
Volume 19 [September 1959-August 1960]

Contents and Index

Number 1, September-October 1959

Scientific Articles
     Arthropod-Bone Virus Encephalitis Potentials in Hawaii
     Walter B. Quisenberry, M.D., M.P.H., and Gordon D. Wallace, D.V.M.

     Dermatitis Escharotica Caused by a Marine Alga
     Franklin H. Grauer, Colonel, M.C., USA

     A Dermatitis-Producing Alga in Hawaii-Preliminary Report
     Albert H. Banner, Ph.D.

     Nondiagnostic Bone Marrow in Leukemia
     Hyman W. Fisher, M.D., and W. Harold Civin, M.D.

     The National Foundation for-Everything

     Animals and Human Disease in Hawaii

     Infant Mortality

     Medical Legislation

     Book Reviews


     County Society Reports

     Hawaii Medical Association

     Hawaii Medical Service Association

     Infant Death Case Study

     In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii--XXII

     Notes and News

     President's Page

     This is What's New!

Inter-Island Nurses' Bulletin
Rosie Chang, R.N., M.Litt., Editor


     Oahu Nurse on Parade


     President's Message

     General Interest

     Book Reviews

Medical Technologists' Bulletin


Number 2, November-December 1959

Scientific Articles
     Serum Lipoprotein Studies Among Nisei in Hawaii
     Kyuro Okazaki, M.D.

     Coronary Atherosclerosis in Ethnic Groups
     Nils P. Larsen, M.D., and Walter Bortz, M.D.

     An Apparatus for Electrocardiography on Infants
     John R. Stephenson, M.D.

     Hemorrhage from Esophageal Varices-Surgical Management
     G. C. Freeman, M.D., and C.M. Burgess, M.D.

     The Significance and Potentialities of the Tuberculin Test
     Robert H. Marks, M.D.

     Honest Medical Advertising

     Newer Concepts in Virology

     Virus Laboratory Service Available

     Book Reviews

     Bureau of Medical Economics


     County Society Reports

     Infant Death Case Study

     In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii--XXIII

     Notes and News

     President's Page

     This is What's New!

Inter-Island Nurses' Bulletin
Rosie Chang, R.N., M.Litt., Editor

     President's Message


     District and Section News

     Book Reviews

     Nursing Education and Nursing Service

     General Interest

Medical Technologist's Bulletin


Number 3, January-February 1960

Scientific Articles
     Gastric and Duodenal Ulcers, A Need for Emphasizing Their Dissimilarities
     J. E. Strode, M.D.

     The Postgastrectomy " Dumping" Syndrome
     Frederick B. Warshauer, M.D.

     The Use of Hypnosis in Medicine
     Duke Cho Choy, MD

     School Health Services Evaluation Study, Preliminary Report
     Katherine J. Edgar, M.D., and Robert A. Spicer, Ph.D.

     The Forand Bill-A Wrong Answer

     Book Reviews

     County Society Reports

     Infant Death Case Study

     Hawaii Medical Association

     In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii--XXIV

     Notes and News

     President's Page

     This is What's New!

Inter-Island Nurses' Bulletin
Rosie Chang, R.N., M.Litt., Editor

     Annual Meeting

     Revised Bylaws, Hawaii Nurses Association

     Revised Rules, Education Administration, Consultants, and Teachers Section

     Revised Rules, Institutional Nursing Service Administrators Section

Medical Technologists' Bulletin


Number 4, March-April 1960

Scientific articles
     Leprosy in Children Born at Kalaupapa
     Robert M. Worth, M.D., M.P.H.

     Pediatric Emergencies: I, Emergencies of the Child
     Arild E. Hansen, M.D., Ph.D.

     Actinomycotic Empyema, A Case Report
     Joseph A. Hawkins, M.D., and Joseph L. Marcarelli, M.D.

     The Physician and Rehabilitation
     Toru Nishigaya, M.D.

     Cesarean Sections at St. Francis Hospital, 1949-1958
     Chen-Tung Chang, M.D.

     Acute Poisoning from the Ingestion of Seed of the Jatropha Curcas, Report of Five Cases
     Richard K. B. Ho, M.D.

     Cancer, Common Sense, and Bureaucracy

     The Hawaii State Department of Health: A New Look

     The W.M.A. and the W.H.O.

     Book Reviews

     County Society Reports

     Infant Death Case Report

     In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii--XXV

     Notes and News

     President's Page

     This is What's New!

Inter-Island Nurses' Bulletin
Rosie Chang, R.N., M.Litt., Editor

     General Interest

     Clinical and Technical

     Nursing Education and Nursing Service

     District and Section News

     Book Reviews

Medical Technologists' Bulletin


Number 5, May-June 1960

Scientific Articles
     Control of Tuberculosis in General Hospital Personnel
     Homer M. Izumi, M.D.

