
Volume 28 [September 1968-August 1969]


Subject and Title Index

A-D   E-H   I-M   N-R   S-X  

ABO blood groups in human hair, 384
Alcoholics, plan for treatment in Hawaii: the role of the physician and the general hospital, 380
Anticoagulants, the effect of Coumarin-type on blood fibrinolysis, 29

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Blood groups, ABO, in human hair, 384
Book Reviews, 46, 132, 230, 306, 394, 481
Burns and pyoderma, treatment of with 0.5% silver nitrate ointment, 457

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Cancer of the stomach, immunological studies in Japanese, I, 213
Clinical aspects of ciguatera (fish poisoning) in French Polynesia, 25
Coconut oil as a dietary source of fat with special reference to filled milk, 459
Comparison of VDRL, RPCF, and FTA-ABS tests for syphilis, 33
Correspondence, 5
Coumarin-type anticoagulants, the effect of on blood fibrinolysis, 29
County Society News, 135, 227, 305, 397
Craniostenosis in one dizygotic twin, 283

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Dextrocardia, the P loop rotation, a vectorcardiographic sign of, 37
Diabetes insipidus, familial nephrogenic, 205
Dietary source of fat, coconut oil, with special reference to filled milk, 459
Disposition of day-hospital patients: A six-month cohort analysis,293
Dizygotic twin, craniostenosis in one, 286
Double-outlet right ventricle, 105

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     A four-year school--by 1974?, 298
     Birth Defects Center, 219
     Chinese restaurant syndrome, 41
     "Cure" of heroin addiction, 473
     Don't drop out doctor!, 474
     Help your Blood Bank help you!, 299
     In hemianopsia, 127
     Insect sprays harm people!, 299
     National Commission on Product Safety, 298
     New features, 127
     Pooled plasma may be pretty safe, 42
     Report of the Health and Hospital Planning Council in Honolulu, 220
     Shorter--or no--isolation for leprosy, 126
     The biology of overcrowding, 388
     The brilliant thoughts of Chairman Mao, 388
     The clinical professor, 41
     The FTA-ABS: test for syphilis, 42
     The gastric ulcer problem, 219
     The regional pediatric pulmonary program, 389
     The rubella problem in Hawaii, 387
     Worst foot forward, 127
Effect of coumarin-type anticoagulants on blood fibrinolysis, 29

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Familial nephrogenic diabetes insipidus, 205
Fibrinolysis blood, the effect of coumarin-type anticoagulants on, 29
Fish poisoning, ciguatera, clinical aspects of in French Polynesia, 25

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Hair, human, ABO blood groups in, 384
     Academy of General Practice, 43, 128, 222, 300, 390, 476
     foods, sodium, and potassium in some, 209
     isolation of streptococci from throat and dermal lesions: study among
     children in, 122
     Leprosy and public health in--changing a policy of isolation, 365
     Medical Association, 138, 307, 400, 480, 487
     multiple sclerosis in--a preliminary report, 374
     plan for treatment of alcoholics in: the role of the physician and the
     general hospital, 380
     pyloric stenosis, in: a 25-year survey of 276 cases, I, 201
     suspected rabies in retrospect, Oahu, 277
     Technologists' Bulletin, 52, 140, 232, 310, 402, 538
     University of, the School of Public Health, 115
     day, disposition of patients: a six-month cohort analysis, 293
     discharges on Oahu, short-stay, 464
     General, the role of the physician and, plan for treatment of alcoholics
     in Hawaii, 380

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Immunoglobulin levels in disease, 377
Immunological studies of cancer of the stomach in Japanese, I, 213
In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii, 44, 130, 224, 302, 392, 479
     Benyas, Nathaniel Morret, 479
     Hasegawa, Gensho, 392
     Kilbourne, Edwin Dearborn, Sr., 224
     Lightner, Gordon Hitt, 392
     Mori, Motokazu, 302
     Plum, Frank Arents, 392
     Ramus, Carl, 224
     Schnack, Adolph George, 479
     Swift, Sidney Bourne, 44
     Sowers, Joseph Mark, 44
     Thompson, Lyman S., 130
     Tuttle, George Bass, 302
Insecticides: household use and respiratory impairment, 283
Isolation of streptococci from throat and dermal lesions study among children of Hawaii, 122

