
Volume 23 [September 1963-August 1964]

Contents and Index

Number 1, September-October 1963

     Therapeutic Aspects of Asthma,
     Emphasizing the Role and Control of Cough
     Louis S. Prickman, M.D.

     Rehabilitation of the Hearing Handicapped
     R. Bruce Joseph, M.D.

     Myocarditis and Heart Failure Due to Leptospira Pomona
     Captain Martin L. Nusynowitz, MC, USA

     Professional Health Planning

     Book Reviews

     County Society News

     Hawaii Academy of General Practice

     Hawaii Medical Association

     In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii--XLV

     New Members

     Notes and News

     President's Page

     Reports and Snorts

     This is What's New!

Hawaii Technologists' Bulletin
     ASMT Convention Report


Number 2, November-December 1963

     Analeptic Treatment of Coma
     Robert J. Hoagland, Col, MC, USA

     High School Football:
     Valuable Sport or Sado-Masochistic Excess?
     Frank L. Tabrah, M.D.

     The Man in the Loop
     Robert H. Moser, Lt Col, MC, USA

     Fractures of the Orbital Floor
     Herbert G. Pang, M.D., L. Q. Pang, M.D.,
     and Richard D. Moore, M.D.

     Hereditary Thrombasthenic Purpura and Pregnancy
     H. E. Bowles, M.D., R. B. Jaffe, M.D., and F. Roukema, M.D.

     What Price Prestige?

     High School Football

     Fluorides in Aerospace Medicine

     Book Reviews

     County Society News

     Hawaii Academy of General Practice

     Hawaii Medical Association

     In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii--XLVI

     New Members

     Notes and News

     President's Page

     Reports and Snorts

     This is What's New!

Hawaii Technologists' Bulletin
     New Officers

     Letter from Afghanistan

     Placement Bureau Approved


Number 3, January-February 1964

     Observations, Impressions, and
     Recommendations for Hawaii's Mental Health Program
     Edward D. Greenwood, M.D.

     Patients' Progress: A Study of Release and Retention
     of First Admissions to Hawaii State Hospital
     John B. Enright, Ph.D.

     Priniciples and Program of the AMA in Mental Health
     Millard B. Bethel, M.D.

     Follow-up Study of Adolescent Patients Admitted
     to Hawaii State Hospital in 1957 and 1958
     Audrey W. Mertz, M.D.

     The Other Side of the Coin

     Crazy Man

     "Intent to Imply..."

     Medical Careers

     Book Reviews

     Bureau of Medical Economics


     County Society News

     Hawaii Academy of General Practice

     Hawaii Medical Association

     In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii--XLVII

     New Members

     Notes and News

     President's Page

     Reports and Snorts

     This is What's New

Hawaii Technologists' Bulletin
     The Profession of Medical Technology


Number 4, March-April 1964

     Viruses and Cancer--A Review
     James P. Cooney, M.D.

     Detection of Latent Diabetes Mellitus
      in Chronic Disease Hospital
     Peter Kim, M.D.

     Kauai School Tuberculin Testing Data--
     An Epidemiologic Analysis
     Robert M. Worth, M.D., Ph.D.

     Human Listeriosis in Hawaii: Report of a Fatal Case
     T. David Woo, M.D.

     Tuboplasty Evaluation
     Mario A. Castallo, M.D., and Amos S. Wainer, M.D.

     Cardiovascular Study


     Book Reviews

     Bureau of Medical Economics

     County Society News

     Hawaii Academy of General Practice

     Hawaii Medical Association

     In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii--XLVIII

     New Members

     Notes and News

     President's Page

     Reports and Snorts

     This Is What's New!

Hawaii Technologists' Bulletin
     Who's Who

     Coming Events


Number 5, May-June 1964

     Accuracy of Roentgenographic Examination
     in the Differential Diagnosis of Gastric Ulcer
     William H. Bachrach, M.D.

     Arthropod-borne Virus Survey on the Island of Oahu, Hawaii
     Gordon D. Wallace, D.V.M., M.P.H., Donald Awai, B.S.,
     Albert Oda, B.S., Robert E. Kissling, D.V.M., M.S.,
     and Walter B. Quisenberry, M.D., M.P.H.

     The Cross-lip Flap in the Management of Carcinoma of the Lip
     Eldon R. Dykes, M.D.

     Idiopathic Omental Infarction
     Thomas H. Richert, M.D.

     Children's Hospital--Milestone or Millstone?

     "Probably Benign" Still Equals "Possibly Malignant"

     Welcome, Dr. Windsor Cutting!

