
Volume 27 [September 1967-August 1968]

Contents and Index

Number 1, September-October 1967

     Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus and Thyrotoxicosis
     John H. C. Kim, M.D.

     Reconstruction of the Thumb
     Eldon R. Dykes, M,D.

     Sex and the Physician: A Report
     Henry N. Yokoyama, M.D.

     First Admissions to Hawaii State Hospital: A Cohort Analysis
     Howard E. Gudeman, Ph.D.

     The Pill

     Journal of the Hawaii State Dental Association

     Political Action

     Your Aloha United Fund

     Book Reviews


     Hawaii Academy of General Practice

     In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii--LXVIII

     Notes and News

     President's Page

     This is What's New!

     University of Hawaii

Hawaii Technologists' Bulletin
     ASMT Convention


Number 2, November-December, 1967

     The Coronary Care Unit: Some Detailed Aspects of Planning
     H. H. Chun, M.D.

     The Significance of the Parietal Lobes in Hemiplegia, 141
     Criteria for Rehabilitation in Hemiplegia, 145
     Elisabeth K. Anderson, M.D.

     How This Physician Looks at the Problem of Premarital Sex
     and Contraceptives
     Donald F. B. Char, M.D.

     Anaphylactic Reaction to the Ingestion of Mango
     Richard W. M. Dang, M.D., and Douglas B. Bell, II, M.D.

     Where Are the Indians?

     Christmas Seals

     Support for Our Medical School

     Survey of Medical Care Quality in Hawaii

     Book Reviews

     County Society Reports

     Hawaii Academy of General Practice

     Hawaii Medical Association

     In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii--LXIX

     New Members

     Notes and News

     President's Page

     This is What's New!

     University of Hawaii

Hawaii Technologists' Bulletin
     New Med Techs

     Salary Survey


Number 3, January-February 1968

     The Incidence of Cystic Fibrosis in Hawaii
     Stanley W. Wright, M.D., and Newton E. Morton, Ph.D.

     Amenorrhea with Persistent Lactation, the Chiari-Frommet
     Ralph W. Hale, M.D.

     Medical Costs in Hawaii, 1859-1967
     Robert C. Schmitt, M.A.

     Contraceptive Counseling by Physicians in Hawaii
     Alice Y. Chai, Ph.D., and Robert J. Wolff, Ph;D.

     The Coronary Drug Project

     The Medical Plaza

     Book Reviews

     County Society News

     Hawaii Academy of General Practice

     In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii--LXX

     New Members

     Notes and News

     President's Page

     University of Hawaii

Hawaii Technologists' Bulletin
     Notes on Automation

     Continuing Education

     Curriculum Guides


Number 4, March-April 1968

     The Ryukyu Islands: Medical Problems and Programs
     William H. Hindle, M.D.

     Acute Massive Iliofemoral Venous Thrombosis
     Walter Y. M. Chang, M.D., and Winfred Y. Lee, M.D.

     Health Planning in Hawaii
     Richard K. C. Lee, M.D., Dr.P.H.

     Why Use Generic Names?
     Daniel D. Palmer, M.D.

     Drug Names and the USAN
     Windsor C. Cutting, M.D.

     Hospitalization for Mental Illness, 1968

     The Second Hawaii Health Fair

     Always on Wednesday

     Book Reviews


     County Society Reports

     Hawaii Academy of General Practice

     Hawaii Medical Association

     In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii--LXXI

     New Members

     Notes and News

     President's Page

     University of Hawaii

Hawaii Technologists' Bulletin
     News from the U.

     Workshop for Chemistry Teachers, 1968

     HMST Scholarship

     Annual Convention


Number 5, May-June 1968

     Serum Uric Acid Levels of Queen's Medical Center Employees:
     A Pilot Study
     Richard R. Kelley, M.D., Clare Sprague, M.D., Phyllis A.
     Sonoda, M.S., M.T. (ASCP), and Eleanore G. Akina, M.D.

     Mild Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn Due to Anti-Xga
     Antibody: Clinical and Serologic Evaluation
     Mitsuo Yokoyama, M.D., and James E. McCoy, Jr. M.D.

     Cancer in Hawaii: Morbidity and Treatment--Five Years
     Hawaii Tumor Registry

     Relax, Professor: We'll Bear the Burden

     Book Reviews

     County Society Reports

     Hawaii Academy of General Practice

     Hawaii Medical Association

     In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii--LXXII

     New Members

     Notes and News

     President's Page

     University of Hawaii

Hawaii Technologists' Bulletin
     Laboratory Requirements and the Future of Medical


Number 6, July-August 1968

     Presidential Address
     B. Allen Richardson, M.D.

