
Volume 24 [September 1964-August 1965]

Contents and Index

Number 1, September-October 1964

     Fear and Our Future
     Rodney T. West, M.D.

     Operation Swallow--Two Years After
     Robert M. Worth, M.D., Ph.D.

     Fat Embolism--Review, and Report of Two Cases
     Michael M. Okihiro, M.D.

     Fat Embolism--Review, and Report of Two Cases
     Lawrence H. Gottlieb, Captain, M.C., USA

     Quest for Truth in Health Practices
     Ira V. Hiscock, M.P.H., Sc.D.

     Polio Immunization

     The Physician, the Clergy, and the Whole Man

     What is the A.M.W.A.?

     Book Reviews

     Bureau of Medical Economics

     County Society News

     Hawaii Academy of General Practice

     Hawaii Medical Association

     Infant Death Study

     In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii--LI

     New Members

     Notes and News

     President's Page

     Reports and Snorts

     This is What's New!

Hawaii Technologists' Bulletin
     Standing Committee Chairmen

     Open Letter to All Medical Technologists

     32d Annual ASMT Convention Report


Number 2, November-December 1964

     Enteropathogenic E. coli Infections and Carriers of Bacterial
     Enteric Pathogens Among Hospitalized Children
     Max Levine, Ph.D., James R. Enright, M.D.,
     and George Ching, B.S.

     A Test of the Infectivity of Tuberculoid Leprosy Patients
     Robert M. Worth, M.D., Ph.D., and Ira D. Hirschy, M.D., M.P.H.

     Chromatin-negative Klinefelter's Syndrome Associated
     with Diabetes Mellitus
     A. A. Zaninovich, M.D.

     XY-XXY Mosaicism Diagnosed by a Microtechnique of
     Leukocyte Culture
     Carol A. Bell, M.D., Jane O. Scheetz, M.D.,
     W. Harold Civin, M.D., and Barbara H. Sakai, B.A., M.T.

     Aloha, Dr. Civin!

     Book Reviews

     Bureau of Medical Economics

     County Society News

     Hawaii Academy of General Practice

     Infant Death Study

     In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii--LII

     New Members

     Notes and News

     President's Page

     Reports and Snorts

     This Is What's New!

Hawaii Technologists' Bulletin
     Christmas Message

     Abstract--Peripheral Blood Histiocytosis is Endocarditis Key


     Technologists to Viet Nam and Laos


Number 3, January-February 1965

     Outline of a Proposed Program for Development of a Medical
     Center for Kapiolani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital,
     Kauikeolani Children's Hospital, and The Queen's Hospital, Honolulu
     Joseph Stokes, Jr., M.D.

     Planning for Hospital and Related Health Facilities and Services
     Edward W. Colby, M.D.

     Introduction to the Institute on the Care of Premature Infants
     Joseph Palma, M.D.

     Respiratory Distress Syndrome of the Newborn,
     A Retrospective Study of 100 Cases
     Michael Schwartz, M.D., and Charles H. Bauer, M.D.

     Infections in the Newborn
     Calvin C. J. Sia, M.D.

     Nutrition of the Premature Infant
     Lt. Col. Edward J. Tomsovic, MC

     The University States Its Position

     What Price a Teaching Hospital?

     Book Reviews

     Bureau of Medical Economics

     Correspondence--More on Football Injuries

     County Society News

     Hawaii Academy of General Practice

     Hawaii Medical Assoication--Council Minutes

     In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii--LIII

     Maternal Death Study

     New Members

     Notes and News

     President's Page

     Reports and Snorts

     This Is What's New!

Hawaii Technologists' Bulletin
     Interning Technologists for 1965

     Christmas Party Highlights

     Successful Candy Sale


     Quality Control Program Among Local Hospitals


Number 4, March-April 1965

     Some Problems of Heart Disease, 1964
     Irvine H. Page, M.D.

