
Volume 25 [September 1965-August 1966]

Contents and Index

Number 1, September-October 1965

     Selective Vagotomy, Antrectomy, and Gastroduodenostomy
     for Duodenal Ulcer
     Kazushi Tanaka, M.D.

     Corynebacterium Diphtheriae Septicemia:
     Case Report of Successful Treatment
     Capt. Lawrence H. Gottieb, MC, USA,
     and Maj. Benjamin J. Veltri, MSC, USA

     Death, Disease, and Property Taxes
     Robert C. Schmitt, M.A.

     Collection and Utilization of Vital and Health Statistics
     in Hawaii
     Richard K. C. Lee, M.D., and Charles G. Bennett, B.S., M.A.

     The Medical School is Coming

     Town and Gown: A Partnership

     Book Reviews

     Bureau of Medical Economics

     County Society News

     Hawaii Academy of General Practice

     Hawaii Calendar

     Hawaii Health Fair Participants

     In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii--LVII

     Maternal Death Study

     New Members

     Notes and News

     President's Page

     Reports and Snorts

     This Is What's New!

Hawaii Technologists' Bulletin
     Report on the 1965 ASMT Convention

     HSMT Notes and News


Number 2, November-December 1965

     Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura: Report of a Case
     and Review of 157 Cases
     Major Louis A. Casale, USA, MC

     Circulatory Collapse Associated with Defective
     Catecholamine Metabolism
     W. P. G. Jones, M.B., Ch.B.

     Studies of Blood Groups, Immunoglobulins, and Isoagglutinins
     in Multiple Myeloma and Various Hematological Disorders
     in the Honolulu Area
     Mitsuo Yokoyama, M.D., and Ann Stegmaier, MT(ASCP)BB,
     Fred I. Gilbert, Jr., M.D., Francis H. Fugunaga, M.D.,
     and Young K. Paik, M.D.

     Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency Associated
     with Hemoglobin H Disease
     Robert T. S. Jim, M.D.

     Technical Report: A Technique for Marking and
     Facilitating the Re-examination of Slides
     Puncho Bicoy


     Observations on Cases of Enteropathogenic Bacterial
     Enteric Pathogens Among Hospitalized Children
     Max Levine, Ph.D., Sc.D., James R. Enright, M.D.,
     and George Ching, B.S.

     The Home as a Biocenose: Children, Pets, and Disease
     Norman D. Levine, Ph.D.

     The Changing Role of Health Departments
     Robert M. Worth, M.D., Ph.D.

     The Antibody Response of Children with Enteropathogenic
     Escherichia Coli Infections
     Erwin Netter, M.D.

     Toxoplasmic Antibodies in Southern California and Polynesia
     John F. Kessel, Ph.D., William P. Lewis, Ph.D.,
     and Leon Jacobs, Ph.D.

     Myeloma-type Globulin in Two Blood Donors
     Gordon Dreesman, Ph.D., Charles Larson, B.A.,
     and Albert A. Benedict, Ph.D.

     Chiropteran (Bat) Rabies in North America
     S. Edward Sulkin, Ph.D.

     Intracerebral Virulence of Salmonella Typhi Strains in Chicks
     Inn Soo Suh, M.D., Dr.Med.Sci., and Morris F. Shaffer, Ph.D.

     Medicare and the Physician's Responsibility

     Medicare: What To Do About It

     Book Reviews

     Bureau of Medical Economics

     Hawaii Calendar

     Hawaii Academy of General Practice

     In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii--LVIII

     New Members

     Notes and News

     President's Page

     This Is What's New!

Hawaii Technologists' Bulletin
     The President's Prerogative

     Case Report: Immunology

     Laboratory Administration at The Queen's Hospital


Number 3, January-February 1966

     Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Ancient Hawaiian Medicine
     F. L. Tabrah, M.D., and B. M. Eveleth, M.D.

     Epidemiological Aspects of Coronary Heart Disease and
     Cerebrovascular Disease: The Honolulu Heart Program
     James C. Trombold, M.D., Robert C. Moellering, Jr., M.C.,
     and Abraham Kagan, M.D.

