
Volume 20 [September 1960-August 1961]

Contents and Index

Number 1, September-October 1960

Scientific Articles
     Medico-Socio Economic Problems of Aging-A Panel Discussion
     Fred I. Gilbert, Jr., M.D.

     Skin Problems in Aging
     Samuel D. Allison, M.D.

     Planning for Public Health Progress in Honolulu
     Ira, V. Hiscock, Sc.D.

     Looking Ahead to Health in Hawaii for Senior Citizens
     Shoyei Yamauchi, M.D.

     Some Findings from the Hawaii Health Survey,

     Medical Care for the Elderly

     The Generic Name Fallacy

     Book Reviews

     Hawaii Medical Association

     County Society Reports

     Infant Death Case Study

     In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii--XXVIII

     President's Page

     This is What's New!

Inter-Island Nurses' Bulletin
Rosie Chang, R.., M.Litt., Editor

     Presidents' Message

     American Nurses Foundation

     General Interest

     Nursing Education and Nursing Service

Hawaii Technologists Bulletin


Number 2, November-December 1960

Scientific Articles
     School Health Services Evaluation Study.
          Part 2: Eye Examinations
          Katherine J. Edgar, M.D., Robert A. Spicer, Ph.D., and Vernon K.S. Jim, M.D.

     Hyperuricemia in Filipinos
     Nicholas Steuermann, M.D., and Aeme H. Farias, M.S.

     Present Day Concept of the Role of Platelets in Hemostasis
     T. F. Fujiwara, M.D.

     Cytinosis; An Ante-Mortem Case Presentation
     John R. Clark, M.D.

     Our Children's Keeper

     Utilization of Empty Tuberculosis Beds

     To Share My Substance

     Book Reviews

     County Society Reports

     Infant Death Case Study

     In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii--XXIV

     Notes and News

     President's Page

     This is What's New!

Inter-Island Nurses' Bulletin
Rosie Chang, R.N., M.Litt., Editor

     New officers

     General Interest

     District and Section News

Hawaii Technologists Bulletin


Number 3, January-February 1960

Scientific Articles
     Some Diseases Peculiarities in Hawaii
     Paul Tamura, M.D.

     Public Health in Hawaii, 1960, Report of a Health Inventory
     Ira V. Hiscock, M.P.H., Sc.D.

     The Foreign Medical Graduate

     Our Image

     The Premarital Examination

     Book Reviews

     County Society Reports

     Hawaii Medical Association

     Infant Death Case Study

     In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii

     Notes and News

     President's Page

     This is What's New!

Inter-Island Nurses' Bulletin

Hawaii Technologist' Bulletin


Number 4, March-April 1961

Scientific Articles
     A Symposium of Unusual Trauma Case
     Edited by Colonel Warner F. Bowers, MC, and Colonel Carl W. Hughes, MC

     Treatment of Gunshot Wounds, Missile and Blank
     Captain George L. Johnson, MC

     Difficulty in Diagnosing Perforation of Mid-Small Bowel
     Captain Richard B. Helfrich, MC

     Small-Vessel Hemorrhage Requiring Thoracotomy
     Captain Lester F. Williams, USAF (MC)

     Severe Multiple Injuries
     Captain Francis J. Heck, MC

     Traumatic Inguinal Hernia and Thrombosis of the External Iliac Artery Due to Blunt
     Captain William S. Moskovitz, MC

     Acute Superior Vena Caval Compression
     Captain William F Quigley, MC

     A Complicated Penetrating Wound of the Abdomen with Injury to the Colon and Small Intestine
     Captain Kenneth B. Bonilla, MC

     Rectal Wounds by Gunshot and Impalement
     Captain Thomas M. Geer, MC

     Traumatic Perforation of Jejunum-Report of a Case
     Roy T. Tanoue, M.D.

     Traumatic Hernia of the Diaphragm and Spontaneous Perforation of the Esophagus
     James W. Cherry, M.D.

     Delayed Traumatic Dislocation of the Cervical Spine
     Ralph B. Cloward, M.D.

     Serious Cardio-thoracic Trauma Complicated by Cardiac Tamponade
     Captain Kenneth B. Bonilla, MC, Captian William S. Moskovitz, MC, Captain William F. Quigley, MC, Colonel Carl W. Hughes, MC, Colonel Warner F. Bowers, MC

     Some of Our "Angels" Have Flown


     Social Security Medicine

     Eosinophilic meningitis

     Book Reviews

     County Society Reports

     Infant Death Case Study

     In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii

     Notes and News

     President's Page

     This is What's New!

Inter-Island Nurses' Bulletin
Rosie Chang, R.N., M.Litt., Editor

     General Health Nurses Section Rules

Hawaii Technologists' Bulletin

Hawaii Pharmacists' Bulletin


Number 5, May-June 1961

Scientific Articles
     Modern Trends in Psychiatric Therapy
     Captain J. F. McMullin, MC, USN

     Internal Parasites of Man in Hawaii with Special References to Heterophyid Flukes
     Hilda Lei Ching, Ph.D.

