
Volume 26 [September 1966-August 1967]

Contents and Index

Number 1, September-October 1966

     Tribute to Harry Loren Arnold, Jr., on the 25th anniversary
     of the H.M.J.--1941-1966
     Hugh Lytle

     Paradise Practice Caps I Sig. Take With Grain of Salt
     Robert and Marie Faus, M.D.'s

     Progress in Dermatology
     Harold M. Johnson, M.D.

     Surgical Advances in Hawaii During the Past 25 Years
     Joseph E. Strode, M.D.

     Reppunzel, Reppunzel, Put Up Your Hair

     The Declaration of Helsinki

     Typhoid--Remembrance of Things Past

     The Political Credo of a Physician

     Book Reviews


     County Society Reports

     Hawaii Academy of General Practice

     In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii--LXIII

     New Members

     Notes and News

     Poetry: Loopus Benignus or The Sperm That Turned

     President's Page

     This is What's New

Hawaii Technologists' Bulletin
     President's Report

     Educational Reference Committee


Number 2, November-December, 1966

     Somebody's Going to Get Killed
     William N. Bergin, M.D.

     Early Fertility-Management Concepts in China
     Amrit Lal, Ph.M., M.A. (Eco), L.M.S.H., Delhi, India

     The Relative Value Studies: Fixed Conversion
     vs. Customary Fees
     Robert L. Thomas

     Immunogenetic Studies on Mongolism
     Mitsuo Yokoyama, M.D.

     Childhood Leukemia in Hawaii Experience at Kauikeolani
     Children's Hospital
     Claude D. Lauriault, M.D., and Robert T. S. Jim, M.D.

     Foundation for Medical Care

     The Aloha United Fund: Preliminary Report

     Looking for Lost IUD's

     Book Reviews


     County Society Reports

     Hawaii Academy of General Practice

     Hawaii Medical Association

     In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii--LXIV

     New Members

     Notes and News

     Poetry: Loopus Benignus or The Sperm That Turned

     President's Page

     This Is What's New!

Hawaii Technologists' Bulletin
     A Med Tech in Asia


Number 3, January-February 1967

     Ten-Year Profile of Hawaii State Hospital: A Statistical
     Howard E. Gudeman, Ph.D.

     First Admissions to Hawaii State Hospital
     John M. Rosenfeld, Ph.D.

     Food Choice and Acculturation Among Some Ethnic Groups
     Kajorn Lekhakul Howard, M.S.

     Special Report: American Cancer Society, 1966 Scientific
     Norman R. Sloan, M.D.

     Aloha Oiaio, Leo Bernstein!

     The Autumn of Our Sorrowful Discontent

     Book Reviews

     County Society Reports

     Hawaii Academy of General Practice

     In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii--LXV

     New Members

     Notes and News

     President's Page

     This is What's New!

Hawaii Technologists' Bulletin
     Automation and the Technologist--Where Are We Going?

     Automation--Threat or Promise?

     New at U.H.


Number 4, March-April 1967

     Mycobacterioses: The Case Against Tradition
     Drake W. Will, M.D.

     Early Differential Diagnosis and Specific Treatment in the
     Acute Diarrheas of Infancy and Childhood
     F. D. Nance, M.D.

     Deceleration Injury of the Thoracic Aorta
     Carl B. Mason, M.D., and G. Campbell Hobson, M.D.


     . . . a little wine, for thy stomach's sake . . .

     Book Reviews

     County Society Reports

     Hawaii Academy of General Practice

     Hawaii Medical Association

     In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii--LXVI

     New Members

     Notes and News

     President's Page

     This is What's New!

Hawaii Technologists' Bulletin
     HSMT's Annual Convention--The Eighteenth

     Automation Continued

     Automation: Various Views from HSMT Members


Number 5, May-June 1967

     Hand Tumors: A Review
     Anthony H. Alter, M.D., and Meryl H. Haber, M.D.

