
Volume 32 [1973]

Contents and Index

Number 1, January-February 1973

     Long-term Health Effects of Dietary Monosodium Glutamate
     Genevieve Go, Frank H. Nakamura, George G. Rhoads, M.D.,
     and Louis E. Dickinson, M.D., Dr.P.H.

     Midzonal Liver Necrosis Associated with Fluorinated
     Anesthetic Agents
     Meryl H. Haber, M.D., and Jeffrey M. Lau, B.S.

     On the Evils of Drink
     Robert H. Moser, M.D.

     Occult Spontaneous Rupture of the Spleen: A Diagnostic
     Bal Raj Mehta, M.D.

     Welcome to Bob Moser's Ruminations!

     EMCRO--A Change in Direction

     Termination of Parental Rights

     Who Should Write Prescriptions?

     AMA News in Brief

     Book Reviews

     County Society News

     Hawaii Academy of Family Physicians

     Hawaii Heart Association

     Hawaii Medical Association
          Council Meeting

     New Members

     Notes and News

     President's Page



Number 2, March-April 1973

     Hemodialysis and Renal Transplantations: An Integrated
     Arnold W. Siemsen, M.D., Livingston Wong, M.D., and
     Namiko Kominami, M.D.

     IgM Levels in the Newborn
     Winfred Wang, M.D., Clare Sprague, M.D., and
     Mitsuo Yokoyama, M.D.

     An Analysis of Drowning Incidents on Oahu, 1960-1970
     Benton Chun, Michael M. Okihiro, M.D., and
     Ralph W. Hale, M.D.

     The Changing Role of Gastroscopy in Surgery

     Welcome Representatives of Drug Houses That Support Us!

     AMA News in Brief

     Book Reviews

     County Society News

     Hawaii Academy of Family Physicians

     Hawaii Heart Association

     Hawaii Medical Association
          Council Meeting

     New Members

     Notes and News

     President's Page



Number 3, May-June 1973

     Ruminations of a Middle-Aged Hepatitis Watcher
     Robert H. Moser, M.D.

     Australia Antigen: Current Concepts
     Julia Frohlich, M.D.

     Medical Care Quality Accountability: An Approach to Quality
     Alexander S. Anderson, M.D., and Max G. Botticelli, M.D.

     Presidential Address
     William E. Iaconetti, M.D.

     Acupuncture: An Experimental Medical Treatment Modality

     Vale Atque Ave, Dr. R eppun!

     Come Back, Northwest Medicine!

     Book Reviews

     Hawaii Academy of Family Physicians

     New Members

     Notes and News


Number 4, July-August 1973

     In-migration Versus Fertility as, Factors In Hawaii's Population
     Eleanor C. Nordyke, R.N., M.P.H.

     Abortion in Hawaii: 1970-1971
     Roy G. Smith, M.D., M.P.H., Patricia G. Steinhoff, Ph.D.,
     James A. Palmore, Ph.D., and Milton Diamond, Ph.D.

     Abortion in Hawaii--Present and Future Trends
     Philip I. McNamee, M.D., Ronald J. Pion, M.D.,
     Ralph W. Hale, M.D., and Lawrence A. Reich. D.O.

     Saline Abortion: A Review of the Experience at Kapiolani
     Tomoko I. Hooper, M.D., Roy G. Smith, M.D., M.P.H., and
     Ronald J. Pion, M.D.

     Fecundity, Fertility, Demographers, and Doctors

     Office Treatment of Leprosy

     Book Reviews

     Hawaii Heart Association

     Hawaii Medical Association
          Council Meeting
          House of Delegates Proceedings

     New Members

     Notes and News


Number 5, September-October 1973

     Removal of an Intracardiac Foreign Body Without
     David J. G. Fergusson

     Should We Put Benzodiazepines In Our Drinking Water?
     Frederick E. Pope, M.D.

     Thyroid Function Tests--An Enigma?
     Werner G. Schroffner, M.D.

     Sodium and Potassium In Ready-to-Eat Foods in Hawaii
     Goang-Yean and Bluebell R. Standal

     Hallucinatory Mullet Poisoning--A Case From Oahu
     Albert H. Banner, Ph.D.

     Hypoglycemia and Probable Lactic Acidosis During
     Phenformin Therapy
     Charles K. Tashima, M.D.

     The Hawaii Medical Association and PSRO

     JAMA Gets a New Editor: Robert H. Moser, M.D.

     Book Reviews

     Hawaii Medical Association
          Council Meeting

     New Members

     Notes and News


Number 6, November-December 1973

     Immunochemical and Immunopathological Studies of
     Trophoblast Antigens
     Harry S. Park, Vernon T. Oi, and
     M. Mitsuo Yokoyama, M.D.

     Regional Arterial Perfusion, A New Approach to Postoperative
     Sternal Infection
     David J. G. Fergusson, M.D., Roy O. Kamada, M.D., and
     Niall M. Scully, M.D.

     Economic and Public Health Issues In Suicide Prevention
     Doman Lum, Th.D.

     The Story of Acupuncture
     Robert K. T. Liem, M.D.

