
Volume 30 [1971]

Contents and Index

Number 1, January-February 1971

     The Edward D. Churchill Lecture
     Joseph E. Strode, M.D.

     Malaria--A Problem for Hawaii?
     O'Neill Barrett, Jr., Colonel, MC, USA, and Carlton G. Reiley,
     Lt. Colonel, MC, USA

     The Clinical Course of Survival in the Arctic
     Terence A. Rogers, Ph.D.

     Heath Care Delivery In Hawaii

     National Health Insurance--Inevitable?

     Nutritional Emergency

     Book Reviews

     County Society Reports

     Hawaii Academy of General Practice

     Hawaii Medical Association

     In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii--LXXXVIII

     Inside HMA


     New Members

     Notes and News

     President's Page

     Slants and Angles

     University of Hawaii

     X-ray View Box

Hawaii Pharmacists' Bulletin
     The President's Corner

     Board of Directors Meeting

     Rx Notes of Interest


Number 2, March-April 1971

     Malignant Leiomyoblastoma
     Report of Ninth Case
     Grayson R. Osteraas, Major, MC, and
     Sebbins B. Chandor, Major, MC

     Plague Antibody Response in the Mongoose
     Harry H. Higa, Ph.D., William T. Matsuura, B.S.,
     and Walter H. Watanabe, B.S.

     Scorpions and Centipedes of the Hawaiian Islands:
     Their Medical Significance
     Carroll M. Martin, Major, MC

     Health Care Delivery in Hawaii

     The Makana Foundation for Organ Transplants

     The Mabel L. Smyth Memorial Building

     MECO = Medical Education Community Orientation

     Romance Never Dies

     Book Reviews

     County Society News

     Hawaii Academy of General Practice

     Hawaii Medical Association

     In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii--LXXXIX

     Inside HMA


     New Members

     Notes and News

     President's Page

     Slants and Angles

     X-ray View Box

Hawaii Pharmacists' Bulletin
     The President's Corner

     Board of Directors Meeting

     Interactions of Oral Coumarin Anticoagulants


Number 3, May-June 1971

     Hiatus Hernia and Gastroesophageal Reflux
     J. Judson McNamara, M.D.

     The Art and Gentle Science of Pisse-Prophecy
     Kenneth D. Gardner, Jr., M.D.

     Rheumatoid Factor and Antinuclear Antibody in Systemic
     Lupus Erythematosus, Rheumatoid Arthritis
     and Infectious Mononucleosis
     Carl K. Ichida, and Mitsuo Yokoyama, M.D.

     Three Months' Experience with Thiothixene
     Juan Carlos De Tala, M.D.

     Thiothixene in Chronic Schizophrenia
     A Clinical Trial
     A. Hamdi Yilmaz, M.D.

     Hawaii Life Tables Values by Causes of Death: 1959-61
     Chai Bin Park, M.D., and Y. Scott Matsumoto, Ph.D.

     In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii

     Book Reviews

     County Society Reports

     Hawaii Academy of General Practice

     Hawaii Medical Association

     In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii--XC

     Inside HMA


     New Members

     Notes and News

     President's Page

     Slants and Angles

     University of Hawaii

     X-ray View Box

Hawaii Pharmacists' Bulletin
     The President's Corner


     Drug Abuse Committee


Number 4, July-August 1971

     MEDICAL LECTURE--Changing Concepts of Death
     John J. Lowrey, M.D.

     Radical Mastectomy for Carcinoma of the Breast
     C. M. Burgess, M.D., and J. F. Balfour, M.D.

     A Toxicologic View of Marijuana
     Louis J. Casarett, Ph.D., and Randall C. Baselt, B.S.

     The Conquest of Scurvy and the Discovery of Hawaii:
     An Ethnobotanical Triumph
     James J. Ball, M.D.

     Group A Beta Hemolytic Streptococcal Bacteremia
     Review and Report of 14 Cases
     Stephen M. Kreitzer, B.A.

     The Pacific Southwest Regional Medical Library Service
     Nelson J. Gilman

     Effecting "Death with Dignity"

     Sickness Care vs. Health Care

     Book Reviews

     County Society Reports

     Hawaii Academy of General Practice

     Hawaii Medical Association
          Council Meeting

          House of Delegates Proceedings

     In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii

     Inside HMA

     New Members

     Notes and News

     Our New President

     President's Page

     Slants and Angles

     X-ray View Box

Hawaii Pharmacists' Bulletin
     President's Corner

     President's Message

     Board of Directors Meeting


Number 5, September-October 1971

     Alcohol and Drug Abuse in Hawaii
     Walter B. Quisenberry, M.D., and Audrey Mertz, M.D.