     Coronary Disease and Hypertension in Hawaii: Racial
     Distribution in 1,167 Men
     Joseph Stokes, III, M.D., David R. Bassett, M.D.,
     Gerald Rosenblatt, M.D., Donald Greenberg, B.A.,
     and Robert C. Moellering, Jr., M.D.

     HMSA and the Doctors

     Book Reviews

     Bureau of Medical Economics

     County Society Reports

     Hawaii Academy of General Practice

     Hawaii Calendar

     Hawaii Medical Association

     In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii--LVIX

     New Members

     Notes and News

     President's Page

     Reports and Snorts

     This Is What's New!

Hawaii Technologists' Bulletin
     A Report from Vietnam


Number 4, March-April 1966

     A Three-Year Study of Beta Hemolytic Streptococci
     in Throat Swabs--1962-1964
     Ralph H. Tanimoto, M.S., Charles Miyasato, B.A.,
     and George Ching, B.S.

     Streptococcal Survey in Hawaii: Study Among Unselected
     Children with Respiratory Infections
     L. T. Chun, M.D., and Marjorie Dole, M.S.

     Cytology, and Increasingly Valuable Tool in Cancer Detection
     E. Gordon Dickie, M.D.

     A Numerical Index for Outpatient Schizophrenics:
     Its Relation to Stress Concepts
     Frederick E. Popoff, M.D.

     The First Auto-Anti-Xgª Antibody in a Female
     Mitsuo Yokoyama, M.D., David T. Eith, M.D.,
     and Max Bowman, MT(ASCP)

     HMSA and the Court of Public Opinion

     The AMA Fights Quackery

     Book Reviews

     County Society Reports

     Hawaii Academy of General Practice

     Hawaii Calendar

     In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii--LX

     New Members

     Notes and News

     President's Page

     Reports & Snorts

     This Is What's New!

Hawaii Technologists' Bulletin
     President's Message

     Continuing Education in the Brew

     1966 HSMT Convention

     Kauai Society Thanks HSMT


Number 5, May-June 1966

     Further Examples of Anti-V and Anti-VS Group Antibodies
     Found in the Honolulu Area
     Mitsuo Yokoyama, M.D., Edith G. Eckstein, MT(ASCP),
     and Max Bowman, MT(ASCP)

     The Battered Child "Syndrome" A Review
     Captain Fred M. Nomura, MC, USA

     Child Abuse in Hawaii
     Major Peter H. Patterson, MC, and Donald Char, M.D.

     Abdominal Aneurysm: Graft Replacement vs.
     Nonsurgical Therapy
     Edward K. Lau, M.D., and Richard K. S. Pang, M.D.


     Dispensing the Sample

     Book Reviews

     County Society Reports

     Hawaii Academy of General Practice

     Hawaii Calendar

     Hawaii Medical Association

     In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii--LXI

     New Members

     Notes and News

     Perinatal Death Study

     This Is What's New!

Hawaii Technologists' Bulletin
     Problems in Continuing Education Illustrated by a Field
     Training Institute Held in Samoa


Number 6, July-August 1966

     Presidential Address
     O. D. Pinkerton, M.D.

     Ruptured Abdominal Aneurysm: Report of Four Cases
     Edward K. Lau, M.D., and Richard K. S. Pang, M.D.

     Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis: A Case Report
     Sharon J. Bintliff, M.S., M.D.

     Idiopathic Hemorrhage from Ovarian Artery
     Wayne S. Limber, M.D., Hugh L. Davis, Jr., M.D.,
     and Robert E. Boyd, M.D.

     The Aloha United Fund

     Book Review: Ferment in Medicine

     Annual Index

     Book Reviews

     County Society Reports

     Hawaii Academy of General Practice

     Hawaii Medical Association

     In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii--LXII

     New Members

     Notes and News

     Our New President

     This Is What's New!