     The Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Associated with Steroid
     Abnormalities--A Case Study
     Werner G. Schroffner, M.D., and Quentin C. Belles, Ph.D.

     Practical Therapy for Some Socio-Economic Medical Problems
     of Today
     Milford O. Rouse, M.D.

     Preliminary Survey of Medical Care in Hawaii First Report:
     Hospital Care
     Paul J. Sanazaro, M.D.

     The Regional Medical Program: Unmet Need or Unneeded

     Medical Care and Its Relation to Good Health

     Meaningful Words

     Give to the United Fund!

     Annual Index

     Book Reviews


     County Society Reports

     Hawaii Academy of General Practice

     Hawaii Medical Association

     In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii--LXXIII

     New Members

     Notes and News

     Our New President

     President's Page

     University of Hawaii

Hawaii Technologists' Bulletin

     HSMT's Scholarship Recipients

     President's Message


Index to Volume 27

Subject and Title Index   &   Author Index


Subject and Title Index

A-D   E-H   I-M   N-R   S-W  

Acute massive iliofemoral venous thrombosis, 313
Amenorrhea with persistent lactation, the Chiari-Frommel syndrome, 233
Analysis, a cohort, first admissions to Hawaii State Hospital, 37
Anaphylactic reaction to the ingestion of mango, 149
A report, sex and the physician, 36

Top of Subject and Title Index

Book Reviews, 52, 161, 248, 332, 466, 558

Top of Subject and Title Index

Cancer in Hawaii: morbidity and treatment--five years 1960-1964, 409
Chiari-Frommel syndrome, the amenorrhea with persistent lactation, 233
Contraceptive counseling by physicians in Hawaii, 240
Contraceptives and sex, premarital, how this physician looks at the problem of, 147
Coronary care unit, the: some detailed aspects of planning, 133
Correspondence, 53, 289
Costs, medical, in Hawaii, 1859-1967, 236
County Society Reports, 159, 249, 335, 462, 557
Criteria for rehabilitation in hemiplegia, 145
Cystic fibrosis, the incidence of, in Hawaii, 229

Top of Subject and Title Index

Diabetes, nephrogenic insipidus and thyrotoxicosis, 29
Disease, mild hemolytic, of the newborn due to anti-Xga antibody: clinical and serologic evaluation, 405
Drug names and the USAN, 324

Top of Subject and Title Index

     Always on Wednesday, 329
     Christmas Seals, 153
     Give to the United Fund!, 551
     Hospitalization for mental illness, 328
     Journal of the Hawaii State Dental Association, 47
     Meaningful words, 551
     Medical care and its relation to good health, 550
     Political action, 48
     Relax professor: we'll bear the burden, 458
     Support for our medical school, 153
     Survey of medical care quality in Hawaii, 153
     The coronary drug project, 244
     The Medical Plaza, 244
     The pill, 47
     The Regional Medical Program: unmet need or unneeded met?, 549
     The second Hawaii Health Fair, 329
     Where are the Indians?, 152
     Your Aloha United Fund,48

Top of Subject and Title Index

First admissions to Hawaii State Hospital: a cohort analysis, 37

Top of Subject and Title Index

Generic names. why use?, 321

Top of Subject and Title Index

     Academy of General Practice, 51, 154, 247, 331, 459, 552
     Cancer in: morbidity and treatment--five years, 1960-1964, 409
     Contraceptive counseling by physicians in, 240
     Health planning in, 316
     Incidence of cystic fibrosis in, 229
     Medical Association, 160, 334, 463, 561
     Medical costs in, 1859-1967, 236
     Preliminary survey of medical care in, 534
     State Hospital, first admissions to: a cohort analysis, 37
     Technologists Bulletin, 62. 166, 254, 340, 468, 618
     Criteria for rehabilitation in, 145
     Significance of the parietal lobes in, 141
Hemolytic disease, mild, of the newborn due to anti-Xga antibody: clinical and serologic evaluation, 405
How this physician looks at the problem of premarital sex and contraceptives, 147

Top of Subject and Title Index

Iliofemoral venous thrombosis, acute massive, 313
Incidence of cystic fibrosis in Hawaii, the, 229
Ingestion of mango, anaphylactic reaction to the, 149
In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii, 50, 156, 245, 330, 460, 554
     Barry, Mary Frye, 555
     Bowman, Frank Austin, 50
     Coudert, Frank Edwards, 330
     Curtis, Ralph Gardner, 460
     Davis, Charles Alva, 245
     Gray, P. P., 245
     Irwin, Frank, 245
     Lindley, Harvey, 554
     Mays, William Henry, 460
     Myers, Robert Pooler,156
     Stith, Robert Marcus, 330
     Tucker, Samuel G., 156
     Uchida, Kinji, 555
     Waughop, Philip Rexford, 50

