
Volume 34 [1975]

Contents and Index

Number 1, January 1975

     Plan and Organization for Utilization Review At Queen's
     Medical Center
     Will J. Henderson, Calvin Ichinose, Unoji Goto, M.D.,
     Benjamin Tom, M.D., James Stewart, M.D.,
     William Sage, M.D., Charles Judd, M.D.,
     Samuel Gresham, M.D., Henry Thompson,
     Barbara A. McDonald, RRA and Mildred Kim, R.N.

     A Survey for Intestinal Parasites in Oahu Schoolchildren
     Robert S. Desowitz, Ph.D., and
     Ned H. Wiebenga, M.D., M.P.H.

     Communications and Goals: New Directions

     Book Reviews

     Continuing Medical Education

     HMA Newsletter

     Hawaii Academy of Family Physicians

     Letters to the Editor

     New Members

     News and Notes


     President's Message


Number 2, February 1975

     Health Personnel in Hawaii, 1820-1974
     Robert C. Schmitt

     Giant Cell Myocarditis
     Kunihiro Nakahara, M.D.

     Continuing Medical Education


     HMA Newsletter

     Hawaii Academy of Family Physicians Newsletter

     Hospital News

     Letters to the Editor

     New Members

     News and Notes


Number 3, March 1975

     Bromelain as a Skin Cancer Preventive in Hairless Mice
     Norman Goldstein, M.D., Steven J. Taussig, Ph.D.,
     James D. Gallup, M.D., and Vernon Koto

     Cross-Validation of the Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological
     Battery: Application in Hawaii
     Jerome I. Boyar, Ph.D., and William T. Tsushima, Ph.D.

     Book Reviews

     Continuing Medical Education


     HMA Council Meeting

     HMA Newsletter

     Hawaii Academy of Family Physicians' Newsletter

     Hawaii Heart Association

     Hospital News

     In Memorium

     New Members

     News and Notes


Number 4, April 1975

     Hemodynamics And Prognosis In Heart Block
     Harry M. Thomas, Jr., M.D., MAJ., MC.

     Book Reviews

     Continuing Medical Education


     Hawaii Academy of Family Physicians' Newsletter

     HMA Newsletter

     Hospital News

     New Members

     News & Notes


Number 5, May 1975

     Football Injuries of the Cervical Spine and Cord
     M.M. Okihiro, M.D., R. Taniguchi, M.D., and
     H.W. Goebert, M.D.

     The Impact of Diet Education on the Patient with Adult-Onset
     Earl S.C. Young, B.S. and Ray T. Huffman, M.D.

     Book Reviews

     Continuing Medical Education


     Hawaii Academy of Family Physicians' Newsletter

     HMA Council Meeting

     HMA Newsletter

     Hospital News

     News & Notes


Number 6, June 1975

     Ciguatera Poisoning in North-West Viti Levu, Fiji Islands
     Michael Sorokin, M.B., B.Ch., M.R.C.P.


     Book Reviews

     Continuing Medical Education


     HMA Council Meeting

     HMA Newsletter

     HMA Reports

     Hawaii Academy of Family Physicians Newsletter

     Letters to the Editor

     New Members

     News and Notes


Number 7, July 1975

     Clinical Cytogenetics In Hawaii, An Introduction To
     Chromosome Methodology
     David T. Arakaki, D.Sc.

     Prevalence Of Behcet's Syndrome In Hawaii
     Tomio Hirohata, M.D., Masanori Kuratsune, M.D.,
     Abraham Nomura, M.D., and Shozaburo Jimi, M.D.

     Continuing Medical Education


     Hawaii Academy of Family Physicians' Newsletter

     HMA Newsletter

     News & Notes

     President's Message


Number 8, August 1975

     Sunshine'75: Rock Medicine Inside Diamond Head
     Patricia A. Sexton, B.A., R. Stanley Burns, M.D. and
     Steven E. Lerner, M.S.

     Madness In Paradise: Psychiatric Crises Among Newcomers
     In Honolulu
     Steven P. Kimura, M.S.W., Patricia L. Mikolashek, M.S.W.
     and Stuart A. Kirk, D.S.W.

     Continuing Medical Education


     Hawaii Academy of Family Physicians' Newsletter

     HMA Newsletter

     Letters to the Editor

     New Members

     News & Notes


Number 9, September 1975

     The Japan-Hawaii Cancer Study: A Progress Report
     Abraham Nomura, M.D., Grant N. Stemmermann, M.D.,
     George G. Rhoads, M.D., and Gary A. Glober, M.D.

     Book Reviews

     Clinical Pathologist's Easy Chair

     Continuing Medical Education


     Hawaii Academy of Family Physicians' Newsletter

     HMA Council Meeting

     HMA Newsletter

     News & Notes


Number 10, October 1975

     Clinical Cytogenetics in Hawaii--An Introduction to
     Chromosome Abnormalities
     David T. Arakaki, D.S.c.

     Carcinoma of the Breast, a Pan-Organ Disease
     Eugene M. Edynak, M.D.

     Continuing Medical Education


     Hawaii Academy of Family Physicians' Newsletter

     HMA Council Meeting

     HMA Newsletter

     News & Notes


Number 11, November 1975

     Changing Concepts of Responsibility
     John J. Lowrey, M.D.

     Continuing Medical Education


     Hawaii Academy of Family Physicians' Newsletter

     HMA Newsletter

     News & Notes


Number 12, December 1975

     Pulmonary Embolism in Hawaii--An Ethnic Study
     Bruce Porter, M.D., and Richard Wasnich, M.D.