     Waldenström's Macroglobulinemia with Transient
     Cholestatic Jaundice
     Anna Maria Brault, M.D.

     Clinical Leptospirosis in Hawaii
     Walter L. Jensen, Jr., M.D., Frank L. Miller, M.D.,
     Frances Wong, M.D., and Nicholas C. Bethlenfalvay, M.D.

     Prolapse of the Placenta
     Millard Seto, M.D.

     Promote Eldercare

     Welcome, Kuakini Medical Bulletin!

     Book Reviews

     Bureau of Medical Economics


     County Society News

     Hawaii Academy of General Practice

     Hawaii Medical Association--House of Delegates Proceedings

     In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii--LIV

     Maternal Death Study

     New Members

     Notes and News

     President's Page

     Reports--No Snorts

     This Is What's New!

Hawaii Technologists' Bulletin
     The Future of Medical Technology Program in Hawaii

     HSMT Convention in May


Number 5, May-June 1965

     Ciguatera Fish Poisoning: A Symposium
          Ciguatera in the Pacific
          Albert H. Banner, Ph.D.

          Ciguatera Fish Poisoning with Cholinesterase Inhibition:
          Report of a Case
          M. M. Okihiro, M.D., J. P. Keenan, M.D.,
          and A. C. Ivy, Jr., M.D.

          A Note on Ciguatera Fish Poison and Action of Its
          Proposed Antidotes
          Kwan-Ming Li, B. S.

     The Radioactive Rose Bengal Test
     Richard R. Kelley, M.D.

     Rheumatic Fever in Hawaii
     Gerald Rosenblatt, M.D., M.P.H.

     Immunization with Live Measles Vaccine
     Alexander Roth, M.D.

     Clinical Application of Cardiac Pacemakers
     Frank S. Akamine, M.D.

     Dear Reader: PLEASE Kokua!

     Robins Egg Blues

     How to Kill a Medical Society

     One Step Closer


     Book Reviews

     Bureau of Medical Economics

     County Society News

     Hawaii Academy of General Practice

     In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii--LV

     New Members

     Notes and News

     Reports and Snorts

     This Is What's New!

Hawaii Technologists' Bulletin
     A Bold Challenge


Number 6, July-August 1965

     Presidential Address
     Samuel D. Allison, M.D.

     The Oahu Health Surveillance Program
     Paul T. Bruyere, M.D.; Alice A. Scott, R.N.,
     and Charles G. Bennett, M.S.

     Colonic Diverticulitis in Hawaii: A Study of 414 Cases
     Walter Y. M. Chang, M.D.

     Accelerated Aging in Cattle
     P. W. Gebauer, M.D.

     Case Report: Failure of Measles Vaccine
     Ronald G. Latimer, Lt., MC, USN

     Medical Practice and the Great Society

     Hawaii Calendar--A New Feature

     Annual Index

     Book Reviews

     Bureau of Medical Economics

     County Society News

     Hawaii Academy of General Practice

     Hawaii Calendar

     Hawaii Medical Association--Annual Meeting Transactions

     In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii--LVI

     New Members

     Notes and News

     Our New President

     Perinatal Death Study

     President's Page

     Reports and Snorts

     This Is What's New!

Hawaii Technologists' Bulletin
     Immunologic Competition in a Case of Isoimmunization
     Due to ABO and Rh Incompatible Pregnancy


Index to Volume 24

Subject and Title Index   &   Author Index


Subject and Title Index

A-D   E-H   I-M   N-Q   R-X  

ABO and Rh incompatible pregnancy, immunologic competition in a case of isoimmunization due to, 508
Accelerated aging in cattle, 446

Top of Subject and Title Index

Blood, peripheral histiocytosis, is endocarditis key, 142
Book Reviews, 48, 135, 218, 294, 384 [i.e. 390], 464
Bureau of Medical Economics, 47, 134, 214, 287, 387, 456

