
Volume 21 [September 1961-August 1962]

Contents and Index

Number 1, September-October 1961

Scientific Articles
     Sarcoidosis in Hawaii
     Donald W. Brown, M.D.

     Contact Lenses
     T. P. Frissell, M.D.

     Puzzling Types of Abdominal Pain
     Walter C. Alvarez, M.D.

     Skin Diseases Affected by Pregnancy
     Harry L. Arnold, Jr., M.D.

     G. B. Garis, M.D.

     Medical Discipline

     National Foundation for Everything!

     Nurses Support the King Bill

     Book Reviews

     County Society Reports

     Hawaii Medical Association

     In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii--XXXIV

     Notes and News


     President's Page

     This is What's New!

Inter-Island Nurses' Bulletin
     General Interest

     Book Reviews

Hawaii Technologists' Bulletin


Number 2, November-December 1961

Scientific Articles
     Artificial Kidney--"Nephromime"
     Paul Y. Tamura, M.D., and W. Harold Civin, M.D.

     Experiences with the Artificial Kidney at The Queen's Hospital
     Shigeru Richard Horio, M.D.

     Parasitic Meningo-Encephalitis in Hawaii
     Shigeru Richard Horio, M.D., and Joseph Alicata, Ph.D.

     Duodenal Ulcer in a Premature Infant
     Walter Y. M. Chang, M.D., and
     Horace Warden, Capt. (MC) USN

     Liver and Biliary Tract Function Testing
     With Radioiodinated Rose Bengal
     Robert A. Nordyke, M.D.

     No Hurry About Oral Polio Vaccine

     Medication by Government Fiat

     No More Scruples

     Book Reviews

     County Society Reports

     In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii--XXXV

     Notes and News

     President's Page

     This is What's New!

Inter-Island Nurses' Bulletin
     General Interest

     Book Reviews

Hawaii Technologists' Bulletin


Number 3, January-February 1962

Scientific Articles
     Recent Advances in Surgery for Deafness
     L. Q. Pang, M.D.

     The School Health Services Evaluation Project:
     Speech and Hearing
     Jen Fong Moo, M.D., Amy Foster, Renee Powell,
     Robert A. Spicer, Ph.D., and Katherine J. Edgar, M.D.

     Robert J. T. Joy, Capt. (MC) USA, Frank L. Miller,
     Lt. Col. (MC) USA, and William Dito, Capt, (MC) USA

     Rheumatic Fever and Rheumatic Heart Disease
     in University of Hawaii Freshmen
     Thomas C. McBride, M.D.


     The Hawaii Birth Rate

     Aloha, Nurses!

     Book Reviews

     County Society Reports

     Hawaii Medical Association

     In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii--XXXVI

     New and Views

     Notes and News

     President's Page

     This is What's New!

Inter-Island Nurses' Bulletin
     HNA Official Directory

     General Interest

Hawaii Technologists' Bulletin
     Observations on Staphylococcus aureus
     Phage-Type 80 / 81 Hawaii and its Resistance to Antibiotics
     R. H. Tanimoto, M.S.


Number 4, March-April 1962

     King-Anderson vs. Kerr-Mills, The Facts
     Nancy T. Cabot, B.S.

     What's Wrong with the King-Anderson Bill?
     J. Alfred Burden, M.D.

     William Hillebrand, M.D.

     Our "New Hat"

     Social Security Medicine

     Book Reviews


     County Society News

     Hawaii Medical Association

     In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii--XXXVII

     King-Anderson--Kerr-Mills Comparison

     New Members

     Notes and News

     Poison Report

     President's Page      337

     Reports and Snorts

     This is What's New!

Hawaii Technologists Bulletin
     Ode to a Urinalysis Lab

     Laboratory Findings Aiding in the Diagnosis
     of Untreated Pernicious Anemia


Number 5, May-June 1962

     Some Characteristics of "Swimming Pool" Disease in Hawaii
     H. H. Walker, M.D., M. F. Shinn, M.T.,
     M. Higaki, B.S., and J. Ogata, B.S.

     Primary Hyperaldosteronism Due to Left Adrenal Adenoma,
     Report of a Case
     Fred I. Gilbert, Jr., M.D.

     Phenylpyruvic Oligophrenia
     Frank L. Tabrah, M.D.

     Gas Formation in Fetal Circulation as Evidence of Fetal Death
     George Bracher, M.D.

     Infant Research
     David H. Crowell, Ph.D.

     Balnei Granuloma in Hawaii

     Birth Defects

     Book Reviews

     County Society News

     In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii--XXXVIII

     New Members

     Notes and News

     Poison Report

     Presidents' Page

     Reports and Snorts

     This is What Was New!

