. Harbinson, M.D., and Kinsuke Nishimura, M.D.

     Fetomaternal Transfusion syndrome
     Donald F. B. Char, M.D., and George M. Ewing, M.D.

     Impression of a Visiting Professor at the Kauikeolani Children's Hospital in Hawaii

     Kauikeolani Hospital Jubilee

     "Operation Hypo"

     Hawaii Society of Internal Medicine

     Book Reviews


     County Society Reports

     Hawaii Medical Association


     Honolulu County Medical Library

     In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii--XIX

     Notes and News

     President's Page

     This is What's New!

Inter-Island Nurses' Bulletin
Rosie Chang, R.N., M.Litt., Editor
     President's Message


     District and Section News


Medical Technologists' Bulletin


Number 5, May-June 1959

Scientific Articles
     Diabetes in Hawaii, Part I: Prevalence
     Norman R. Sloan, M.D.

     Oxytocics in the Induction of Labor-Danger, Users, and Precautions
     H. E. Bowles, M.D.

     Research with Feebleminded
     S. D. Porteus, D. SC., and Edward T. Ching, M.D.

     Work of Tissue Culture Laboratory in Hawaii
     Clara K. S. Yuen, M.S., W. Harold Civin, M.D., and Paul Y. Tamura, M.D.

     Sarcoidosis in Hawaii-Case Report and Discussion
     John A. Harbinson, M.D.

     Induction of Labor with Pitocin

     Ophthalmologists-and Others

     Sturgis' Rule of Order

     Book Reviews

     Bureau of Medical Economics


     County Society Reports

     Hawaii Medical Association


     In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii--XX

     Notes and News

     President's Page

     This is What's New!

Inter-Island Nurses' Bulletin
Rosie Chang, R.N., M.Litt., Editor

     President's Message

     Clinical and Technical

     Nursing Education and Nursing Service

     District and Section News

Medical Technologists' Bulletin


Number 6, July-August, 1959

Scientific Articles
     President's Address
     William N. Bergin, M.D.

     The Advantage of Private Medical Care
     Dennis A. Ing

     Improving Medical Certification of Cause of Death
     Halbert L. Dunn, M.D., Ph.D.

     Nontraumatic Intracortical Hematomas
     John J. Lowrey, M.D.

     Meeting the Needs of the "Stroke Victim"
     R. Frederick Shepard, M.D.

     The Hilo Session

     Aloha, Alaska Medicine!

     Thank You, Honolulu Advertiser

     Seaweed Burn

     Annual Index

     Book Reviews

     County Society Reports

     Hawaii Medical Association Annual Meeting Transactions

     Hawaii Medial Association AMA Delegates' Reports

     Hawaii Medical Service Association

     In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii--XXI

     Notes and News

     Our New President

     President's Page

     This is What's New!

Inter-Island Nurses' Bulletin
Rosie Chang, R.N., M.Litt., Editor


     Nursing Education and Nursing Service

     District and Section News

Medical Technologists' Bulletin


Indexes to Volume 18

Subject and Title Index   &   Author Index


Subject and Title Index

A-D   E-H   I-M   N-P   R-W  

Abell et al method for the estimation of cholesterol, 282
ABO incompatibility, hemolytic disease of the newborn, due to, 344
Advantages of private medical care, the, 588
Agammaglobulinemia (Hypogrammaglobulinemia) in a ten-year-old girl, 35

Top of Subject and Title Index

Birth weight, demographic factors influencing, 259

Top of Subject and Title Index

Certification of cause of death, improving medical, 591
Cholesterol, Abell et al method for the estimation of, 282
Composition of some Hawaii fishes, 144
Correspondence, 7, 313
County Society Reports, 56, 162, 268, 388, 512, 610

Top of Subject and Title Index

Demographic factors influencing birth weight, 239
Diabetes in Hawaii, part I: prevalence, 485
Diabetes mellitus, treatment of with tolbutamide, 245
Diagnosis and management of fibrocystic disease of the pancreas, 358
Diagnostic radiation and its significance to man, 28
Diseases of Filipino men, the, 252
Doctors of Hawaii--In Memoriam, 48, 154, 260, 381, 511, 606
     Atherton, Alexander Montague, 381
     Baldwin, William Dwight, 606
     Camp, Calvin Eugene, 48
     Cleveland, Luella S., 48
     Hodgins, Frederick William, 48
     Irwin, Fred, 511
     James, William Francis, 154
     Jellings, Elizabeth A., 48
     Judd, James Robert, 260
     Mackall, Bruce McVean, 511
     Maples, William Lineas, 381
     McLean, Charles Raymond, 381
     Putman, Frank L., 511
     Sandow, Bruno Francis, 606
     Sawyer, Frank Everett, 154
     Uemura, Tsugao, 154
     Williams, Robert Barker, 606
     Yoshizawa Jiro, 381
Duodenum, leiomyosarcoma of the, 40

Top of Subject and Title Index

     Aloha, Alaska Medicine, 603
     Antibiotic-resistant staphylococci, 151
     A tighter Medical Practice Act, 256
     BCG vaccination, 45
     Division of surgical fees, 150
     Hawaii Society of Internal Medicine, 376
     Hilo Session, 602
Impression of a visiting professor of the Kauikeolani Children's Hospital, 339
     Induction of labor with pitocin, 502
     Kauikeolani Hospital Jubilee, 375
     Medical care plan objectives, 44
     "Operation Hypo", 375
     Ophthalmologists-and others, 503
     Parkinson's law, 257
     Radiation hazards, 45
     Robert's, Sturgis, rules of order, 503
     Thank you, Honolulu Adventure, 603
Ethic, Medical, 146
Etiology of cancer, 518