     Cystadenofibroma of the Ovary: Report of a Case
     Kunio Miyazawa, M.D., and Frederick S. F. Lee, M.D.

     Complete Vascular Ring As a Cause of Esophageal and
     Tracheal Compression Review of the Literature and
     Report of a Case
     Manuel A. Abundo, Jr., M.D., and Richard K. S. Pang, M.D.

     Internal Carotid Artery Kinking
     Gordon Liu, M.D., William W. T. Won, M.D.,
     and Walter Y. M. Chang, M.D.

     Hepatoma: A Clinical and Pathologic Study of Cases
     Occurring During 1950-1959 in Hawaii
     Paul Y. Tamura, M.D., and Ann B. Catts, M.D.

     Primary Aortoduodenal Fistula Due to Rupture of
     Aortic Aneurysm
     Walter Y. M. Chang, M.D., and Gordon Liu, M.D.

     Intracranial Complications of Otitis Media in This Antibiotic
     Era: Report of Cases
     L. Q. Pang, M.D.

     Carcinoma of the Conjunctiva
     Herbert G. Pang, M.D.

     Medulloblastoma: A Case Report
     William W. T. Won, M.D.

     Femoropopliteal Artery Reconstruction
     Edward K. Lau, M.D., and Richard K. S. Pang, M.D.

     St. Francis Hospital Takes a Bow

     Planning for Future Medical Care

     Home Care Program

     Dietitians and the Medical Team

     Book Reviews

     County Society Reports

     Hawaii Medical Association

     Hawaii Academy of General Practice

     In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii

     New Members

     Notes and News

     President's Page

     This Is What's New!

Hawaii Technologists' Bulletin

     Graduate Education


Number 6, July-August 1967

     Presidential Address
     Theodore T. Tomita

     Multiple Myeloma and Macroglobulinemia Cases in Hawaii
     William Hartman, B.S., Remedios Farin, B.S.,
     and Mitsuo Yokoyama, M.D.

     Differential Mortality in Honolulu Before 1900
     Robert C. Schmitt, M.A.

     First National Congress on the Socio-Economics of Health Care
     Rodney T. West, M.D.

     Typhoid Fever
     Ralph B. Berry, M.D.

     Generic Equivalence

     Medic Alert Saves Lives

     The Real St. Francis Hospital

     Annual Index

     Book Reviews

     County Society Reports

     Hawaii Academy of General Practice

     Hawaii Medical Association

     In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii--LXVII

     New Members

     Notes and News

     Our New President

     President's Page

     This Is What's New!

     University of Hawaii

Hawaii Technologists' Bulletin
     Meet Your Officers--1967-68

     HSMT's Scholarship--First Recipient

     1967-68 Interning Students


Index to Volume 26

Subject and Title Index   &   Author Index


Subject and Title Index

A-D   E-H   I-M   N-R   S-V  

Acculturation, and food choice, among some ethnic groups, 209
Admissions, first, to the Hawaii State Hospital, 207
American Cancer Society, 1966 scientific session, special report, 213
Aneurysm, aortic, primary aortoduodenal fistula due to rupture of, 423
Antibiotic era, intracrania complications of otitis media in this: report of cases, 426
Aortic aneurysm, primary aortoduodenal fistula due to rupture of, 423
Aorta, thoracic, deceleration of the, 312
Arnold, Jr., Harry Loren, tribute to, on the 25th anniversary of the HAWAII MEDICAL JOURNAL 1941-1966, 25
Artery, femoropopiiteac: reconstruction, 435
Kinking, internal carotid, 416

Top of Subject and Title Index

Book reviews, 45, 133, 228, 322, 443, 554

Top of Subject and Title Index

Carcinoma of the conjunctiva, 430
Carotid, artery kinking, internal, 416
Childhood leukemia in Hawaii experience at Kauikeolani Children's Hospital, 125
China, early fertility--management concepts in, 110
Complete vascular ring as a cause of esophageal and tracheal compression: review of the literature and report of a case, 412
Conjunctiva, carcinoma of the, 430
Conversion, fixed, vs. customary fees, the relative value studies, 115
Correspondence, 7, 142
County Society Reports, 48, 135, 227, 325, 444, 556
Cystadeno fibroma of the ovary: report of a case, 409