Hawaii Technologists' Bulletin
     Problems Relative to the Reproduction of Microchemical Methods


Number 6, July-August 1962

     A Victory for Reason or for Emotion?
     Leonard W. Larson, M.D.

     Presidential Address
     J. Alfred Burden, M.D.

     Electromyography and Electrial Stimulation:
     A Brief Survey of Clinical Uses
     Michael M. Okihiro, M.D.

     Antibiotic Treatment of Staphylococcal Disease
     D. E. Torin, Captain, MC

     Primary Hyperthyroidism, A Symposium
     Stephen Schwartz, M.D., John Ambrose, M.D.,
     Jack Scaff, M.D., James Miyashiro, M.D.,
     and Louis S. Rockett, M.D.

     The Service Concept and Social Security

     Glue Sniffing

     Book Reviews


     County Society News

     Hawaii Medical Association

     In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii--XXXIX

     New Members

     Our New President

     President's Page

     Reports and Snorts

     This is What's New!

Hawaii Technologists' Bulletin
     Some Common Problems Encountered in Blood Banking


Index to Volume 21

Subject and Title Index   &   Author Index


Subject and Title Index

A-D   E-H   I-M   N-P   R-W  

Abdominal pain, puzzling types of, 38
Adrenal adenoma, left, primary hyperaldosteronism due to, 410
Anemia, pernicious, laboratory findings aiding in the diagnosis of, 354
Antibiotic treatment of staphylococcal disease, 495
Artificial kidney
     experiences with at The Queen's Hospital, 131
     "nephromime" indications, 125
Asterol dihydrochloride toxicity, 342

Top of Subject and Title Index

Balnei granuloma, "swimming pool" disease, some characteristics of in Hawaii, 403
Biliary tract and liver function testing, 144
Blood bank
     some common problems encountered in, 164
     prove and improve your, 164
Book reviews, 59, 153, 245, 348, 431, 509

Top of Subject and Title Index

Coagulation time, venous, 72
Contact lenses, 36
Correspondence, 301, 514
County Society Reports, 62, 152, 246, 346, 428, 511

Top of Subject and Title Index

Deafness, recent advances in surgery for, 221
Doctors of Hawaii--In Memoriam
     Bull, Charles George, 506
     Durney, Charles Paul, 58
     Foote, Gilbert A., 424
     Furry, John Delarma, 244
     Gaspar, Luiz Rodriques, 244
     Hagan, Martin, 151
     Hugus, H. P., 506
     Patterson, Lawrence Leslie, 424
     Palmer, John Williamson, 345
     Shepard, Irwin James, 151
     Shipley, George T., 244
     Thompson, James Malcolm, 244
     Troutman, Holmes Fielding, 345
     Waterhouse, Alfred Herbert, 58
Duodenal ulcer, perforated, in a premature infant with survival, 141

Top of Subject and Title Index

     Aloha, nurses!, 241
     AMPAC, 240
     Balnei granuloma in Hawaii, 422
     Birth defects, 423
     Glue sniffing, 505
     Hawaii birth rate, 241
     Our "new hat", 341
     Medical discipline, 52
     Medication by government fiat, 148
     National Foundation for everything!, 53
     No hurry about oral polio vaccine, 147
     No more scruples, 148
     Nurses support the King bill, 54
     Social Security medicine, 341
     Service concept and Social Security, the, 505
     William Hillebrand, 340
Electromyography and electrical stimulation, 492
Encephalitis, meningo-, a new parasitic disease of man in Hawaii, 139
Experiences with the artificial kidney at The Queen's Hospital, 131

Top of Subject and Title Index

Fetal death, gas formation in fetal circulation as evidence of, 417

Top of Subject and Title Index

Gas formation in fetal circulation as evidence of fetal death, 417

Top of Subject and Title Index

Hawaii Medical Association, 60, 247, 350, 519
Hawaii Technologists' Bulletin, 72, 164, 262, 354, 438, 550
Hearing and speech, the school health evaluation project, 227
Heart disease, rheumatic, and rheumatic fever in University of Hawaii Freshman, 234
Hyperaldosteronism, primary, due to left adrenal adenoma, 410
Hyperparathyroidism, 43
Hyperthyroidism, primary, 499

Top of Subject and Title Index

Infant research, 419
In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii, 58, 151, 244, 345, 424, 506
Inter-Island Nurses' Bulletin, 66, 158, 254

Top of Subject and Title Index

Kerr-Mills vs King-Anderson, 327, 338
     artificial, experience with the, at The Queen's Hospital, 131
     artificial, "nephromime" indications, 125
King-Anderson      bill, what's wrong with the, 332
     vs Kerr-Mills, 327, 338

