
Volume 29 [September 1969-December 1970]


Subject and Title Index

A-D   E-H   I-M   N-R   S-X  

Abortion law: physicians' attitudes on the, report of survey, 1969, 209
Abortion, role of rhoGAM in, 450
ADP-induced platelet aggregation in normal and diseased groups, studies on, 446
Anaphylactic reaction to fire ant, 368
Antituberculosis therapy, serum protein changes during, 438

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Behavior modification: a therapeutic milieu for chronic schizophrenics, 20
Book Reviews, 51, 147, 229, 310, 387, 524, 655
Breast cancer:, national conference on, Washington, D.C., May 8-10, 1969, 17
Bronchial asthma, childhood, in Hawaii, 30
Brucellosis in Hawaii, 628
Burns, control of pseudomonas infections in, with silver sulfadiazine, 298

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Candida parapsilosis endocarditis following heart surgery: case report, 637
Carcinoma of the stomach at Kuakini Hospital (1960-1964), 284
Cardiopulmonary complications of external cardiac massage, 114
Carding for the "bad trip" a review of current status of LSD, 555
Celiac axis syndrome, 443
Childhood bronchial asthma in Hawaii, 30
Control of pseudomonas infections in burns with silver sulfadiazine, 298
Cooper Hospital Quiz, 200, 287, 369, 451, 567, 627
Correspondence, 5
County Society News, 49, 145, 234, 311, 405, 521, 587, 651

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Diets, children's, supplementation of, in Honolulu, 370
Diuretic therapy: a review for physicians, a rational approach to, 633

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     Aloha, Lee McCaslin!, 380
     AMA Woos Specialty Society, 465
     Cooper self assessment quiz, 220
     Eleventh Pan-Pacific Surgical Congress, 212
     Hawaii medical care quality study, 303
     "Inside HMA", 42
     Kidney transplant: a first for St. Francis Hospital, 41
     Malpractice insurance crisis, 573
     Medical licensure, 572
     Morality of organ donation, 137
     Multidisciplinary clinic for myelodysplasia, 138
     Numbers, 573
     Open letter to the HMA, 41
     Regional pediatric pulmonary program, 221
     Repeal the law against abortion, 220
     Rubella vaccine for adolescents and young adults, 379
     Sex, 379
     Sudden death from sniffing, 465
     Trophblastic Disease Center, 138
     Who's liable for transfusion hepatitis?, 640
     Who needs public health?, 302
Epidemic, the Okuu--Hawaii's greatest, 359

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Generic-therapeutic equivalence--enigma or myth?, 201
Growth measures of a selected group of preschool children in Honolulu, 375

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Halothane and hepatotoxicity: a retrospective review, 562
Academy of General Practice, 47, 141, 225, 304, 381, 466, 574, 645
Medical Association, 50, 146, 228, 314, 392, 475, 581, 654
Pharmacists' Bulletin, 584, 656
Technologists' Bulletin, 56, 152, 236, 316, 394
Health Fair, 120
Hearing impairment in the aged, 109
Hepatitis-associated (Australia) antigen in Hawaii, 623
Hyperthyroidism: immunoglobulin levels and long acting thyroid stimulator (LATS) in, a preliminary report, 118

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Immunoglobulin levels and long acting thyroid stimulator (LATS) in hyperthyroidism: a preliminary report, 118
Immunological characteristics of mongoose blood, 568
Immunology of stomach cancer in Japanese: II. sera of stomach cancer, 288
In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii, 46, 144, 224, 309, 386, 470, 578, 648
     Davidson, Charles, 578
     de Faria John Baptist, 224
     Fennel, Eric Adolphus, 46
     Grace, John J., 470
     Hatt, Rafe Nelson, 144
     Hoshino, Mitsuhara, 309
     Ketchum, Wesley Harrington, 648
     King, Ernest Frothingham, 309
     Liu, Hyuk Chong, 403
     Pinto, Joao, 578
     Van Poole, Gideon MacDonald, 386
     Woodbury, Benjamin Collins, 386
     Yoshimura, Ikua, 403
Inside HMA, 44, 140, 227, 308, 382, 579, 649

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Lani Booth Pediatric Pulmonary Center and regional Pediatric Pulmonary Program, 203
Leiomyosarcoma of the uterus, 452
Leprosy in Hawaii--medical lecture, 429
LSD, a review of current status of, 555

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Medical education in the Pacific, 281
Myocardial infarction, serum protein patterns in acute, 27

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National Conference on Breast Cancer: Washington, D.C., May 8-10, 1969, 17
New Members, 48, 145, 230, 311, 388, 471, 580, 650
Notes and News, 52, 148, 232, 312, 390, 472, 582, 652