     Physician Dropouts

     Annual Index

     Book Reviews

     Hawaii Medical Association
          Council Meeting

     New Members

     Notes and News


Index to Volume 32

Subject and Title Index   &   Author Index


Subject and Title Index

A-D   E-H   I-M   N-R   S-T   Editorials

Abortion in Hawaii: 1970-1971, 213
Abortion in Hawaii: present and future trends, 220
Abortion, saline: a review of the experience at Kapiolani Hospital, 222
Acupuncture, the story of, 394
AMA news in brief, 32, 100
An analysis of drowning incidents on Oahu, 1960-1970, 92
Antigen, Australia: current concepts,      161
Antigens, trophoblast, immunochemical and      immunopathological studies of, 385
Australia antigen: current concepts, 161

Top of Subject and Title Index

Book reviews, 36, 106, 175, 270, 337, 398

Top of Subject and Title Index

County society news, 37, 107

Top of Subject and Title Index

Drowning incidents on Oahu, 1960-1970, an analysis of, 92

Top of Subject and Title Index

Economic and public health issues in suicide prevention, 391

Top of Subject and Title Index

Factors in Hawaii's population growth, in-migration versus fertility as factors, 207
Fluorinated anesthetic agents, midzonal liver necrosis associated with, 18

Top of Subject and Title Index

Hallucinatory mullet poisoning--a case from Oahu, 330
Hawaii Academy of Family Physicians, 33, 101, 173
Hawaii Heart Association, 34, 102, 274
Hawaii Medical Association, 39, 104, 231,* 268, 338, 400
     * Annual House of Delegates Proceedings.
Hemodialysis and renal transplantation: an integrated approach, 81
Hypoglycemia and probable lactic acidosis during phenformin therapy, 332

Top of Subject and Title Index

IgM levels in the newborn, 88
Immunochemical and immunopathological studies of trophoblast antigens, 385
In-migration versus fertility as factors in Hawaii's population growth, 207

Top of Subject and Title Index

Long-term health effects of dietary monosodium glutamate, 13

Top of Subject and Title Index

Medical care quality accountability: an approach to quality control, 165
Midzonal liver necrosis associated with fluorinated anesthetic agents, 18
Monosodium glutamate, long-term health effects of, 13
Mullet poisoning, hallucinatory, a case from Oahu, 330

Top of Subject and Title Index

New members, 38, 105, 174, 228, 339, 399
Notes and news, 40, 108, 176, 272, 340, 401

Top of Subject and Title Index

Occult spontaneous rupture of the spleen: a diagnostic problem, 26
On the evils of drink, 21

Top of Subject and Title Index

Phenformin therapy, hypoglycemia and probable lactic acidosis during, 332
Postoperative sternal infection, regional arterial perfusion, a new approach to, 389
Presidential address, 168
President's page, 29, 97

Top of Subject and Title Index

Ready-to-eat foods in Hawaii, sodium and potassium in, 327
Regional arterial perfusion, a new approach to postoperative sternal infection, 389
Removal of an intracardiac foreign body without thoractomy, 321
Ruminations, 35, 103
Ruminations of a middle-aged hepatitis watcher, 153

Top of Subject and Title Index

Saline abortion: a review of the experience at Kapiolani Hospital, 222
Should we put benzodiazepines in our drinking water?, 323
Sodium and potassium in ready-to-eat foods in Hawaii, 327
Suicide prevention, economic and public health issues in, 391

Top of Subject and Title Index

The story of acupuncture, 394
Thyroid function tests--an enigma?, 325

Top of Subject and Title Index

Acupuncture: an experimental medical treatment modality, 172
Come back, northwest medicine!, 172
EMCRO--a change in direction, 30
Fecundity, fertility, demographers, and doctors, 227
JAMA gets a new editor: Robert H. Moser, M.D., 336
Office treatment of leprosy, 227
Physician dropouts, 397
Termination of parental rights, 31
The changing role of gastroscopy in surgery, 98
The Hawaii Medical Association and PSRO, 336
Vale atque ave, Dr. Reppun!, 172
Welcome representatives of drug houses that support us!, 99
Welcome to Bob Moser's ruminations!, 30
Who should write prescriptions?, 31

Top of Subject and Title Index


Author Index

A-I   K-P   R-Y

Anderson, Alexander S., 165
Banner, Albert H., 330
Botticelli. Max G., 165
Chun, Benton, 92
Diamond, Milton, 213
Dickinson, Louis E., 13
Fergusson, David J. G., 321, 389
Frolich, Julia, 161
Go, Genevieve, 13
Haber, Meryl H., 18
Hale, Ralph W., 92, 220
Hooper, Tomoko I., 222
Iaconetti, William E., 168

Top of Author Index

Kamada, Roy O., 389
Kominami, Namiko, 81
Lau, Jeffrey, 18
Liem, Robert K. T., 394
Lum, Doman, 391
McNamee, Philip I., 220
Mehta, Bal Raj, 26
Moser, Robert H., 21, 153
Nakamura, Frank H., 13
Nordyke, Eleanor C., 207
Oi, Vernon T., 385
Okihiro, Michael M., 92
Palmore, James A., 213
Park, Harry S., 385
Pion, Ronald J., 220, 222
Pope, Frederick E., 323

Top of Author Index

Reich, Lawrence A., 220
Rhoads, George G., 13
Schroffner, Werner G., 325
Scully, Niall M., 389
Siemsen, Arnold W., 81
Smith, Roy G., 213, 222
Sprague, Clare, 88
Standal, Bluebell R., 327
Steinhoff, Patricia G., 213
Tashima, Charles K., 332
Wang, Winfred, 88
Wong, Livingston, 81
Yang, Goang-Yean, 327, 385
Yokoyama, Mitsuo M., 88

Top of Author Index