Top of Subject and Title Index

Lactation, amenorrhea with persistent, the Chiari-Frommel syndrome, 233
Lobes, parietal, the, significance of, in hemiplegia, 141

Top of Subject and Title Index

Mango, anaphylactic reaction to the ingestion of, 149
     Care in Hawaii, preliminary survey of, 534
     Costs in Hawaii, 1859-1967, 236
     Problems and programs, the Ryukyu Islands, 307

Top of Subject and Title Index

Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus and thyrotoxicosis, 29
Newborn, mild hemolytic disease of, due to anti-Xga antibody: clinical and serologic evaluation, 405
New Members, 158, 250, 335, 462, 556
Notes and News, 56, 162, 252. 336, 464, 559

Top of Subject and Title Index

     Alsup, Frederick Franklin, 336
     Hata, Richard T., 465
     Katsuki, Ichitaro, 163
     Kohatsu, Yukihide, 162
     Li, Benjamin Luke, 56
     Myerson. Solomon B., 57
     Tofukuji. Koshiro,337
     Walker, Dean M., 58
     Warner, J. Robert, 559
Ovary, polycystic, syndrome association with steroid abnormalities, 525

Top of Subject and Title Index

Physician, sex, and the, a report, 36
Physicians, contraceptive counseling by, in Hawaii, 240
     In Hawaii, health, 316
     Some detailed aspects of, the coronary care unit, 133
Polycystic ovary syndrome associated with steroid abnormalities, the, 524
Practical therapy for some socio-economic medical problems of today, 529
Preliminary Survey of Medical Care in Hawaii, 534
Presidential Address, 523
President's Page, 46, 151, 243, 327, 457, 548
Problems and programs, medical, the Ryukyu Islands, 307

Top of Subject and Title Index

Queen's Medical Center, employees, serum uric acid levels of, 403

Top of Subject and Title Index

Reconstruction of the thumb, 33
Ryukyu Islands, the: medical problems and programs, 307

Top of Subject and Title Index

Serum uric acid levels of Queen's Medical Center employees, 403
Sex and contraceptives, premarital, how this physician looks at the problem of, 147
Sex and the physician: a report, 36
Significance of the parietal lobes in hemiplegia, the, 141
Socio-economic problems of today, practical therapy for, 529
Steroid abnormalities, the polycystic ovary syndrome abnormalities, 525
Survey, preliminary, of medical care in Hawaii, 534
Syndrome, the Chiari-Frommel, amenorrhea with persistent lactation, 233

Top of Subject and Title Index

This is What's New!, 49, 155
Thrombosis, acute massive iliofemoral venous, 313
Thumb, the reconstruction of, 33
T'hyrotoxicosis, and nephrogenic diabetes insipidus, 29

Top of Subject and Title Index

University of Hawaii, 54, 157, 246, 333, 461, 553
Uric acid, serum, levels of Queen's Medical Center employees, 493
USAN, drug names and the, 324

Top of Subject and Title Index

Why use generic names?, 321

Top of Subject and Title Index


Author Index

A-D   G-P   R-Y  

Akina, Eleanor G., 403
Anderson, Elizabeth K., 141, 145
Bell, Douglas B., 149
Belles, Quentin C., 525
Chai, Alice Y., 240
Chang, Walter Y. M., 313
Char, Donald F. B., 147
Chun. H. H., 133
Cutting, Windsor, 324
Dang, Richard Wm., 149
Dykes, Eldon R., 33

Top of Author Index

Gudeman, Howard E., 37
Hale, Ralph W., 233
Kelley, Richard R.,403
Kim, John H. C., 29
Lee, Richard K. C., 316
Lee, Winfred Y., 313
McCoy, James R., Jr., 405
Morton, Newton E., 229
Palmer, Daniel D., 321

Top of Author Index

Richardson, B. Allen, 523
Rouse, Milford O., 529
Sanazaro, Paul J., 534
Schmitt, Robert C., 236
Schroffner, Werner G., 525
Sonoda, Phyllis A., 403
Wolff, Robert J., 240
Wright, Stanley W., 229
Yokoyama, Henry N., 37
Yokoyama, Mitsuo, 405

Top of Author Index