
Volume 31 [1972]

Contents and Index

Number 1, January-February 1972

     Investigation of a Treatment Method: Relative Hypoglycemia
     Juan Carlos De Tata, M.D.

     Japanese Suicides in Honolulu, 1958-1969
     Doman Lum, Th.D.

     Malignancy in Solitary Nonfunctioning Thyroid Nodules
     Victor R. Nelson, M.D., Constance Yam, M.D., and
     James J. Ball, M.D.

     Clinical Significance of a1-Antitrypsin Level--A Preliminary
     Evaluation Among Japanese Men
     Tadahiro Sano, M.D., Mitsuo Yokoyama, M.D., and
     George G. Rhoads, M.D., M.P.H.

     End Universal Smallpox Vaccination

     Continue Routine Smallpox Vaccination

     Letter to the Editor

     AMA Delegate's Report

     Book Reviews

     County Society News

     Hawaii Academy of Family Physicians

     Hawaii Medical Association

     Inside HMA

     New Members

     Notes and News

     President's Page

     Slants and Angles

     X-ray View Box

Hawaii Pharmacists' Bulletin


Number 2, March-April 1972


Number 2, January-February 1972

     Conference Report: Second National Conference on Breast
     John F. Balfour, M.D.

     Crown-of-Thorns Starfish Wounds--Some Observations on
     Injury Sites
     Charles B. Odom, M.D., and Edward A. Fischermann, B.A.

     Pulmonary Embolism in Deep Leg Vein Thrombosis
     James J. Ball, M.D., Robert A. Nordyke, M.D., and
     Robert L. Kistner, M.D.

     Air Pollution and Health at Ala Moana Shopping Center in
     Wilfrid Bach, Ph.D., and Kenneth Lennon, B.S.

     Minors, ObGyn Practice and the Law

     Please Report Transfusion Hepatitis!

     Air Pollution

     Certified Medical Representatives

     Book Reviews

     County Society News

     Hawaii Academy of Family Physicians

     Hawaii Medical Association

     Inside HMA

     New Members

     Notes and News

     President's Page

     Slants and Angles

Hawaii Pharmacists' Bulletin
     Have You Abdicated Your Right to Self Determination as a Pharmacist?


Number 3, May-June 1972

     Team Care--Progress Through Partnership
     Hing Hua Chun, M.D., Zita Cruz Bristol, M.D., and
     Florence H. Aihara, R.R.A.

     Presidential Address
     Herbert Y. H. Chinn, M.D.

     Team Care at St. Francis Hospital

     The Value of the HMA-Payne Study

     To Meet the Needs of Patients

     A Plague in Our Midst

     Book Reviews

     County Society News

     Hawaii Academy of Family Physicians

     Hawaii Medical Association

     Inside HMA

     New Members

     Notes and News

     President's Page

     Slants and Angles

Hawaii Pharmacists' Bulletin
     Third Party Prepaid Prescription Programs

     What are the Real Issues Facing the Profession of Pharmacy?


Number 4, July-August 1972

     Myocardial Infarction in Kaiser Hospital, Honolulu (1959-1967)
     T. K. Lin, M.D., J. H. C. Kim, M.D., W. M. H. Dung, M.D.,
     E. H. Miyawaki, Ph.D., and J. G. Bennett, M.D.

     Urinary C-Reactive Protein and Lysozyme in Renal
     Patrick K. C. Chun, B.A., Livingston Wong, M.D.,
     Young K. Paik, M.D., Arnold W. Siemsen, M.D., and
     Yoshitsugi Hokama, Ph.D.

     Giant Hemangioma of the Liver
     Manuel Ang, M.D., and Roy Tanoue, M.D.

     Comprehensive Health Planning and the Workings of

     Scalded Skin Syndrome Revisited

     Library for Parents of Exceptional Children

     Book Reviews

     County Society News

     Hawaii Academy of Family Physicians

     Hawaii Medical Association
          Council Meeting

          House of Delegates Proceedings

     New Members

     Notes and News

     Our New President

     President's Page

     Slants and Angles

Hawaii Pharmacists' Bulletin
     New Officers Installed

     Outgoing President's Message

     The President's Message


Number 5, September-October 1972

     What Your AMA Did in 1971-1972
     Ernest B. Howard, M.D.