     "Such Steps as They May Elect"

     Book Reviews

     Bureau of Medical Economics

     County Society News

     Hawaii Academy of General Practice

     Hawaii Medical Association

     In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii--XLIX

     Maternal Death Study

     New Members

     Notes and News

     President's Page

     Reports and Snorts

     This is What's New!

Hawaii Technologists' Bulletin
     Pelger-Huët Anomaly in Hawaii


Number 6, July-August 1964

     The Image of the Physician
     Robert E. Tranquada, M.D.

     Spigelian Hernia Occurring in Conjunction
     with an Inguinal Anatomical Defect
     Keith F. O. Kuhlman, M.D.

     Is Filariasis Being Transmitted in Hawaii?
     Robert M. Worth, M.D., Ph.D.

     Early Hypernephroma Revealed by Trauma
     Frederick B. Warshauer, M.D.,
     and J. I. Frederick Reppun, M.D.

     Brick and Mortar Planning

     Nursing--Then and Now

     Erratum atque Apologium

     Annual Index

     Book Reviews

     Bureau of Medical Economics

     County Society News

     Hawaii Academy of General Practice

     Hawaii Medical Association Annual Meeting

     Hawaii Medical Association Council Meeting

     Infant Death Study

     In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii--L

     New Members

     Notes and News

     Our New President

     President's Page

     Reports and Snorts

     This Is What's New!

Hawaii Technologists' Bulletin
     President's Message



Index to Volume 23

Subject and Title Index   &   Author Index


Subject and Title Index

A-D   E-H   I-M   N-Q   R-V  

Accuracy of roentgenographic examination in the differential diagnosis of gastric ulcer, 353
Analeptic treatment of coma, 103
Arthropod-borne virus survey on the island of Oahu, Hawaii, 364
Asthma, therapeutic aspects of, emphasizing the role and control of the cough, 23

Top of Subject and Title Index

Book Reviews, 50, 125, 207, 302, 384, 477
Bureau of Medical Economics, 202, 293, 383, 475

Top of Subject and Title Index

Cancer and viruses, a review, 267
Carcinoma of the lip, the cross-lip flap in the management of, 369
Coma analeptic treatment of, 103
Correspondence, 168
Cough, emphasizing the role and control of in the therapeutic aspects of asthma, 23
County Society News, 53, 127, 210, 299, 386, 479

Top of Subject and Title Index

Detection of latent diabetes mellitus in chronic disease hospital, 273
Diabetes mellitus, detection of latent, in chronic disease hospital, 273

Top of Subject and Title Index

Early hypernephroma revealed by trauma, 466
     Brick and mortar planning, 470
     Cardiovascular study, 292
     Children's Hospital--milestone or millstone, 378
     Crazy Man, 200
     Erratum atque apologium, 471
     Fluorides in aerospace medicine, 121
     HAMPAC, 292
     High school football, 121
     "Intent to imply...", 201
     Medical careers, 201
     Nursing--then and now, 471
     "Probably benign" still equals "probably malignant", 378
     Professional health planning, 47
     "Such steps as they may elect", 379
     The other side of the coin, 200
     Welcome, Dr. Windsor Cutting!, 379
     What price prestige?, 120

Top of Subject and Title Index

Filariasis, being transmitted in Hawaii?, 464
Follow-up study of adolescent patients admitted to Hawaii State Hospital in 1957 and 1958, 189
Football, high school: valuable sport or sado-masochistic excess?, 106
Fractures of the orbital floor, 112

Top of Subject and Title Index

Gastric ulcer, accuracy of roentgenographic examination on the differential diagnosis of, 353

Top of Subject and Title Index

     filariasis being transmitted in?, 464
     human listeriosis in, 282
Hawaii Academy of General Practice, 51, 122, 205, 294, 381, 473
Hawaii Medical Association, 53, 129, 206, 297, 387, 480, 484
Hawaii State Hospital
     follow-up study of adolescent patients admitted to in 1957 and 1958, 189
     patient's progress: a study of release and retention of first admissions to, 180
Hawaii Technologists' Bulletin, 60, 130, 216, 306, 394, 526
Hearing handicapped, rehabilitation of the, 32
Heart failure and myocarditis due to leptospira pomona, 41
Hereditary thrombasthenic purpura and pregnancy, 114
Hernia, Spigelian, occurring in conjunction with an inguinal anatomical defect, 460
High school football: valuable sport or sado-masochistic excess?, 106
Human listeriosis in Hawaii: report of a fatal case, 282
Hypernephroma, early, revealed by trauma, 466