Top of Subject and Title Index

Deceleration injury of the thoracic aorta, 312
Dermatology, progress in, 34
Diarrheas, acute, of infancy and childhood, early differential diagnosis and specific treatment in the, 303
Differential mortality in Honolulu before 1900, 537

Top of Subject and Title Index

Early differential diagnosis and specific treatment in the acute diarrheas of infancy and childhood, 303
     A little wine, for thy stomach's sake, 319
     Aloha oiaio, Leo Bernstein, 219
     Dietitians and the medical team, 439
     Foundation for Medical Care, 128
     Generic equivalence, 549
     Home care program, 439
     Looking for lost IUD's, 129
     Medic alert saves lives, 550
     Planning for future medical rare, 402
     Privileges, 318
     Reppunzel, Reppunzel, put up your hair, 39
     St. Francis Hospital takes a bow, 401
     The Aloha United Fund--a preliminary report, 129
     The autumn of our sorrowful discontent, 219
     The declaration of Helsinki, 40
     The political credo of a physician, 41
     Typhoid--remembrance of things past, 40
Esophageal and tracheal compression, complete vascular ring as a cause of: review of the literature and report of a case, 412
Ethnic groups, food choice and acculturation among some, 209

Top of Subject and Title Index

Fees, customary vs. fixed conversion, the relative value studies, 115
Femoropopliteal artery reconstruction, 435
Fertility, early--management concepts in China, 110
First admissions to Hawaii State Hospital, 207
First National Congress on the socio-economics of health care: report, 543
Fistula, primary aortoduodenal, due to rupture of aortic aneurysm, 423
Fixed conversion vs. customary fees, the relative value studies, 115
Food choice and acculturation among some ethnic groups, 209

Top of Subject and Title Index

Hand tumors: a review, 403
Hawaii Academy of General Practice, 42, 130, 223, 323, 440, 553
     Childhood leukemia in, experience at Kauikeolani Children's Hospital, 125
     Hepatoma: A clinical and pathogenic study of cases occurring
     during 1930-1959 in, 418
     Medical Association, 138, 325, 445, 560
     MEDICAL JOURNAL--1941-1966, tribute to Harry Loren
     Arnold, Jr., on the 25th anniversary of the, 25
     Multiple myeloma and macoroglobulinemia cases in, 531
     State Hospital,
          First admissions to, 207
          Ten year profile of, a statistical analysis, 201
     Surgical advances in, during the past 25 years, 35
     Technologists Bulietin, 52, 140, 232, 330, 458, 614
Hepatoma: a clinical and pathologic study of cases occurring during 1950-1959 in Hawaii, 418
Honolulu, differential mortality in, before 1900, 537

Top of Subject and Title Index

Immunogenic studies on mongolism, 121
Infancy and childhood, early differential diagnosis and specific treatment in the acute diarrheas of, 303
Intracranial complications of otitis media in this antibiotic era: report of cases, 426
Internal carotid artery kinking, 416
In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii, 44, 132, 222, 320, 442
     Allen, Frederick Emerson, 132
     Barton, Charles, 132
     Blake, Cbarles Robert, 222
     Bliss, George Stephen, 44
     Crane, Augustin Averill, 552
     Kuehn, Rolando, 552
     Laidlaw, Horace D., 222
     Mjedloff, Peter Alexander, 442
     Osorio, Vasco Eric Montier, 44
     Reppun, Carl Frederick, 320

Top of Subject and Title Index

Leukemia, childhood, in Hawaii, experience at Kauikeolani Children's Hospital, 125