Top of Subject and Title Index

Laboratory findings aiding in the diagnosis of untreated pernicious anemia, 354
Lead poisoning, 427
Liver and biliary tract function testing, 144

Top of Subject and Title Index

Meningo-encephalitis in Hawaii, a new parasitic disease of man, 139
Microchemical methods, problems related to reproduction of, 438

Top of Subject and Title Index

"Nephromime," artificial kidney, indications, 125
New Members, 347, 429, 510
Notes and News, 61, 154, 248, 349, 430, 512

Top of Subject and Title Index

     Glaser, Frank, E., 248
     Gordon, Maurice, 513
     Kushi, Edward S., 155
     Kusunoki, Clarence Junro, 154
     Kutsunai, Toshio, 249
     Wynn, William Henry, 349
Observations on staphylococcus aureus phage-type 80/81 Hawaii and its resistance to antibiotics, 262
Oligophrenia, phenylpyruvic, 413

Top of Subject and Title Index

Parasitic meningo-encephalitis in Hawaii, a new parasitic disease of man, 139
Perforated duodenal ulcer in a premature infant with survival, 141
Pernicious anemia, laboratory findings aiding in the diagnosis of, 354
Phenylpyruvic oligophrenia, 413
Poison reports, 57, 342, 427
Pregnancy, skin diseases affected by, 41
Premature infant, perforated duodenal ulcer in, with survival, 141
Presidential address, 526
President's Page, 49, 146, 238, 337, 421, 504
Primary hyperaldosteronism due to left adrenal adenoma, 410
Primary hyperthyroidism, 499
Problems relative to the reproductions of microchemical methods, 438
Puzzling types of abdominal pain, 38

Top of Subject and Title Index

Recent advances in surgery for deafness, 221
Reports and Snorts, 214, 321, 398, 482
Rheumatic Fever and rheumatic heart disease in University of Hawaii Freshmen, 234

Top of Subject and Title Index

Sarcoidosis in Hawaii: why doesn't it occur?, 33
School health services evaluation project: speech and hearing, 227
Skin diseases affected by pregnancy, 41
Some characteristics of "swimming pool" disease in Hawaii, 403
Speech and hearing: the school health evaluation project, 227
Staphylococcal disease, antibiotic treatment of, 495
Staphylococcus aureus, observations on, phage type 80/81 Hawaii and its resistance to antibiotics, 262
Surgery for deafness, recent advances in, 221
"Swimming pool" disease in Hawaii, some characteristics of, 403

Top of Subject and Title Index

This Is What's New!, 55, 149, 243, 343, 425, 507
Trichinosis, 230

Top of Subject and Title Index

Ulcer, perforated duodenal, in a premature infant with survival, 141
University of Hawaii freshmen, rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease in, 234

Top of Subject and Title Index

Venous coagulation time, 72
Victory for reason or emotion, a , 487

Top of Subject and Title Index

What's wrong with the King-Anderson bill?, 332

Top of Subject and Title Index


Author Index

A-F   G-R   S-W  

Alicata, Joseph E., 139
Alvarez, Walter C., 38
Ambrose, John, 499
Arnold, Harry L., Jr., 41
Bracher, George, 417
Brown, Donald W., 33
Burden, J. A., 332, 490
Cabot, Nancy T., 327
Chang, Walter Y. M., 141
Civin, W. Harold, 125
Crowell, David H., 419
Devereux, Dorothy Ann, 354
Dito, William, 230
Edgar, Katherine J., 227
Ferrell, Carl B., 438
Foster, Amy, 227
Frissell, Thomas P., 36

Top of Author Index

Garis, George B., 43
Gilbert, Fred I., Jr., 410
Hess, Donald, 72
Higaki, M., 403
Ho, Richard K. B., 57, 342, 427
Horio, Shigeru Richard, 131, 139
Joy, Robert J. T., 230
Larson, Leonard W., 487
Malootian, Ida, 164
MacPherson, C. R., 550
McBride, Thomas C., 234
Miller, Frank L., 230
Miyashiro, James S., 499
Moo, Jen Fong, 227
Nordyke, Robert A., 144
Ogata, J., 403
Okihiro, Michael M., 492
Pang, L. Q., 221
Powell, Renee, 227

Top of Author Index

Schwartz, Stephen L., 499
Scuff, Jack J., Jr., 499
Shinn, M. F., 403
Spicer, Robert A., 227
Tabrah, Frank, 413
Tamura, Paul Y., 125
Tanimoto, R. H., 262
Torin, D. E., 495
Walker, Hastings H., 403
Warden, Horace, 141

Top of Author Index