Top of Subject and Title Index

Idiopathic omental infarction, 374
Image of the physician, the, 455
Infant Death Stndy [i.e. Study] Report, 476
In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii, 48, 124, 204, 295, 382, 474
     Allen, Tandy, 204
     Ayer, Richard Gilbert, 295
     Brooks, John Gaunt, 124
     Frazier, Leland, 382
     McKillop, John Edwin, 204
     Morgan, James Albert, 474
     Nakaba, Sanjiro, 295
     Ochiai, Sosuke, 48
     Potter, Gurdon, 204
     Rothrock, Arthur Crawford, 382
     Shimamoto, Unpei, 474
     Sugamura, Yoshihiro, 295
     Trotter, Frederick Eugene, 48
     Young, Edgar Nelson, 382

Top of Subject and Title Index

Kauai school tuberculin testing data--an epidemiologic analysis, 278

Top of Subject and Title Index

Lip, the cross-lip flap in the management of carcinoma of the, 369
Listeriosis, human, in Hawaii: report of a fatal case, 282
Leptospira pomona, myocarditis and heart failure due to, 41

Top of Subject and Title Index

Man in the loop, the, 109
Maternal Death Study, 385
Mental Health
     principles and program of the AMA, 186
     program, observations, impressions, and recommendations for Hawaii, 175
     release and retention of first admissions to Hawaii State Hospital, 180
     adolescent patients, follow-up study, admitted to Hawaii State Hospital, 189
Myocarditis and heart failure due to leptospira pomona, 41

Top of Subject and Title Index

New Members, 52, 126, 208, 298, 386, 478
Notes and News, 55, 128, 211, 300, 388, 481

Top of Subject and Title Index

Orbital floor, fractures of the, 112
     Davis, Arthur L., 389
     Kang, Young Polk, 301
     Kuhns, Jay M., 481
     Larsen, Nils P., 388
     McKeen, Harold R., 55
     Palma, Joseph, 128
     Tamura, Thomas Henry, 300
     Trexler, Clarence W., 54
     Wright, Donald Munroe, 54
Observations, impressions, and recommendations for Hawaii's mental health program, 175
Omental infarction, idiopathic, 374
Our New President, 486

Top of Subject and Title Index

Patient's progress: a study of release and retention of first admissions to Hawaii State Hospital, 180
Physician, the image of the, 455
Pregnancy and hereditary thrombasthenic purpura, 114
President's Page, 45, 118, 198, 290, 376, 468
Principles and program of the AMA in Mental Health, 186

Top of Subject and Title Index

Rehabilitation of the hearing handicapped, 32
Reports and Snorts, 66, 143, 220, 256, 400, 448
Roentgenographic examination in the differential diagnosis of gastric ulcer, accuracy of, 353

Top of Subject and Title Index

Space medicine: the man in the loop, 109
Spigelian hernia occurring in conjunction with an inguinal anatomical defect, 460

Top of Subject and Title Index

Therapeutic aspects of asthma, emphasizing the role and control of cough, 23
This Is What's New!, 43, 123, 203, 296, 380, 472
Thrombasthenic purpura, hereditary, and pregnancy, 114
Tuberculin testing data in Kauai schools--an epidemiologic analysis, 278
Tuboplasty evaluation, 285

Top of Subject and Title Index

Ulcer, gastric, accuracy of roentgenographic examination in the differential diagnosis of, 353

Top of Subject and Title Index

Virus, arthropod-borne, survey on the island of Oahu, Hawaii, 364
Viruses and cancer--a review, 267

Top of Subject and Title Index

Author Index

A-E   G-O   P-W  

Awai, Donald, 364
Bachrach, William H., 353
Bethel, Millard B., 186
Bowles, H. E., 114
Castallo, Mario A., 285
Cooney, James P., 267
Dykes, Eldon R., 369
Enright, John B., 180

Top of Author Index

Greenwood, Edward D., 175
Hoagland, Robert J., 103
Jaffe, R. B., 114
Joseph, R. Bruce, 32
Kim, Peter, 273
Kissling, Robert E., 364
Kuhlman, Keith F. O., 460
Mertz, Audrey W., 189
Moore, Richard D., 112
Moser, Robert H., 109
Nusynowitz, Martin L., 41
Oda, Albert, 364

Top of Author Index

Pang, Herbert G., 112
Pang, L. Q., 112
Prickman, Louis S., 23
Quisenberry, Walter B., 364
Reppun, J. I. Frederick, 466
Richert, Thomas H., 374
Roukema, F., 114
Tabrah, Frank L., 106
Tranquada, Robert E., 455
Wainer, Amos S., 285
Wallace, Gordon D., 364
Warshauer, Frederick B., 466
Woo, T. David, 282
Worth, Robert M., 278, 464

Top of Author Index