
Volume 22 [September 1962-August 1963]

Contents and Index

Number 1, September-October 1962

     Methemoglobinemia Due to Benzocaine
     John C. Milnor, M.D., and William F. Moore, Jr., M.D.

     Fifty-nine Years in Medicine
     Clarence E. Fronk, M.D.

     Early Management of Nonpenetrating Abdominal Trauma
     Walter Y. M. Chang, M.D., and Edward Williams, M.D.

     Atopic Dermatitis Among Chinese Infants
     Robert M. Worth, M.D., M.P.H., Ph.D.

     Aseptic Meningitis and Myelitis Following a Centipede Bite
     Wayne S. Limber, M.D., and Robert Weiner, M.D.

     A Latter Day Missionary

     All Out for Sabin Vaccine

     Fourteen Years of Indecision

     Book Reviews


     County Society News

     Hawaii Medical Association

     In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii--XL

     New Members

     Notes and News

     President's Page

     Reports and Snorts

     This Is What's New!

Hawaii Technologists' Bulletin
     An Improved and Rapid Method of Bone Decalcification

     Report on the 1962 North American Conference


Number 2, November-December 1962

     Finding and Planning Implications from the Hawaii Health Survey
     Charles G. Bennett, B.S., M.A.

     Dental Findings: High Caries Rate School Health Services Evaluation Study
     Manuel C. W. Kau, D.D.S.
     Kathrine J. Edgar. M.D.

     Kohala Fluoridation Program Progress Report
     F. L. Tabrah, M.D.
     B. M. Eveleth, M.D.

     A Twenty-Six Year Study of Appendectomies
     Nils P. Larsen, M.D.

     A Method for Instant Relief of Pain in Cases of Gout
     Frederick Leet Reichert, M.D.
     J. Alfred Burden, M.D.

     Give Them Today's Health

     Regarding the "Swimming Pool" Disease

     Drug Amendments of 1962

     Book Reviews

     County Society News

     Hawaii Academy of General Practice

     Hawaii Medical Association

     In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii--XLI

     New Members

     Notes and News

     President's Page

     Reports and Snorts

     This Is What's New!

Hawaii Technologists' Bulletin
     Local Lab News

     Carol McCue vs. Afghanistan

     Eosinophilic Meningitis


Number 3, January-February 1963

     Medical Education in Honolulu
          Survey Report to the Continuing Education Committee
          of the Honolulu County Medical Society
          Max Michael, Jr., M.D., and Henry S. M. Uhl, M.D.

     Medical Education: a Challenge!

     Financial Help to Students

     Cigarette Smoking

     Book Reviews

     County Society News

     Hawaii Academy of General Practice

     Hawaii Medical Association

     In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii-XLII

     New Members

     President's Page

     Reports and Snorts

     This is What's New

     Notes and News

Hawaii Technologists' Bulletin
     Local Lab News

     Book Reviews

     Hawaii Calls for Scientific Writing


Number 4, March-April 1963

     Some Aspects of Arthritis in Hawaii
     Hiroshi Nagaya, M.D.

     Comparative Tuberculin Testing Study in a Honolulu Private School
     Nathan Shklov, M.D.

     A Study of Inactive Tuberculosis Cases Removed from the Register
     Robert H. Marks, M.D.
     Betty G. MacLean, M.S.

     Census Statistics for Medical Workers
     Robert C. Schmitt, M.A.

     Careers Day

     The Place of Research in the Future of Hawaiian Medicine

     Investigation of New Drugs

     Book Reviews


     County Society News

     Hawaii Academy of General Practice

     Hawaii Medical Association

     In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii--XLIII

     New Members

     Notes and News

     President's Page

     Reports and Snorts

     This is What's New!

Hawaii Technologists' Bulletin
     Voice of the Students

     Discovery of a Wonder Drug


Number 5, May-June 1963

     Fish Poisoning in Hawaii
     Philip Helfrich, Ph.D.