     Radioiodine Therapy of Hyperthyroidism
     Robert G. Rigler, M.D., Robert A Nordyke, M.D, And Fred I, Gilbert, JR., M.D.

     Zoster Facialis, A Case Report
     John R. Clark, M.D.

     The Mabel L. Smyth Memorial Building

     Medical Leadership in Rehabilitation

     Honesty, Courtesy, and Ethics

     Book Reviews

     County Society Reports

     Hawaii Medical Association

     Infant Death Case Study

     In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii

     Notes and News

     President's Page

     This Is What's New!

Inter-Island Nurses' Bulletin
     General Interest

     EACT Revised Rules

Hawaii Technologist's Bulletin

Hawaii Pharmacists' Bulletin


Number 6, July-August 1961

Scientific Articles
     Public Relations and Our Problems of Seeing Ourselves as Others See Us!
     Edward F. Cushnie, M.D.

     The Vanishing Art of Diagnosis with Eyes and Ears
     Walter C. Alvarez, M.D.

     Resuscitation of the Newborn
     John R. Stephenson, M.D., and John F, Hanley, M.D.

     Granular Cell Tumor (Granular Cell Myoblastoma) of the Stomach
     G. N. Stemmermann, V. Mori, and C. Wakai

     HMSA Disease
     Mirabile Dictu, M.D.

     Zoster Facialis
     John R. Clark, M.D.

     "A Gentleman with Clean Hands"

     Foreign Medical School Graduates

     Annual Index

     Book Reviews

     County Society Reports

     Hawaii Medical Association Meeting Transactions

     In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii--XXXIII

     Notes and News

     Our New President

     President's Page

     This Is What's New!

Inter-Island Nurses' Bulletin
     General Interest

     Book Reviews

Hawaii Technologists' Bulletin


Indexes to Volume 20

Subject and Title Index   &   Author Index


Subject and Title Index

A-D   E-H   I-M   N-P   R-Z  

Abdomen, a complicated penetrating wound of the, with injury to the colon and small intestine, 338
Acute superior vena caval compression, 337
     medico-socio economic problems, 37
     skin problems in, 42
Amylase, experiences with the caraway, method for, 475

Top of Subject and Title Index

Blood sugar determination, new method for, 282
Book Reviews, 67, 169, 269, 363, 461, 549
Bowel, difficulty in diagnosing perforation of mid-small, 333

Top of Subject and Title Index

Cardiac tamponade, serious cardio-thoracic trauma complicated by, 350
Cardio-thoracic trauma complicated by cardia tamponade, 350
Cervical spine, traumatic dislocation of the, 344
Complicated penetrating wound of the abdomen with injury to the colon and small intestine, 338
Correspondence, 409
County society reports, 68, 174, 268, 366, 464, 552
Cystinosis, 157

Top of Subject and Title Index

Delayed traumatic dislocation of the cervical spine, 344
Diagnosis with the eyes and ears, the vanishing art of, 000
Diaphragm, traumatic hernia of the, and spontaneous perforation of mid-small bowel, 333
Disease peculiarities in Hawaii
, 235
Doctors of Hawaii--In Memoriam
     Bemiss, John Harrison, 65
     Bullions, Henry L., 553
     Carter, albert Bradley, 168
     Colville, Young Ernest, 362
     Cooper, Harry Bryant, 362
     Currie, Donald Herbert, 460
     Farrell, John Hogan, 267
     Hedemann, Ferdinand F., 553
     Hollmann, Harry Triebner, 65
     Leong, Francis Wong, 553
     Nichols, Charles Fessenden, 168
     Nottage, Herbert Piercy, 267
     Osmers, William, 267
     Rae, John, 460
     Yoshimura, Tsuneo, 362

Top of Subject and Title Index

     Eosinophilic meningitis, 357
     Elderly, medical care for, 60
     Foreign medical school graduate, the, 260
     Generic name fallacy, the, 61
     Gentleman with clean hands, a, 546
     Hawaii Health Survey, some findings from, 59
     Honesty, courtesy, and ethics, 455
     Mabel L. Smyth Memorial Building, the, 454
     Medical care for the elderly, 60
     Medical implication of oral polio vaccine, 357
     Medical leadership in rehabilitation, 455
     No more scruples, 546
     Our children's keepers, 165
     Our image, 261
     Premarital examinations, the, 261
     Social Security medicine, 358
     Some findings from the Hawaii Health Survey, 59
     Some of our angels have flown, 356
     To share my substance, 166
     Utilization of empty tuberculosis beds, 166
Esophagus, spontaneous perforation of the , and traumatic hernia of the diaphragm, 341
Eye examination, Part II, 145

Top of Subject and Title Index

Filipinos, hyperuricemia in, 151
Flukes, heterophyid (internal parasites of man in Hawaii), 442

Top of Subject and Title Index

Granular cell tumor (granular cell myoblastoma)of the stomach, 537
     and impalement, rectal wounds by, 339
     missile and blank, treatment of, 332