     Virulent Escherichia coli From a Mouse
     Harry H. Higa, Ph.D., and George Q. L. Ching, B.S.

     Creatinine, a Parameter of Fetal Maturity
     Clare Sprague, M.D.

     Where Do We Go From Here?

     The Cancer Chemotherapy Project

     Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis Revisited

     Hawaii vs Alaska

     Book Reviews

     County Society News

     Hawaii Academy of Family Physicians

     Hawaii Medical Association
          Council Meeting

     ICHD Reports

     Letters to the Editor

     New Members

     Notes and News

     President's Page

     Slants and Angles


Number 6, November-December 1972

     Some Adverse Health Effects Due to Air Pollution from
     Wilfrid Bach, Ph.D., Louis Dickinson, M.D., Dr. P.H.,
     Betsy Weiner, M.D., and Gwen Costello, B.S.

     Sexing of A. trestis
     William N. Bergin, M.D.

     Fibrinolytic Activity in Hawaiian and Japanese Men in Hawaii
     Robert C. Moellering, Jr., M.D., Gerald Rosenblatt, M.D., and
     David R. Bassett, M.D.

     Poinsettia: Probably Not Poisonous

     Vitamin C Requirement in Man

     AMA News in Brief

     Annual Index
     Inserted between pages 500 and 501

     Book Reviews

     County Society News

     HMA Outreach

     Hawaii Academy of Family Physicians

     Hawaii Medical Association
          Council Meeting

     ICHD Reports

     New Members

     Notes and News

     President's Page

     Slants and Angles


Index to Volume 31

Subject and Title Index   &   Author Index


Subject and Title Index

A-D   E-H   I-M   N-R   S-X  

a1-Antitrypsin level, clinical significance of among Japanese men, a preliminary evaluation, 27
Air pollution and health at Ala Moana Shopping Center in Honolulu, 104
Ala Moana Shopping Center in Honolulu, air pollution and health at, 104
AMA delegate's report, 35
AMA news in brief, 479
A. trestis, sexing of, 466

Top of Subject and Title Index

Book reviews, 43, 121, 204, 276, 403, 486
Breast cancer, second national conference on, conference report, 95

Top of Subject and Title Index

Conference report, second national conference on breast cancer, 95
Clinical significance of a1-Antitrypsin level, a preliminary evaluation among Japanese men, 27
County society news, 48, 126, 208, 338, 405, 488
Creatinine, a parameter of fetal maturity, 391
Crown-of-thorns starfish wounds, some observations on injury sites, 99

Top of Subject and Title Index

Deep leg vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism in, 101

Top of Subject and Title Index

     Air pollution, 117
     A plague in our midst, 199
     Certified medical representatives, 117
     Comprehensive health planning and the workings of government, 272
     Continue routine smallpox vaccination, 36
     End universal smallpox vaccination, 36
     Hawaii vs Alaska, 398
     Letter to the editor, 37
     Library for parents of exceptional children, 273
     Minors, ObGyn practice and the law, 116
     Please report transfusion hepatitis, 116
     Poinsettia: probably not poisonous, 477
     Scalded skin syndrome revisited, 272
     Team care at St. Francis Hospital, 198
     The cancer chemotherapy project, 397
     The value of the HMA-Payne study, 198
     To meet the needs of patients, 199
     Toxic epidermal necrolysis revisited, 398
     Vitamin C requirement in man, 477
     Where do we go from here?, 397

Top of Subject and Title Index

Fetal maturity, creatinine, a parameter of, 391
Fibrinolytic activity in Hawaiian and Japanese men in Hawaii, 468
Fireworks, some adverse health effects due to air pollution from, 459