     Whither Medical Licensing?

     Book Reviews

     County Society News

     Hawaii Academy of General Practice

     In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii--XLIV

     New Members

     Notes and News

     President's Page

     Reports and Snorts

     This is What's New!

Hawaii Technologists' Bulletin
     News Briefs

     How to Kill an Association in 13 Easy Steps

     The Chairman's Beatitudes


Number 6, July-August 1963

     Roseola Infantum
     W. F. Moore, Jr., M.D.

     Liver Injuries
     Louis S. Rockett, M.D.

     A Survey for Q Fever in the State of Hawaii
     J. K. Macnamee, M.S., D.V.M.

     Fatal Reaction to Tranylcpromine (Parnate)
     Douglas B. Bell II, M.D., and John Scaff, M.D.

     "Medical Ethics and Controlled Trials"

     New Anti-Caries Trace Element: Molybdenum

     Watkins & Sturgis to the Rescue

     Many Thanks to the Photographers

     Book Reviews

     County Society News

     Hawaii Academy of General Practice

     Hawaii Medical Association--Annual Meeting

          House of Delegates

     New Members

     Notes and News

     Our New President

     President's Page

     Reports and Snorts

     This is What's New!

Hawaii Technologists' Bulletin
     The Mounting of Pathological Anatomical Museum
     Specimens in Translucent Plastic

     Parasitology and Chinese Mythology


Index to Volume 22

Subject and Title Index   &   Author Index


Subject and Title Index

A-D   E-H   I-M   N-Q   R-T  

Abdominal trauma, early management of nonpenetrating, 27
Ascending transverse myelitis following a centipede bite, 35
Appendectomies, 26-year study of, 112
Arthritis, some aspects of in Hawaii, 281
Atopic dermatitis among Chinese infants in Honolulu and San Francisco, 31

Top of Subject and Title Index

Benzocaine, methemoglobinemia due to, 21
Bone decalcification, improved rapid method of, 50
Book reviews, 46, 124, 219, 302, 379, 449

Top of Subject and Title Index

County Society Reports, 45, 130, 217, 305, 381, 456
Census statistics for medical workers, 293
Centipede bite, aseptic meningitis and probable ascending transverse myelitis following, 35
     mythology and parasitology, 493
     infants in Honolulu and San Francisco, atopic dermatitis among, 31
Comparative tuberculin testing in a Honolulu private school, 286
Correspondence, 48, 261

Top of Subject and Title Index

Dental findings: high caries rate, 107
Dermatitis, atopic, among Chinese infants in Honolulu and San Francisco, 31

Top of Subject and Title Index

Early management of nonpenetrating abdominal trauma, 27
     All out for Sabin vaccine, 38
     Careers day, 297
     Cigarette smoking, 211
     Drug amendments of 1962, 120
     Financial help for students, 211
     Fourteen years of indecision, 39
     Give them Today's Health, 119
     Graduate medical education: a challenge, 210
     Investigation of new drugs, 1963, 298
     Latter day missionary, a, 38
     Many thanks to the photographers, 445
     Medical ethics and controlled trials, 444
     New anti-caries trace element: molybdenum, 445
     Place of research in the future of Hawaiian medicine, 297
     Regarding the "swimming pool" diease, 119
     Watkins & Sturgis to the rescue, 445
     Whither medical licensing, 374
Eosinophilic meningitis, 135

Top of Subject and Title Index

Fatal reaction to the monoamine oxidase inhibitor Parnate, 440
Fifty-nine years in medicine, 24
Finding and planning implications from the Hawaii Health Survey, 99
Fish poisoning in Hawaii, 361
Flouridation program, Kohala, 110