Top of Subject and Title Index

Cardiac pacemakers, clinical application, 376
Cattle, accelerated aging in, 446
Chromatin-negative Klinefelter's syndrome associated with diabetes mellitus, 120
Ciguatera fish poisoning.
     a symposium, 353
     action of its proposed antidotes, a note on, 358
     cholinesterase inhibition, with, 354
Clinical application of cardiac pacemakers, 376
Clinical leptospirosis in Hawaii, 273
Colonic diverticulosis in Hawaii:
     a study of 144 cases, 442
Correspondence, 168, 247
County Society News, 51, 133, 168, 293, 382, 461

Top of Subject and Title Index

Diabetes mellitus, chromatin-negative Klinefelter's syndrome associated with, 120
Diverticulitis, colonic, in Hawaii, 442

Top of Subject and Title Index

     Aloha Dr. Civin, 125
     Dear reader: PLEASE kokua, 380
     Hawaii calendar--a new feature, 454
     How to kill a medical society, 380
     Maybe, 381
     Medical practice and the great society, 454
     One step closer, 381
     Polio immunization, 42
     Promote eldercare, 282
     Robins egg blues, 380
     The physician, the clergy, and the whole man, 43
     The university states its position, 210
     Welcome, Kuakini Medical Bulletin!, 282
     What is the A.M.W.A.?, 43
     What price a teaching hospital?, 209
Endocarditis, peripheral blood histiocytosis is key, 142
Enteropathogenic E. coli infections and carriers of bacterial enteric pathogens among hospitalized children, 107

Top of Subject and Title Index

Fat embolism
     fatal case, with autopsy findings, 30
     review, and report of two cases, 26
Fear and our future, 21
Fish poisoning, ciguatera
     a symposium, 353
     with cholinesterase inhibition: report of a case, 354
     action of its proposed antidotes, a note on, 358

Top of Subject and Title Index

     Academy of General Practice, 44, 129, 212, 289, 385, 547
     calendar, 454
     clinical leptospirosis in, 273
     colonic diverticulitis in, 442
     medical association, 50, 220, 286, 466
     rheumatic fever in, 369
Hawaii Technologist's Bulletin, 58, 142, 226, 310, 394, 508
Heart disease, some problems of, 1964, 265
Hospitals, quality control program among local, 227

Top of Subject and Title Index

Immunization with live measles vaccine, 374
Immunologic competition in a case of isoimmunization due to ABO and Rh incompatible pregnancy, 503
Infant Death Study, 49, 130, 459
Infections of the newborn, 200
Introduction to the institute on the care of premature infants, 193
In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii, 46, 128, 215, 286, 386, 458
     Alexander, Ruth, 215
     Blodgett, Harry Hoagland, 385
     DeTuncq, William A., 458
     Hildenbrand, Jonnie Brooks, 458
     Jeffreys, Oliver Anderson, 286
     Joses, Maurice, 286
     Kawano, Kiyoshi, 458
     Lichtenfels, Russell Cleveland, 215
     Oguri, Takataro, 128
     Reid, Reginald Harold, 286
     Roll, Albert Thomas, 128
     Sanborn, Fletcher Greene, 215
     Sezenevsky, Vladimir D., 46
     Ting, Albert Akow, 215
     Tokuyama, Shogo, 46
     Yoshimura, Eiji, 385

Top of Subject and Title Index

Jaundice, Waldenström's macroglobulinemia with transient cholestatic, 269

Top of Subject and Title Index

Klinefelter's syndrome, chromation negative, associated with diabetes mellitus, 120

Top of Subject and Title Index

Leprosy patients, a test of the infectivity of tuberculoid, 116
Leptospirosis, clinical, in Hawaii, 273
Leucocyte culture, XY-XXY mosacism diagnosed by a microtechnique of, 123

Top of Subject and Title Index

Macroglobulinemia, Waldenström's, with transient cholestatic jaundice, 269
Maternal Death Study, 213, 288
Measles vaccine
     failure of, 452
     live, immunization with, 374
Medical Center, outline of a proposed program, 185
Mosaicism, XY-XXY, diagnosed by a microtechnique of leukocyte culture, 123