Japanese, immunological studies of cancer of the stomach in, I, 213

Leprosy and public health in Hawaii--changing a policy of isolation, 365
Living environment, the, of the beaded, sandaled, and hirsute, 288
Lupus-like syndrome after procainamide, 120

Medical laboratory, changing requirements in, 232
Milk, filled, coconut oil as a dietary source of fat with special reference to, 459
Multiple sclerosis in Hawaii--a preliminary report, 374

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New Members, 47, 134, 226, 304, 396, 482
Notes & News, 49, 136, 228, 308, 398, 484

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     Devereux, John William, 399
     Dykes, Eldon R., 49
     Fronk, Clarence E. 48
     Keay, Thomas, 398
     Kuninobu, James T., 137
     Yamanoha, Shosei, 485
Our New President, 486

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Plan for treatment of alcoholics in Hawaii: the role of the physician and the general hospital, 380
P loop rotation, a vectorcardiographic sign of dextrocardia, 37
President's Page, 40, 124, 218, 297, 372
Presidential address, 453
Procainamide, lupus-like syndrome after, 120
Pyloric stenosis in Hawaii: a 25-year survey of 276 cases, I, 201

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Rabies, suspected, in retrospect, Oahu, Hawaii, 277
Respiratory impairment, insecticides, household use and, 283

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School of Public Health of the University of Hawaii, the, 115
Short-stay hospital discharges on Oahu, 464
Silver nitrate ointment, 0.5%, treatment of burns and pyoderma with, 457
Slants & Angles, 129, 223, 301, 391, 475
Sodium and potassium in some Hawaii foods, 209
Streptococci, isolation of from throat and dermal lesions, study among children in Hawaii, 122
Suspected rabies in retrospect, Oahu, Hawaii, 277
Syphilis, comparison of VDRL, RPCF, and FTA-ABS tests for, 33

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Treatment of burns and pyoderma with 0.5% silver nitrate ointment, 457

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University of Hawaii, 45, 131, 225, 395, 478

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Vectorcardiographic, a, sign of dextrocardia, the P loop rotation, 37
Ventricle, double-outlet right, 105

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X-ray View Box, 133, 221,303,393, 477

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Author Index

B-F   G-N   O-Y  

Bagnis, Raymond, 25
Bassett, David R., 29
Beaton, J. R., 459
Bennett, Charles G., 464
Bhagavan, N. V., 213
Campbell, Anne, 201
Char, Donald F. B., 288
Chetlin, Melvin D., 105
Chun, L. T., 122
Davis, Y. E., 459
DeKrey, Donald H., 293
Dole, Marjorie W., 122
Ellis, Joseph G., 37
Eves, Lancelot, 457
Fujishima, Satsue, 33

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Gal, Andrew E., 213
Goebert, H. William Jr., 286
Gooch, J. M., 277
Gould, K. L., 277, 365
Hirschy, I. D., 277
Ichida, Carl, 377
Judd, C. S., Jr., 457
Kasugai, Tatsuzo, 213
Kimura, Wayne, 384
Kuresa, Kome, 457
Kuroiwa, Yoshigoro, 374
Lee, Richard K. C., 115
Leong, Lorene, 232
Martin, Loren W., 105
Mehta, B. R., 120
Mertz, Audrey W., 380
Moellering, Robert C. Jr., 29
Miyamoto, Robert M., 453
Nakano, Harriet, 33
Nakano, Kenneth K., 205

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Oda, A., 277
Okihiro, Michael M., 374
Ono, Helen, 37
Orbison, James A., 105
Rosenblatt, Gerald, 29
Shim, Walton K. T., 201
Stokes, Joseph III, 29
Tanimoto, Ralph H., 33
Terauchi, Mildred M., 115
Uemura, Herbert S., 377
Thong, Flora L., 209
Viele, Marie O., 464
Weiner, Betsy P., 283
Wenkam, Nao S., 209
Worth, Robert M., 283
Wright, Stanley, 201
Yamakido, Michio, 377
Yamamoto, Takaki, 213
Yokoyama, Mitsuo, 213, 384

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