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     Benz, Rudolph W., 312
     Higa, Hoei, 52
     Hill, Rogers Lee, 53
     Ho, Kwan Heen, 313
     Ikuta, Shunji Kay, 232
     Kashiwa, Lester T., 473
     Paynter, Harrison Samuel, 391
     Shapiro, Lewis, 148
     Uyehara, Yokichi, 149
Okuu--Hawaii's greatest epidemic, 359
Oral contraceptives, platelet adhesiveness in women using, 365
Our New President, 474

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Physicians' attitudes on the abortion law: report of survey, 1969, 209
Platelet adhesiveness in women using oral contraceptives, 365
Practical aspects of supplementation of children's diets in Honolulu, 370
President's Page, 40, 136, 219, 301, 378, 464, 571, 642
Pyloric stenosis, 276 cases of, in Hawaii: II. racial aspects, 292

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Rational approach to diuretic therapy: a review for physicians, 633
Role of rhoGAM in therapeutic and spontaneous abortion, 450
Rubella susceptibility among adults in Hawaii, 197
Rubella vaccine trial in children in Hawaii, 561

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Schizophrenics, behavior modification: a therapeutic milieu for chronic, 20
Serum protein changes during antituberculosis therapy, 438
Serum protein patterns in acute myocardial infarction, 27
Silver sulfadiazine, control of pseudomonas infections in burns with, 298
Slants and Angles, 43, 139, 222, 305, 387, 467, 575, 644
Studies on ADP-induced platelet aggregation in normal and diseased groups, 446
Surgical Congress, the Eleventh Pan-Pacific, 212

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Thyroid diseases and immunoglobulin levels, 205
Thyrotoxicosis and hypokalemic periodic paralysis, 106
Toxoplasmosis in Hawaii, 101
276 cases of pyloric stenosis in Hawaii: II. racial aspects, 292

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University of Hawaii, 142, 226, 306, 384, 468, 576, 646

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X-ray View Box, 45, 143, 223, 307, 385, 469, 577, 647

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Author Index

B-D   F-L   M-S   T-Y

Bass, James W., 101
Bennett, James G., 101
Bergin, William Carthage, 628
Bergin, William N., 628
Bintliff, Sharon J., 203
Brown, Myrtle L., 370, 375
Bruyere, Martha, 30
Bruyere, P. T., 30
Burrell, Sidney A., 623
Campbell, Anne, 292
Chandor, Stebbins, 288
Chang, Richard K. C., 296
Chang, Walter Y. M., 296
Cheng, Simon, 637
Ching, G. A., 438
Cutting, Windsor C., 281
Diwan, Arwin R., 197

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Fujikawa, Sharon, 109
Fukunaga, Francis H., 114
Gardner, Kenneth D., 633
Goto, George, 209
Haber, Meryl H., 562
Halstead, Scott B., 197
Hartman, William A., 365
Hathaway, Joseph C., 429
Haywood, Guy S., 443
Helmly, R. Bruce, 368
Hindle, William H., 452
Hinsley, James W., 568
Hokama, Y., 438
Inoguchi, Kiyoshi, 288
Kasugai, Tatsuzo, 288
Kim, John H. C., 205
Kobayashi, Kozo, 288
Lin, T. K., 27, 205
Liu, Gladys S. Y., 623

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Manner, Beverly, 209
Martin, Carroll M., 555
Mehta, B. R., 106
Myers, W. A., 30
Noguchi, Shiro, 118
Oishi, Noboru, 365, 446
Oishi, Robert H., 284
Pang, L. Q., 109
Reppun, J. I. Frederick, 212
Roth, Alexander, 561
Schmitt, Robert C., 359
Shaw, G. Patrick, 452
Shim, Walton K. T., 203, 292
Shirkey, Harry C., 201, 203
Smith, Doris S., 375
Smith, Roy G., 209
Sprague, Clare, 17, 450, 452
Straehley, Clifford I., 101
Suzuki, Mary, 365

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Takaki, Harvey S., 562
Tamblyn, Elizabeth, 438
Tamura, Paul Y., 120
Tsunematsu, Kiyoshi, 288
Wallace, Gordon D., 101
Watt, Walter H. K., 296
Wild, Walter F., 20
Withers, John N., 298, 443
Wright, Stanley W., 292
Yamada, Edward Y., 114
Yamakido, Michio, 27, 118, 205, 446
Yamamoto, Takaki, 288
Yokoyama, Mitsuo, 27, 118, 205, 288, 365, 446, 568, 623
Yu, Lina, 637

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