Top of Subject and Title Index

New Members, 51, 132, 216, 292, 388, 460
     respiratory distress syndrome of the, 195
     infections in the, 200
Notes and News, 53, 136, 219, 290, 388, 462
Nutrition of the premature infant, 203

Top of Subject and Title Index

Oahu health surveillance program, the, 436
     Brown, Samuel Ritty, 388
     Cloward, Ralph Elijah, 52
     Fong, K. S., 462
     McArthur, Ransom John, 53
     Otsuga, Raymond Masashi, 389
     Spencer, Frank Curtis, 136
Operation Swallow--two years after, 24
Our New President, 464
Outline of a proposed program for development of a medical center for Kapiolani Maternity and Gynecological Hospital, Kauikeolani Children's Hospital, and The Queen's Hospital, Honolulu, 185

Top of Subject and Title Index

Pacemakers, clinical application of, 376
Peripheral blood histiocytosis is endocarditis key, 142
Placenta, prolapse of the, 277
Planning for hospital and related health facilities and services, 189
Premature infants
     introduction to the Institute on the Care of, 193
     nutrition of the, 203
Presidential address, 21, 433
President's Page, 41, 126, 207, 280, 453
Prolapse of the placenta, 277

Top of Subject and Title Index

Quality control program among local hospitals, 227
Quest for truth in health practices, 34

Top of Subject and Title Index

Radioactive rose bengal test, the, 362
Reports and Snorts, 66, 98, 180, 252, 383, 424
Respiratory distress syndrome of the newborn, a retrospective study of 100 cases, 195
Rheumatic fever in Hawaii, 369
Rose bengal test, radioactive, 362

Top of Subject and Title Index

Some problems of heart disease, 1964, 265

Top of Subject and Title Index

This is What's New!, 45, 131, 211, 283, 390, 555
Tuberculoid leprosy patients, a test of the infectivity of, 116

Top of Subject and Title Index

Waldenström's macroglobulinemia with transient cholestatic jaundice, 269

Top of Subject and Title Index

XY-XXY mosaicism diagnosed by a microtechnique of leukocyte culture, 123

Top of Subject and Title Index

Author Index

A-E   G-O   P-W  

Akamine, Frank S., 376
Allison, Samuel D., 433
Banner, Albert H., 353
Bauer, Charles H., 195
Bell, Carol A., 123
Bennett, Charles G., 436
Bethlenfalvay, Nicholas C., 273
Brault, Anna Maria, 269
Bruyere, Paul T., 436
Chang, Walter Y. M., 442
Ching, George, 107
Civin, W. Harold, 123
Colby, Edward W., 189
Enright, James R., 107

Top of Author Index

Gebauer, P. W., 446
Gottlieb, Lawrence H., 30
Greenberg, Mortimer S., 142
Hirschy, Ira D., 116
Hiscock, Ira V., 34
Ivy, A. C., Jr., 354
Jensen, Walter L., Jr., 273
Keenan, J. P., 354
Kelley, Richard R., 362
Latimer, Ronald G., 452
Levine, Max, 107
Li, Kwan-Ming, 358
Miller, Frank L., 273
Okihiro, Michael M., 26, 354

Top of Author Index

Page, Irvine H., 265
Palma, Joseph, 193
Rosenblatt, Gerald, 369
Roth, Alexander, 374
Sakai, Barbara H., 123
Scheetz, Jane O., 123
Schwartz, Michael, 195
Scott, Alice A., 436
Seto, Millard, 277
Sia, Calvin C. J., 200
Stokes, Joseph, Jr., 185
Tomsovic, Lt. Col. Edward J., 203
West, Rodney T., 21
Wong, Francis, 273
Worth, Robert M., 24, 116
Yano, James, 277, 508
Zaninovich, A. A., 120

Top of Author Index