     John R. Stephenson, M.D.

     Cancer of the Nasopharynx
     L. Q. Pang, M.D.

     Pediatric Emergencies: II
     Arild E. Hansen, M.D.

     Use-Don't Abuse-Insurance Plans'

     Aloha to Dr. Levine

     Book Reviews

     Bureau of Medical Economics


     County Society Reports

     Infant Death Case Study

     Hawaii Medical Association

     In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii--XXVI

     Notes and News

     President's Page

     Protection from National Compulsory Insurance

     This is What's New!

Inter-Island Nurses' Bulletin
Rosie Chang, R.N., M.Litt., Editor

     President's Message


     General Interest

     Nursing Education and Nursing Service

     District and Section News

Medical Technologists' Bulletin


Number 6, July-August 1960

Scientific Articles
     Periodic Paralysis Associated with Hyperthyroidism in Three Brother
     Donald W. Brown, M.D.

     Presidents Address
     Toru Nishigaya, M.D.

     Total Eye Care
     O.D. Pinkerton, M.D.

     A Temperature Control Unit for a Commercial Disc Oxygenator
     Paul W. Gebauer, M.D., Scott C. Brainard, M.D., Carl B, Mason, M.D., and Mary Connor, B.S., M.T. (A.S.C.P.)

     Importance of Arterial Blood Analysis in Evaluating Pulmonary Function
     Bernard J. B. Yim, M.D., and Gilbert A. Ching, M.D.

     Hawaii Health Survey

     Annual Index

     Book Reviews

     Hawaii Medical Association AMA Delegate's Report

     Hawaii Medical Association Annual Meeting Transactions

     Infant Death Case Study

     In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii--XXVII

     Notes and News

     Our New President

     President's Page

Inter-Island Nurses' Bulletin
Rosie Chang, R.N., M.Litt., Editor
     Nursing Education and Nursing Service

     ANA Convention Summary

Medical Technologists' Bulletin


Index to Volume 19

Subject and Title Index   &   Author Index


Subject and Title Index

A-D   E-H   I-M   N-P   R-V  

Acute poisoning from the ingestion of seeds of Jatropha curcas, 421
Alga, dermatitis producing in Hawaii, preliminary report, 35
Apparatus for electrocardiography on infants, 163
Arterial blood analysis, importance of in evaluating pulmonary function, 654
Arthropod-borne virus encephalitis potentials in Hawaii, 29
Atherosclerosis, coronary, in ethics groups, 159

Top of Subject and Title Index

Book reviews, 53, 180, 312, 432, 549, 663
Bureau of Medical Economics, 183, 542

Top of Subject and Title Index

Cancer of the nasopharynx, 529
Cesarean sections at St. Francis Hospital, 1949-1958, 416
Control of Tuberculosis in general hospital personnel, value of repeated tuberculin tests and isoniazid treatment of converters, 521
Coronary atherosclerosis in ethnic groups, a series of 2,000 autopsies, 159
Correspondence, 5, 125, 489
County society reports, 56, 188, 318, 436, 551
Culture of E. histolytica used at Territorial Hospital, method for, 332
Cytology seminar, 566

Top of Subject and Title Index

Dermatitis-producing alga in Hawaii, preliminary report, 35
Dermatitis escharotica caused by marine alga, 32
Doctors of Hawaii--In Memoriam
     Aiken, Perley Johnson, 51
     Brinkerhoff, Walter Remsen, 431
     Burnham, Minnette, 181
     Captron, Victor James, 311
     Curtis, Henry J., 311
     Deas, William Blamyer, 431
     Dinegar, Robert Henry, 431
     Greenfield, Charles Bailey, 181
     Hayes, Henry Homer, 661
     Hofmann, Karl Reinhardt, 311
     Mackay, Katherine Joanna, 431
     Morong, Frederick Lincoln, 661
     O'Neil, Martin Joseph, 661
     O'Day, john Christopher, 548
     Russel, Nicholas, 51
     St. Sure, Franklin August, 311
"Dumping" syndrome, the postgastrectomy, 292
Duodenal and gastric ulcers, 287