Top of Subject and Title Index

Macroglobulinemia and multiple myeloma cases in Hawaii, 531
Medulloblastoma: a case report, 432
Mongolism, immunogenic studies on, 121
Mortality, differential, in Honolulu before 1900, [537]
Multiple myeloma and macroglobulinemia cases in Hawaii, 531
Mycobacterioses: The case against tradition, 301
Myleloma, multiple, and macroglobulinemia cases in Hawaii, 531

Top of Subject and Title Index

New Members, 48, 134, 226, 324, 444, 556
Notes and News, 46, 136, 224, 326, 446, 557

Top of Subject and Title Index

     Davis, Robert W., 446
     Hatelid. Frank Hale, 136
     Ho, Robert Pak Chon, 327
     Shimokawa, Edward T., 46
     Tahara, Charles Takeshi, 224
     Yanagi, Glenn Noriyaki, 47
Otitis media, intracranial complications of, in this antibiotic era: report of cases, 426
Our New President, 559
Ovary, cystadeno fibroma of the: report of a case, 409

Top of Subject and Title Index

Paradise practice caps I sig. take with grain of salt, 31
Poetry, 35, 114
President's Page, 38, 127, 218, 317, 438, 548
Primary aortoduodenal fistula due to rupture of aortic aneurysm, 423
Progress in dermatology, 34

Top of Subject and Title Index

Report: First National Congress on the socio-economics of health care, 543
Rx--Paradise practice caps I sig. take with grain of salt, 31

Top of Subject and Title Index

Socio-economics of health care, report: First National Congress on,. 543
Somebody's going to get killed, 105
Special report: American Cancer Society, 1966 scientific session, 213
Statistical analysis, ten year profile of Hawaii State Hospital, a, 201
Surgical advances in Hawaii during the past 25 years, 35

Top of Subject and Title Index

Ten year profile of Hawaii State Hospital: a statistical analysis, 201
The case against tradition, microbacterioses, 301
The relative value studies: fixed conversion vs. customary fees, 115
This Is What's New, 43, 131, 221, 321, 441,551
Thoracic aorta, decleration injury of the, 312
Tracheal and esophageal compression, complete vascular ring as the cause of, review or the literature and report of a case, 412
Tribute to Harry Loren Arnold, Jr. on the 25th Anniversary of the HAWAII MEDICAL JOURNAL 1941-1966, 25
Tumors, hand: A review, 403
Typhoid Fever, 547

Top of Subject and Title Index

University of Hawaii, 555

Top of Subject and Title Index

Vascular ring, complete, as a cause of esophageal and tracheal compression review of the literature and report of a case, 412

Top of Subject and Title Index


Author Index

A-F   G-N   P-Y

Abundo, Manuel, Jr., 412
Alter, Anthony H., 403
Bergin, William N., 105
Berry, Ralph, 547
Catts, Ann B., 418
Chang, Walter W. M., 416,423
Farin, Remedio, 531
Faus, Marie, 31
Faus, Robert, 31

Top of Author Index

Gudeman, Howard E., 201
Haber, Meryl, 403
Hartman, William, 531
Hobson, G. Campbell, 312
Howard, Kajorn Lekhakul, 209
Jim, Robert T. S., 125
Johnson, Harold M., 34
Lal, Amrit, 110
Lau, Edward K., 435
Lauriault, Claude, 125
Lee, Frederick S. F., 409
Liu, Gordon, 416, 423
Lytle, Hugh, 25
Mason, Carl B., 312
Miyazawa, Kunio, 409
Nance, F. D., 303

Top of Author Index

Pang, Herbert, 430
Pang, L. Q., 426
Pang, Richard K. S, 412, 435
Rosenfeld, John M., 207
Schmitt, Robert C., 537
Sloan, Norman, 213
Strode, Joseph, 35
Tamura, Paul, 418
Thomas, Robert L., 115
West, Rodney, 543
Will, Drake, 301
Won, William W. T., 416, 432
Yokoyama, Mitsuo, 121

Top of Author Index