     Isolation of Virulent Paracolobactrum Aerogenoides
     Microorganisms from a Rat
     Harry H. Higa, Ph.D., and George Q. L. Ching, B.S.

     Anaphylactoid Purpura Associated with Smallpox Vaccination
     K. Y. Wong, M.D.

     L-DOPA and Parkinsonism
     Michael M. Okihiro, M.D.

     Aberrant Liver Tissue Presenting As Accessory Spleen on
     Spleen Scan Following Splenectomy
     James J. Ball, M.D., Tamotsu Kanzaki, M.D.,
     Carl H. Lum, M.D., Robert T. S. Jim, M.D.,
     and Warren L. H. Wong, M.D.

     Infectious Endocarditis
     Robert H. Moser, M.D.

     Life's Window--The Pupil
     J. I. Frederick Reppun, M.D.

     Harry L. Arnold, Sr., M.D.

     Book Reviews

     County Society Reports

     Hawaii Academy of General Practice

     Hawaii Medical Association

     In Memoriam--Doctors of Hawaii

     Inside HMA


     New Members

     Notes and News

     President's Page

     Slants and Angles

     X-ray View Box

Hawaii Technologists' Bulletin
     Third Party Prescription Programs


Number 6, November-December 1971

     Multiple Sclerosis: Autoimmune Disease
     Allan Chinen, and Mitsuo Yokoyama, M.D.

     Performance Specifications of an HMO
     Mrs. H. H. Chun, R.N.

     The Activated Coagulation Time Test as a Control for
     Heparin Therapy
     Patricia Cho, Frank Bonilla-Linero and Evelyn Yim

     Addict Detoxification in a Community Hospital
     George W. Starbuck, M.D., John J. Hergenhan, B.S.,
     and Mary C. Halloran, M.S.

     Straub Clinic, Inc. Fiftieth Anniversary Year

     Annual Index
     Inserted between pages 500 and 501

     Book Reviews

     County Society News

     Hawaii Academy of General Practice

     Inside HMA


     New Members

     Notes and News

     President's Page

     Slants and Angles

     X-ray View Box

Hawaii Pharmacists' Bulletin


Index to Volume 30

Subject and Title Index   &   Author Index


Subject and Title Index

A-D   E-H   I-M   N-R   S-X  

Aberrant liver tissue presenting as accessory spleen on spleen scan following splenectomy, 393
Activated coagulation time test as a control for heparin therapy, 474
Addict detoxification in a community hospital, 478
Alcohol and drug abuse in Hawaii, 383
Anaphylactoid purpura associated with smallpox vaccination, 388
Art and gentle science of pisse-prophecy, 166

Top of Subject and Title Index

Book reviews, 45, 109, 199, 285, 411, 491

Top of Subject and Title Index

Carcinoma, radical mastectomy for, of the breast, 258
Changing concepts of death, 251
Clinical course for survival in the Arctic, 31
Conquest of scurvy and the discovery of Hawaii, an ethnobotanical triumph, 266
County Society News, 49, 113, 205, 334, 418, 494

Top of Subject and Title Index

Death, changing concepts of, 251
Drug, and alcohol abuse in Hawaii, 383

Top of Subject and Title Index

     Effecting "Death with dignity," 278
     Harry L. Arnold, Sr., M.D., 404
     Health care delivery in Hawaii, 37
     Health care delivery in Hawaii, 101
     In Memorium--Doctors of Hawaii, 192
     Mabel L. Smyth Memorial Building, 102
     Makana Foundation for organ transplants, the, 101
     MECO--Medical Education Community Orientation, 103
     National health insurance--inevitable, 37
     Nutritional emergency, 38
     Romance never dies, 103
     Sickness care vs health care, 279
     Straub Clinic, 484
Edward D. Churchill lecture, 15
Endocarditis, infectious, 396

Top of Subject and Title Index

Gastroesophageal reflux, hiatus hernia and, 163
Group A beta hemolytic streptococcal bacteremia, 270

     Academy of General Practice, 40, 106, 194, 280, 409, 489
     Medical Association, 53, 116, 207, 288, 293*, 419
     *Annual House of Delegates Proceedings.
     Pharmacists' Bulletin, 50, 118, 208, 336, 420, 498
Hawaii life tables values by causes of death, 1956-61, 184
Heparin therapy, activated coagulation time test as a control for,474
Hiatus hernia and gastroesophageal reflux, 163
HMO, performance specifications of an, 472