Top of Subject and Title Index

Gout, a method for instant relief of pain in cases of, 116

Top of Subject and Title Index

     fish poisoning in, 361
     health survey, finding and planning implications
          from some aspects of arthritis in, 281
     survey for Q fever in the State of, ???
Hawaii Academy of General Practice, 125, 215, 301, 377, 446
Hawaii Medical Association, 43, 130, 218, 308, 452
Hawaii Technologists' Bulletin, 50, 134, 226, 312, 388, 492
Honolulu, medical education in, 117

Top of Subject and Title Index

In Memoriam--
          Doctors of Hawaii, 40, 123, 212, 303, 376
     Bailey, Alex H., 40
     Buffum, A. C., 123
     Jackson, Arthur Flournoy, 212
     Keller, Carl, 123
     Mitamura, Vitaro, 376
     Uesu, Chirin, 376
     Webb, E. Cook, 40
     Whitman, William Dutcher, 376

Top of Subject and Title Index

Kohala fluoridation program, 110

Top of Subject and Title Index

Liver injuries, 435

Top of Subject and Title Index

Medical education in Honolulu, 177
     eosinophilic, 135
     aseptic, following centipede bite, 35
Methemoglobinemia due to benzocaine, 21
Method for instant relief of pain in cases of gout, a, 116
Monoamine oxidase inhibitor Parnate, fatal reaction, 440
Mounting pathologic specimens in translucent plastic, 492
Myelitis, following centipede bite, 35

Top of Subject and Title Index

New Members, 44, 128, 216, 304, 280, 450
Nonpenetrating abdominal trauma, early management of, 27
Notes and News, 47, 126, 221, 306, 383, 448

Top of Subject and Title Index

     Avecilla, Teodora Fidelino, 220
     Black, Gardner, 307
     Chung, Mon Fah, 382
     Dunn, William Thomas, 383
     Nishijima, Eijiro, 306
     Price, Sumner, 382
     Wayson, Newton E., 220
Our New President, 454

Top of Subject and Title Index

Parasitology and Chinese mythology, 493
Poisoning, fish, in Hawaii, 361
President's Page, 38, 118, 209, 297, 373, 442

Top of Subject and Title Index

Q fever in the State of Hawaii, a survey for, 437

Top of Subject and Title Index

Reports and Snorts, 16, 88, 248, 276, 350, 418
Roseola infantum, 431

Top of Subject and Title Index

School health services evaluation study, dental findings: high caries rate, 107
Slide latex test, as a screening method for arthritis, 281
Some aspects of arthritis in Hawaii, 281
Study of inactive tuberculosis cases removed from the register, 289
Survey for Q fever in the State of Hawaii, 437

Top of Subject and Title Index

This Is What's New!, 41, 121, 213, 299, 375, 447
Trauma, early management of nonpenetrating abdominal, 27
Tuberculin testing study, comparative, in a Honolulu school, 286
Tuberculosis, inactive, a study of cases removed from the register, 289
Twenty-six year study of appendectomies, a, 112

Top of Subject and Title Index

Author Index

B-F   H-N   R-W  

Bell, Douglas B., II, 440
Bennett, Charles G., 99
Burden, J. Alfred, 116
Chang, Walter Y. M., 27
Edgar, Katherine J., 107
Eveleth, B. M., 110
Fronk, Clarence E., 24

Top of Author Index

Helfrich, Philip, 361
Kau, Manuel C. W., 107
Larsen, Nils P., 112
Leavitt, Daniel, 50
MacLean, Betty G., 289
Macnamee, J. K., 437
Marks, Robert H., 289
Michael, Max, Jr., 177
Milnor, John C., 21
Moore, William F., Jr., 21, 426
Nagaya, Hiroshi, 281

Top of Author Index

Reichert, Frederick Leet, 116
Rockett, Louis, 435
Rosbash, David O., 50
Scaff, John, 440
Schmitt, Robert C., 293
Shklov, Nathan, 286
Tabrah, F. L., 110
Uhl, Henry S. M., 177
Williams, Edward, 27
Worth, Robert M., 31

Top of Author Index