Hawaii Technologists' Bulletin
     New HSMT Officers and Committee Chairmen

     Interning Students

     President's Message


Index to Volume 25

Subject and Title Index   &   Author Index


Subject and Title Index

A-D   E-H   I-M   N-R   S-U  

Abdominal aneurysm: graft replacement vs. nonsurgical therapy, 398
Ancient Hawaiian medicine, evaluation of effectiveness, 223
Aneurysm, abdominal: Graft replacement vs.
     nonsurgical therapy, 398
     ruptured abdominal: report of four cases, 464
Anti-V and anti-VS group antibodies found in the Honolulu area, further studies of, 385

Top of Subject and Title Index

Beta hemolytic streptococci, in throat swabs, three year study, 309
Biocenose, the home as a: children, pets and disease, 127
Blood groups, immunoglobulins and isoagglutinins in multiple myeloma, 106
Book Reviews, 54, 168, 248, 334, 412, 480
Bureau of Medical Economics, 48, 162, 247

Top of Subject and Title Index

Cancer detection, cytology, valuable tool in, 318
Chiropteran (bat) rabies in North America, 149
Child abuse in Hawaii, 395
Children, pets and disease: the home as a biocenose, 127
Circulatory collapse associated with defective catecholamine metabolism, 101
Collection and utilization of vital and health statistics in Hawaii, 36
Coronary disease and hypertension in Hawaii, 235
Corynebacterium diphtheria septicemia, case report, 31
County Society Reports, 51, 252, 337, 410, 477
Cytology in cancer detection, 318

Top of Subject and Title Index

Death, disease, and property taxes, 34
Diphtheria, case report, 31
Duodenal ulcer, selective vagotomy, antrectomy, and gastroduodenostomy for, 25

Top of Subject and Title Index

     Book Review: Ferment in Medicine, 473
     Dispensing the samples, 402
     HMSA and the court of public opinion, 330
     HMSA and the doctors, 244
     Medicare and the physician's responsibility, 160
     Medicare: What to do about it, 161
     Parameter, 402
     The Aloha United Fund, 472
     The AMA fights quackery, 331
     The medical school is coming, 42
     Town and gown: a partnership. 43
Enteropathogenic bacterial pathogens among hospitalized children, 118
Escherichia coli infections, antibody response, 137
Epidernal necrolysis, toxic: case report, 468

Top of Subject and Title Index

Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency in hemoglobin H disease, 112

Top of Subject and Title Index

     Academy of General Practice, 47, 165, 249, 332, 404, 476
     Calender, 66, 180, 279, 354, 428
     child abuse in, 395
     collection and utilization of vital and health statistics in, 36
     coronary disease and hypertension in, racial distribution in 1,167 cases, 235
     Health Fair participants, 51
     medical association, 253, 411, 482
     streptococcal survey in: study among unselected children with respiratory infections, 312
Hawaii Technologists; Bulletin, 78, 172, 260, 344, 418, 523
Health departments, the changing role of, 134
Heart disease, epidemiological aspects of: The Honolulu Heart Program, 231
Hemoglobin H disease, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenate deficiency associated with, 112
Hematological disorders in the Honolulu area, 106

Top of Subject and Title Index

Idiopathic hemorrhage from ovarian artery: case report, 470
Intracerebral virulence of salmonella typhi strains in chicks, 154
In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii, 46, 164, 246, 333, 406, 474
     Arai, Katsutaro, 333
     Broadrup, George Lincoln, 164
     Christensen, Waldeman Howard, 246
     Clarke, Howard, 406, 474
     Hagood, Rufus H., 406
     Hanchett, Alsoberry Kauma, 46
     Hansen, Charles Ola, 164
     Jacobson, Jacob Robert, 255
     Kainuma, Richard Toshio, 254
     Kemp, Dorothy Hope, 53
     Leas, John Augustus, 474
     Mack, Merton H., 338
     Mobbs, Bertie, 46
     Saunder, Cecil A., Jr., 255
     Schattenburg, O. Lee, 333
     Schnack, Adolph George, 52
     Sexton, L. L., 415
     Straub, George Francis, 478
     Sutliff, Frank Bernard, 407
     Takahashi, Tokue, 164
     Webb, George T., 246
     Withington, Paul, 414