Top of Subject and Title Index

Feebleminded, research with, 491
Fetomaternal transfusion syndrome, 372
Fibrocystic disease of the pancreas, diagnosis and management of, 358
Filipino men, the disease of, 252
Fishes, Hawaii, composition of some, 144

Top of Subject and Title Index

Gonadal steroids, the use of, in gynecology, 133
Gynecology, the use of gonald steroids in, 133

Top of Subject and Title Index

Hawaii fishes, composition of some, 144
Hawaii Medical Association, 50, 266, 384, 513, 611
Hawaii Medical Service Association, 54, 160, 262, 462 508, 604
Hawaii Technologist's Bulletin, 68, 176, 282, 404, 540, 644
Heart cauterization, right and left, simultaneous (combined), 249
Hematology seminars, 176
Hematomas, intracortical, nontraumatic, 596
Hemolytic disease of the newborn due to ABO incompatibility, 344
Honolulu County Medical Library, 382
Hospitals, performance checks for, 273
Hyaline membrane, pulmonary, disease in the newborn, 367
Hypogammaglobulinemia (agammaglobulinemia) in a ten-year-old girl, 35

Top of Subject and Title Index

Improving medical certification of cause of death, 591
Inter-Island Nurses' Bulletin, 58, 164, 272, 392, 518, 636
Intracortical hematomas, nontraumatic, 596

Top of Subject and Title Index

Labor, oxytocics in the induction of, 488
Leiomyosarcoma of the duodenum, 40
Liver function in infants and children, 362

Top of Subject and Title Index

Medical ethics, 146
Meeting the needs of the "stroke victim", 598
Mitral stenosis, surgery for, 139

Top of Subject and Title Index

Nontraumatic intracortical hematomas, 596
Notes and news, 55, 158, 264, 386, 514, 608
     elective experience, 165
     in rehabilitation, 64
     practical, school, 167
     psychiatric, at Territorial Hospital, 171
          Western Regional Conference, 168

Top of Subject and Title Index

     Brown, Rolla Oscar, 159
     Buffet, Claude, 264
     Cooper, Harry Bryant, 609
     Osorio, Vasco Eric M., 159
Our new president, 612
Oxytocics in the induction of labor, 488

Top of Subject and Title Index

Pancreas, diagnosis and management of fibrocystic disease of the, 358
Peritonitis in infants and children, 341
Practical nursing school, 167
Precautionary measures for nurses caring for patients receiving radiation therapy, 521
Premature infant, some aspects of physiology in the, 349
President's page, 42, 149, 255, 374, 501, 601
Psychiatric nursing
     at Territorial Hospital, 171
     Western Regional Conference, 168
Private medical care, the advantages of, 588
Pulmonary hyaline membrane disease in the newborn, 367

Top of Subject and Title Index

     diagnostic, and its significance to man, 28
     therapy, precautionary measures for nurses caring for patients receiving, 521
Radioactive therapy, responsibility of nurses in caring for patients receiving, 524
Rehabilitation, nursing in, 64
Responsibility of nurses in caring for patients receiving radioactive therapy, 524
Research with feeble minded, 491

Top of Subject and Title Index

Sarcoidosis in Hawaii, 496
Simultaneous (combined) right and left heart cauterization, 249
Some aspects of physiology in the premature infant, 349
Special report to the medical society, 161
Sporotrichosis, 39
Steroids, gonadal, the use of, in gynecology, 133
"Stroke victim," meeting the needs of, 598
Surgery for mitral stenosis, 139

Top of Subject and Title Index

This is what's new!, 47, 153, 261, 377, 504, 605
Tissue culture in virus research, 530
     laboratory in Hawaii, work, 494
Tolbutamide, treatment of diabetes mellitus with, 245
Treatment of diabetes mellitus with tolbutamide, 245

Top of Subject and Title Index

Use of gonadal steroids in gynecology, the, 133

Top of Subject and Title Index

     disease as problems in medical practice, 25
     research, tissue culture in, 530

Top of Subject and Title Index

Work of tissue culture laboratory in Hawaii, 494

Top of Subject and Title Index


Author Index

A-G   H-N   P-Y  

Arnold H. L., 146
Bell, Douglas B., 39
Bennett, Charles G., 239
Bowles, H. E., 488
Brown, Donald W., 245
Burgess, C. M., 139
Chang, Raymond G., 249
Char, Donald F. B., 372
Ching Edward T., 491
Civin, W. Harold, 35, 494
Dunn, Halbert L., 591
Cross Yukie, 168
Ewing, George. M., 372
Fisher, Hyman W., 252
Gotshalk, Henry C., 40
Gyorgy, Paul, 339

Top of Author Index

Hagino, Ross Y., 349
Harbinson, John A., 367, 496
Hartwell, A. S., 139
Henry, George W., 28
Hill, Rogers L., 40
Ho, Richard K. B., 362
Ing, Dennis A., 588
Israel, S. Leon, 133
Jawetz, Ernest, 25
Kimbrough, Jr., Robert A., 133
Laurine, Sr. M., 273
Louis, Lillian S. K., 239
Lowery, John J., 161, 596
Miler, Carey D., 144
Mertz, James L., 341
Moreno, Julia M., 165
Movassaghi, Nasser, 358
Nishimura, Kinsuke, 367

Top of Author Index

Pfeifer, Jean, 524
Porteus, S. D., 491
Sandberg, Douglas H., 35
Schuler, Loretta, 171
Shepard, R. Frederick, 598
Sloan, Norman R., 485
Stubblefield, Esther, 64
Tamura, Paul Y., 494, 521
Tonchen, Alice, 283
Walker, Mabel, 144
Wang, Jun-Ch'uan, 521
Waxman, S. H., 344
Wenkam, Nao S., 144
Yim, Bernard J. B., 249
Yuen, Clara K. S., 494, 530

Top of Author Index