Top of Subject and Title Index

HMSA disease, 540
Hawaii Medical Association, 66, 264, 459, 555
Hawaii Pharmacists' Bulletin, 382, 477
Hawaii Technologists' Bulletin, 82, 184, 282, 379, 474, 590
     internal parasites of men in, 442
     public health in, 1960, 240
     some disease peculiarities in, 235
Hematology, what's new in, 474
Hemorrhage, small-vessel requiring thoracotomy, 334
Hemostatis, present day concept of the role of plate lets in, 154
     diaphragm and spontaneous peroration of the esophagus, of the, 341
     traumatic inguinal and thrombosis of the external iliac artery due to blunt trauma, 336
Hyperuricemia in Filipinos, 151
Hyperthyroidism, radioiodine therapy of, 446

Top of Subject and Title Index

Infant death case study, 62, 171, 262, 361, 456
In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii, 65, 168, 267, 362, 460, 553
Inter-Island Nurses; Bulletin, 72, 178, 272, 370, 468, 583
Internal parasites of man in Hawaii, 442

Top of Subject and Title Index

Jejunum, traumatic perforation of, 340

Top of Subject and Title Index

Looking ahead to health in Hawaii for senior citizens, 52

Top of Subject and Title Index

Medico-socio-economic problems of aging, 37
Modern trends in psychiatric therapy, 435
Multiple injuries severe, 335
Myoblastoma, granular cell, of the stomach, 537

Top of Subject and Title Index

Newborn, resuscitation of the, 534
Notes and News, 172, 265, 364, 462, 550

Top of Subject and Title Index

     Cheim, Erwin, 173
     Keller, Arthur R., 470
     Iwanaga, Barney N., 551
     Masunaga, Eichi, 365
     Nelson, Tell, 364
     Price, Charles E., 463

Top of Subject and Title Index

     of the esophagus and traumatic hernia of the diaphragm, 341
     of the jejunum, traumatic, 340
Planning for public health progress in Honolulu, 47
Platelets, present day concept of the role of in hemostasis, 154
President's Page, 58, 164, 257, 353, 451, 544
Psychiatric therapy, modern trends in, 435
     health in Hawaii, 1960, 240
     relations and our problems of seeing ourselves as other see us, 527

Top of Subject and Title Index

Radioiodine therapy of hyperthyroidism, 446
Rectal wounds by gunshot and impalemen, 339
Red Cell uptake of I-131T3, 379
Resuscitation of the newborn, 534
Reticulocyte stain, new methylene blue as a, 283
Rheumatoid arthritis test, 283

Top of Subject and Title Index

School health services evaluation study II, 145
Senior citizens, looking ahead to health in Hawaii for, 52
Skin problems in aging , 42
Small-vessel hemorrhage requiring thoracotomy, 334
Stomach, granular cell myoblastoma of the, 537
Symposium of unusual trauma cases, 331

Top of Subject and Title Index

This is What's New!, 63, 167, 263, 359, 457, 547
Thoracotomy, small-vessel hemorrhage requiring, 334
Thrombosis of the external iliac artery and traumatic inguinal hernia due to blunt trauma, 336
Trauma cases, a symposium of unusual, 331
     dislocation of the cervical spine, delayed, 344
     hernia of the diaphragm and spontaneous perforation of the esophagus, 341
     inguinal hernia and thrombosis of the external iliac artery due to blunt trauma, 336
     perforation of the jejunum, 340
Treatment of gunshot wounds, missile and blank, 332

Top of Subject and Title Index

Vanishing art of diagnosis with the eyes and ears, the, 529
Vena caval compression, acute superior, 337

Top of Subject and Title Index

Zoster facialis, 449, 543

Top of Subject and Title Index


Author Index

A-F   G-R   S-W  

Allison, Samuel D., 42
Alvarez, Walter C., 529
Bernstein, Leo, 37
Bonilla, Kenneth B., 338, 350
Bowers, Warner F., 331, 350
Cherry, James W., 341
Ching Hila Lei, 442
Clark, John R., 157, 449
Cloward, Ralph B., 344
Cushnie, E. F., 527
Dictu, Mirabile, 540
Edgar, Katherine J., 145
Farias, Aeme H., 151
Fox, Morris G., 38
Fujiwara, T. F., 154

Top of Author Index

Geer, Thomas M., 339
Gilbert, Fred I., Jr., 37, 446
Hager, Richard E., 41
Hanley, John F., 534
Heck, Francis J., 335
Helfrich, Richard B., 333
Hiscock, Ira V., 47, 240
Hughes, Carl W., 331, 350
Jim, Vernon K. A., 145
Johnson, George L., 332
Lind, Andrew W., 39
Longnecker, Kent, 40
McMullin, J. F., 435
Mori, Victor M., 537
Moskovitz, William S., 336, 350
Nordyke, Robert A., 446
Quigley, william F., 337, 350
Rigler, Robert G., 446

Top of Author Index

Spicer, Robert A., 145
Stemmermann, G. N., 537
Stephenson, John R., 534
Steuermann, Nicholas, 151
Tamura, Paul Y., 235
Tanimoto, Ralph H., 590
Tanoue, Roy T., 340
Yamauchi, Shoyei, 52
Wakai, Coolidge S., 537
Williams, Lester F., Jr., 334

Top of Author Index