Top of Subject and Title Index

Maternal and Perinatal Death Study, 49, 405
Metabolism, circulatory collapse associated with defective catecholamine, 101
Myeloma, multiple studies of blood groups in the Honolulu area, 106
Myeloma-type globulin in two blood donors, 145

Top of Subject and Title Index

New Members, 50, 166, 250, 336, 408, 477
Notes and News, 52, 169, 254, 338, 414, 479

Top of Subject and Title Index

Obituaries, 52, 254, 388, 414, 478
Outpatient schizophrenic, a numerical index for, 323
Ovarian artery, idiopathic hemorrhage from, 470

Top of Subject and Title Index

President's Page, 41, 159, 241, 329
Presidential Address, 461
Purpura, thrombotic thrombocytopenic, 93

Top of Subject and Title Index

Reports and Snorts, 16, 216, 298
Respiratory infections, streptococcal survey in Hawaii, 312
Ruptured abdominal aneurysm: report of four cases, 464

Top of Subject and Title Index

Salmonella typhi strains, 154
Schizophrenic, outpatient, a numerical index for, 323
Selective vagotomy, antrectomy, and gastroduodenostomy for duodenal ulcer, 25
Slides, re-examination of, 114
Statistics, vital, and health in Hawaii, 36
Streptococcal survey in Hawaii, 312

Top of Subject and Title Index

This Is What's New!, 45, 163, 245, 335, 403, 475
Throat swabs, beta hemolytic streptococci in, 309
Thrombic thrombocytopenic purpura, 93
Toxic epidermal necrolysis: case report, 468
Toxoplasmic antibodies in Southern California and Polynesia, 141

Top of Subject and Title Index

Ulcer, duodenal, selective vagotomy, antrectomy, and gastroduodenostomy for, 25

Top of Subject and Title Index


Author Index

B-F   G-N   P-Y

Bassett, David R., 235
Benedict, Albert A., 145
Bennett, Charles G., 36
Bicoy, Puncho, 114
Bintliff, Sharon J., 468
Bowman, Max, 328, 385
Boyd, Robert E., 470
Casale, Louis A., 93
Char, Donald, 395
Ching, George, 118, 309
Chun, L. T., 312
Davis, Hugh L., 470
Dickie, E. Gordon, 318
Dole, Marjorie, 312
Dressman, Gordon, 145
Eckstein, Edith G., 385
Eith, David T., 328
Enright, James R., 118
Eveleth, B. M., 223
Fukunaga, Francis H., 106

Top of Author Index

Gilbert, Fred I., Jr., 106
Gottlieb, Lawrence H., 31
Greenberg, Donald, 235
Jacobs, Leon, 141
Jim, Robert T. S., 112
Jones, W. P. G., 101
Kagan, Abraham, 231
Kessel, John F., 141
Larson, Charles, 145
Lau, Edward K., 398, 464
Lee, Richard K. C., 36
Levine, Max, 118
Levine, Norman D., 127
Lewis, William P., 141
Limber, Wayne S., 470
Miyasato, Charles, 309
Moellering, Robert C., Jr., 231, 235
Netter, Erwin, 137
Nomura, Fred M., 387

Top of Author Index

Paik, Young K., 106
Pang, Richard K. S., 398, 464
Patterson, Pete H., 395
Pinkerton, O. D., 461
Popoff, Frederick E., 323
Rosenblatt, Gerald, 235
Schmitt, Robert C., 34
Shaffer, Morris F., 154
Stegmaier, Ann, 106
Stokes, Joseph, 235
Suh, Inn Soo, 154
Sulkin, Edward S., 149
Tabrah, F. L., 223
Tanaka, Kazushi, 25
Tanimoto, Ralph H., 309
Trombold, James C., 231
Veltri, Benjamin J., 31
Worth, Robert M., 134
Yokoyama, Mitsuo, 106, 328, 385

Top of Author Index