Top of Subject and Title Index

E. histolytica, method used for culture of, 332
     Aloha to Dr. Levine, 539
     Animals and human disease in Hawaii, 46
     Cancer, common sense, and bureaucracy, 427
     Forand Bill-a wrong answer, 306
     Hawaii health survey, 659
     Hawaii state department of health: a new look, 428
     Infant mortality, 46
     Honest medical advertising, 176
     Medical legislation, 47
     National foundation for everything, 45
     Newer concepts in virology, 177
     Use-don't abuse-insurance plans!, 538
     Virus laboratory service available, 177
     W.M.A. and the W.H.O., 428
Electrocardiography on infants, an apparatus for, 163
     of the child, 407
     of the newborn, 533
Encephalitis, arthropod-borne potentials in Hawaii, 29
Esophageal varices, hemorrhage from, 164
Eye care, total, 649

Top of Subject and Title Index

Gastric and duodenal ulcers, a need for emphasizing their dissimilarities, 287

Top of Subject and Title Index

Hawaii Medical Association, 52, 315, 522, 667, 668
Hawaii Technologists' Bulletin, 74, 202, 332, 450, 566, 696
Hemorrhage from esophageal varices, surgical management, 164
Hyperthyroidism, periodic paralysis associated with in three brothers, 649
Hypnosis, the use of in medicine, 297

Top of Subject and Title Index

Importance of arterial blood analysis in evaluating pulmonary function, 654
Infant death case study, 49, 178, 307, 433, 544, 600
Infections, ANA committee on, 558
Insurance, protection from national compulsory, 545
Inter-Island Nurses' Bulletin, 66, 190, 323, 440, 556, 686

Top of Subject and Title Index

Jatropha curcas, acute poisoning from the ingestion of seeds of, 421

Top of Subject and Title Index

Leprosy in children born at Kalaupapa, 403
Lipoprotein, serum studies among nisei in Hawaii, 155

Top of Subject and Title Index

Marine alga, dermatitis escharotica caused by, 32

Top of Subject and Title Index

Nasopharynx, cancer of, 529
Notes and news, 54, 184, 314, 434, 550, 664
     in the 50th state, 196
     psychiatric group work principles in, 559

Top of Subject and Title Index

     Bachmann, George William, Jr., 55
     Leslie, William Francis, 55
     Leyda, Paul Leighton, 434
     White, J. Warren, 185
Oxygenator, a commercial disc, temperature control unit for, 651

Top of Subject and Title Index

Paralysis, periodic, associated with hyperthyroidism in three brothers, 641
Pediatric emergencies
     part I, 407
     part II, 533
Periodic paralysis associated with hyperthyroidism in three brother, 641
Pertussis, 526
Physician and rehabilitation, 415
Pituitary gonadotropic hormones, 450
Poisoning, acute, from the ingestion of seeds of Jatropha curcas, 421
Postgastrectomy "dumping" syndrome, 292
President's message, 647
President's page, 22, 185, 305, 426, 537, 658
Protection from national compulsory insurance, 545
Pulmonary function, importance of arterial blood analysis in evaluating, 654

Top of Subject and Title Index

Rehabilitation and the physician, 415

Top of Subject and Title Index

School health services evaluation study, preliminary report, 299
Serum lipoprotein studies among nisei in Hawaii, 155
Significance and potentialities of the tuberculin test, the, 172

Top of Subject and Title Index

Temperature control unit for a disc oxygenator, a, 651
This is what's new!, 48, 179, 313, 429, 547
Total eye care, 649
Tubercle bacillus in sputum, methods used for search for the, 333
Tuberculin test, the significance and potentialities of the, 172
Tuberculosis, control of in general hospital, 521

Top of Subject and Title Index

Ulcers, gastric and duodenal, 287
Use of hypnosis in medicine, the, 296

Top of Subject and Title Index

Virus encephalitis potentials, arthropod-borne, in Hawaii, 29

Top of Subject and Title Index


Author Index

B-M   N-Y  

Banner, Albert H., 35
Bortz, Walter, 159
Brainard, Scott C., 651
Burgess, C. M., 164
Brown, Donald W., 641
Connor, Mary, 651
Chang, Chen-Tung, 416
Ching, Gilbert A., 654
Choy, Duke Cho, 297
Edgar, Katherine J., 299
Freeman, G. C., 164
Gebauer, Franklin H., 32
Hansen, Arild E., 407, 533
Ho, Richard K. B., 421
Izumi, Homer M., 521
Larsen, Nils P., 159
Marks, Robert H., 172
Mason, Carl B., 651

Top of Author Index

Nishigaya, Toru, 415, 647
Okazaki, Kyuro, 155
Pinkerton, O. D., 545, 649
Quisenberry, Walter B., 29
Spicer, Robert A., 299
Stephenson, John R., 163, 526
Strode, J. E., 287
Wallace, Gordon D., 29
Warshauer, Frederick B., 292
Worth, Robert M., 403
Yim, Bernard J. B., 654

Top of Author Index