     Pernicious Anemia in Hawaii-Japanese
     F. H. Fukunaga, M.D., and M. M. Kaneshiro, M.D.

     Clinical Pathologist's Easy Chair

     Continuing Medical Education


     Hawaii Academy of Family Physicians' Newsletter

     HMA Council Meeting

     HMA Newsletter

     New Members

     Proceedings of the House of Delegates



Index to Volume 34

[Index published in the Hawaii Medical Journal 1975 Oct;35(10):317-18.]

Subject and Title Index   &   Author Index


Subject and Title Index

B-E   F-H   I-M   N-S

Book Reviews, 28, 104, 139, 180, 219, 329
Bromelain as a Skin Cancer Preventive in Hairless Mice, 91

Top of Subject and Title Index

Carcinoma of the Breast, A Pan-Organ Disease, 357
Changing Concepts of Responsibility, 389
Ciguatera Poisoning in North West Viti Levu, Fiji Islands, 207
Clinical Cytogenetics in Hawaii--An Introduction to Chromosome Abnormalities, 355
Clinical Cytogenetics in Hawaii--An Introduction to Chromosome Methodology, 241
Clinical Pathologists Easy Chair, 323, 476
Continuing Medical Education, 29, 64, 100, 138, 178, 215, 251, 281, 320, 362, 398, 430
Cross-Validation of the Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Battery: Application in Hawaii, 94

Top of Subject and Title Index


     Aloha, Ira Hirschy, 62
     An Open Letter to JCAH, 137
     Here We Go Again, 62
     High School Football Injuries, 211
     Killing the Goose that Laid the Golden Egg, 97
     "MAC" is Inacceptable, 211
     Patient! Heal Thyself!, 250
     Population Control, a la PRC, 397
     Program for the Family Physician I, 429
     Quality of Health Care, 177
     SN(i)F Has Us in a SNIT, 97
     Solidarity Forever--Support Your AMA, 250
     Speciality Recertification Begins, 280
     The Insurance Will Cover It, 317
     To Join or Not to Join--That Is the Question, 361

Top of Subject and Title Index

Football Injuries of the Cervical Spine & Cord, 171

Top of Subject and Title Index

Hawaii Academy of Family Physicians, 28, 63, 103, 179, 220, 252, 284, 322, 364, 400, 430
Health Personnel in Hawaii 1820-1974, 53
Hemodynamics and Prognosis in Heart Block, 133
HMA Council, 106, 181, 216, 324, 365, 475
HMA Reports, 214
Hospital News, 63, 108, 141, 191

Top of Subject and Title Index

Impact of Diet Education on the Patient with Adult-Onset Diabetes, 174
In Memorium--Doctors of Hawaii
     Pinkerton, Forrestjay, 108

Top of Subject and Title Index

Japan-Hawaii Cancer Study: A Progress Report, 309

Top of Subject and Title Index

Letters to the Editor, 33, 51, 189, 219, 283

Top of Subject and Title Index

Madness in Paradise: Psychiatric Crisis Among Newcomers in Honolulu, 275

Top of Subject and Title Index

New Members, 27, 61, 105, 213, 283, 472
Newsletter, 25, 67, 101, 145, 176, 212, 247, 279, 318, 360, 396, 428
Notes & News, 30, 66, 98, 143, 186, 224, 253, 285, 330, 368, 400

Top of Subject and Title Index

     Seto, Yeun Sang, 39

Top of Subject and Title Index

Pernicious Anemia in Hawaii-Japanese, 425
Plan and Organization for Utilization Review at Queen's, 15
President's Message, 24, 248
Prevalence of Behcet's Syndrome in Hawaii, 244
Proceedings of House of Delegates--119th Annual Meeting, 431
Professional Moves, 32, 69
Pulmonary Embolism in Hawaii: An Ethnic Study, 421

Top of Subject and Title Index

Survey for Intestinal Parasites in Oahu School Children, 21
Sunshine '75: Rock Medicine Inside Diamond Head, 271

Top of Subject and Title Index


Author Index

A-G   H-M   N-Y

Arakaki, David, 355, 241
Boyar, Jerome, 94
Burns, R. Stanley, 271
Edynak, Eugene, 357
Fukunaga, F. H., 425
Gallup, James, 91
Glober, Gary, 309
Goebert, H. Wm., 171
Goldstein, Norman, 91
Goto, Unoji, 15
Gresham, Samuel, 15

Top of Author Index

Henderson, Will, 15
Hirohata, Tomio,244
Huffman, Ray, 174
Ichinose, Calvin, 15
Jimi, Shozaburo, 244
Judd, Charles, 15
Kaneshiro, M. M., 425
Kimura, Steven, 275
Kirk, Stuart, 275
Koto, Vernon, 91
Kuratsune, Masanori, 244
Lerner, Steven, 271
Lowrey, John, 389
Mikolashek, Patricia, 275

Top of Author Index

Nakahara, Kunihiro, 56
Nomura, Abraham, 244, 309
Okihiro, Michael, 171
Porter, Bruce, 421
Rhoads, George, 309
Sage, William, 15
Schmitt, Robert, 53
Sexton, Patricia, 271
Sorokin, Michael, 207
Stemmermann, Grant, 309
Stewart, James, 15
Taniguchi, Raymond, 171
Taussig, Steven, 91
Thomas, Harry, 133
Thompson, Henry, 15
Tom, Benjamin, 15
Tsushima, William, 94
Wasnich, Richard, 421
Young, Earl, 174

Top of Author Index