Top of Subject and Title Index

Giant hemangioma of the liver, 266

Top of Subject and Title Index

HMA outreach, 480
     Academy of Family Physicians, 41, 119, 202, 274, 400, 482
     Medical Association, 49, 127, 209, 277*, 333, 404, 487
     * Annual House of Delegates Proceedings.
     Pharmacists' Bulletin, 50, 128, 210, 340
Hawaiian and Japanese men in Hawaii, fibrinolytic activity in, 468

Top of Subject and Title Index

ICHD reports, 402, 483
Inside HMA, 39, 118, 201
Investigation of a treatment method, relative hypoglycemia, 14

Top of Subject and Title Index

Japanese suicides in Honolulu, 1958-1969, 19

Top of Subject and Title Index

Kaiser Hospital, Honolulu (1959-1967), myocardial infarction in, 257

Top of Subject and Title Index

Letters to the editor, 376
Liver, giant hemangioma of, 266

Top of Subject and Title Index

Malignancy in solitary nonfunctioning thyroid nodules, 24
Mouse, virulent escherichia coli from a, 389
Myocardial infarction in Kaiser Hospital, Honolulu (1959-1967), 257

Top of Subject and Title Index

New members, 46, 124, 205, 334, 406, 484
Notes and news, 44, 122, 206, 336, 408, 489

Top of Subject and Title Index

Our new president, 269

Top of Subject and Title Index

Presidential address, 196
President's page, 34, 114, 200, 270, 396, 478
Pulmonary embolism in deep leg vein thrombosis, 101

Top of Subject and Title Index

Relative hypoglycemia, investigation of a treatment method, 14
Renal homotransplantation, urinary C-reactive protein and lysozyme in, 262

Top of Subject and Title Index

Second national conference on breast cancer, conference report, 95
Sexing of A. trestis, 466
Slants and angles, 40, 120, 203, 275, 401, 481
Solitary nonfunctioning thyroid nodules, malignancy in, 24
Some adverse health effects due to air pollution from fireworks, 459
Starfish wounds, crown-of-thorns, some observations on injury sites, 99
Suicides, Japanese, in Honolulu, 1958-1969, 19

Top of Subject and Title Index

Team care--progress through partnership, 177
Thrombosis, deep leg vein, pulmonary embolism in, 101
Thyroid nodules, malignancy in solitary nonfunctioning, 24

Top of Subject and Title Index

Urinary C-reactive protein and lysozyme in renal homotransplantation, 262

Top of Subject and Title Index

Virulent escherichia coli from a mouse, 389

Top of Subject and Title Index

What your AMA did in 1971-1972, 383

Top of Subject and Title Index

X-ray view box, 42

Top of Subject and Title Index


Author Index

A-C   D-M   N-Y

Aihara, Florence H., 177
Ang, Manuel, 266
Bach, Wilfrid, 104, 459
Balfour, John F., 95
Ball, James J., 24, 101
Bassett, David R., 468
Bennett, J. G., 257
Bergin, William N., 466
Bristol, Zita Cruz, 177
Ching, George Q. L., 389
Chinn, Herbert Y. H., 196
Chun, Hing Hua, 177
Chun, Patrick K. C., 262
Costello, Gwen, 459

Top of Author Index

DeTata, Juan Carlos, 14
Dickinson, Louis, 459
Dung, W. M. H., 257Fishermann, Edward A., 99
Higa, Harry H., 389
Hokama, Yoshitsugi, 262
Howard, Ernest B., 383
Kim, J. H. C., 257
Kistner, Robert L., 101
Lennon, Kenneth, 104
Lin, T. K., 257
Lum, Doman, 19
Miyawaki, E. H., 257
Moellering, Robert C., Jr., 468

Top of Author Index

Nelson, Victor R., 24
Nordyke, Robert A., 101
Odom, Charles B., 99
Paik, Young K., 262
Rhoads, George G., 27
Rosenblatt, Gerald, 468
Sano, Tadahiro, 27
Siemsen, Arnold W., 262
Sprague, Clare, 391
Tanoue, Roy, 266
Weiner, Betsy, 459
Wong, Livingston, 262
Yam, Constance, 24
Yokoyama, Mitsuo, 27

Top of Author Index