Top of Subject and Title Index

Infectious endocarditis, 396
In Memorium--Doctors of Hawaii, 44, 112, 198, 283, 412
     Burt, Franklin, 44
     Chamberlin, Howard W., 283
     Chinn, Walter Seong, 412
     Craig, Alfred Leslie, 283
     Edwards, Franz Gill, 198
     Madsen, Mars Laurice, 198
     McCalla, Randolph Lucien, 413
     McCoy, Haliburton, 412
     Nesbit, William Wesley, 198
     Tisdale, Charles Lewis, 112
     Tisdale, Thomas Price, 112
     Watt, Henry Chorley, 44
     Whitten, Harry Hood, 198
     Yamamoto, Chito, 283
Inside HMA, 41, 105, 193, 281, 408, 488
Isolation of virulent paracolobactrum aerogenoides microorganisms from a rat, 386

Top of Subject and Title Index

L-Dopa and parkinsonism, 390
Letters, 10, 85, 160, 381, 462
Life's window--the pupil, 402
Lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid factor and antinuclear antibody in systemic, rheumatoid arthritis and infectious mononucleosis, 170

Top of Subject and Title Index

Malaria--a problem for Hawaii, 27
Malignant leiomyoblastoma report of ninth case, 89
Marijuana, a toxicologic view of, 262
Mastectomy, radical, for carcinoma of the breast, 258
Mongoose, plague antibody response in the, 92
Mononucleosis, rheumatoid factor and antinuclear antibody in systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis and infectious, 170
Multiple sclerosis: autoimmune disease, 464

Top of Subject and Title Index

New Members, 48, 114, 202, 291, 416, 496
Notes and News, 46, 110, 200, 286, 414, 492

Top of Subject and Title Index

     Kurashige, Wilfred Hitoshi, 212
     Sia, Richard Ho Ping, 59
     Stephenson, John Robert, 123
     Wong, Francis F. C., 501
Our New President, 292

Top of Subject and Title Index

Pacific southwest regional medical library service, 274
Paracolobactrum aerogenoides microorganisms from a rat, isolation of virulent, 386
Performance specifications of an HMO, 472
Plague antibody response in the mongoose, 92
President's Page, 36, 100, 191, 276, 406, 486

Top of Subject and Title Index

Radical mastectomy for carcinoma of the breast, 258
Rheumatoid factor and antinuclear antibody in systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis and infectious mononucleosis, 170

Top of Subject and Title Index

Schizophrenia, thiothixene in chronic: a clinical trial, 178
Scorpions and centipedes in the Hawaiian Islands: their medical significance, 95
Scurvy, conquest of, and the discovery of Hawaii: an ethnobotanical triumph, 266
Slants and Angles, 39, 104, 195, 282, 407, 487
Smallpox vaccination, anaphylactoid purpura associated with, 388

Top of Subject and Title Index

Three months' experience with thiothixene, 174
Thiothixene in chronic schizophrenia: a clinical trial, 178
Toxicologic view of marijuana, 262

Top of Subject and Title Index

University of Hawaii, 42, 196

Top of Subject and Title Index

X-ray View Box, 43, 108, 197, 284, 410, 490


Author Index

B-D   G-M   O-Y


Balfour, J. F., 258
Ball, James J., 266, 393
Barrett, O'Neill, Jr., 27
Baselt, Randall C., 262
Bonilla-Linero, Frank, 474
Burgess, C. M., 258
Casarett, Louis J., 262
Chandor, Sebbins B., 89
Chinen, Allan, 464
Ching, George Q. L., 386
Cho, Patricia, 474
Chun, H. H., 472
DeTata, Juan Carlos, 174

Top of Author Index

Gardner, Kenneth D., Jr., 166
Gilman, Nelson J., 274
Halloran, Mary C., 478
Hergenhan, John J., 478
Higa, Harry H., 92, 386
Ichida, Carl K., 170
Jim, Robert T. S., 393
Kanzaki, Tamotsu, 393
Kreitzer, Stephen M., 270
Lowrey, John J., 251
Lum, Carl H., 393
McNamara, J. Judson, 163
Martin, Carroll M., 95
Matsumoto, Y. Scott, 184
Matsuura, William T., 92
Mertz, Audrey, 383
Moser, Robert H., 396

Top of Author Index

Okihiro, Michael M., 390
Osteraas, Grayson R., 89
Park, Chai Bin, 184
Quisenberry, Walter B., 383
Reiley, Carlton G., 27
Reppun, J. I. Frederick, 402
Rogers, Terence A., 31
Starbuck, George W., 478
Strode, Joseph E., 15
Watanabe, Walter H., 92
Wong, K. Y., 388
Wong, Warren L. H., 393
Yilmaz, A. Hamdi, 178
Yim, Evelyn, 474
Yokoyama, Mitsuo, 170, 464

Top of Author Index