
Volume 36 [1977]

Contents and Index

Number 1, January 1977

     Adolescent Alcohol Abuse in Hawaii
     Philip D.K. Lee and Robert J. Latta, M.D.

     Colonoscopy-Polypectomy Data Accumulation
     Robert A. Rose, M.D.

     Continuing Medical Education


     Hawaii Academy of Family Physicians' Newsletter

     HMA Newsletter

     Letters to the Editor

     News and Notes


Number 2, February 1977

     Does Kinin Released by Pineapple Stem Bromelain
     Stimulate Production of Prostaglandin E1-like

     George E. Felton

     Book Reviews

     Clinical Pathologist's Easy Chair

     Continuing Medical Education


     Hawaii Academy of Family Physicians' Newsletter

     HMA Council Meeting

     HMA Newsletter

     New Members


Number 3, March 1977

     Immunotherapy of Carcinoma of the Stomach: A Status

     E.M. Edynak, M.D., N. Oishi, M.D., B.L. Gordon, M.D.,
     and A. Deich, M.D.

     The Earlobe Crease--Sign of Obesity in Middle-Aged
     Japanese Men

     George G. Rhoads, M.D., M.P.H., Keith Klein, M.D.,
     Katsuhiko Yano, M.D., and Henry Preston, M.D.

     Book Reviews

     Continuing Medical Education


     Hawaii Academy of Family Physicians' Newsletter

     HMA Newsletter

     New Members

     News and Notes


Number 4, April 1977

     Non-Gonococcal Urethritis in Hawaii
     Tim Kuberski, M.D., Sam Perry, M.P.H., Roy Ohye,
     M.S. and Ned Wiebenga, M.D., M.P.H.

     Surfers' Elbow
     Clarence E. McDanal, M.D. and Bruce Anderson

     Continuing Medical Education


     Hawaii Academy of Family Physicians' Newsletter

     HMA Council Meeting

     HMA Newsletter

     News and Notes


Number 5, May 1977

     Leptospirosis in Hawaii
     W.A. Shrader, Jr., M.D.

     Clinical Assessment of Chronic Occlusive Peripheral
     Arterial Disease

     Irwin J. Schatz, M.D.

     Continuing Medical Education


     Hawaii Academy of Family Physicians' Newsletter

     HMA Council Meeting

     HMA Newsletter

     New Members


Number 6, June 1977

     Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia in Japanese in Hawaii
     Fortunato V. Elizaga, M.D. and Noboru Oishi, M.D.

     The Incidence of Intestinal Parasites in Some Hilo
     Hospital Patients

     Naleen Andreade, B.A. and Kaoru Noda, Ph.D.

     Development of Chronic Granulocytic Leukemia in a
     Patient Treated With Pyrimethamine

     Robert T.S. Jim, M.D., F.A.C.P. and Fortunato V.
     Elizaga, M.D.

     Clinical Pathologist's Easy Chair

     Continuing Medical Education


     Hawaii Academy of Family Physicians' Newsletter

     HMA Council Meeting

     HMA Newsletter

     Index to Volume 35

     News and Notes


Number 7, July 1977

     An Overview of the Renal Recipients in Hawaii:
     August, 1969 - February, 1975

     Sylvia Y. Schwitters, Ph.D., S.I. Shapiro, Ph.D., Arnold
     Siemsen, M.D., Dudley Seto, M.D., Livingston Wong,
     M.D., and Robert Oishi, M.D.

     Sonographic Evaluation of Non-parasitic Liver Cysts
     David H. Sakuda, M.D.

     Book Reviews

     Clinical Pathologists Easy Chair

     Continuing Medical Education


     Hawaii Academy of Family Physicians' Newsletter

     HMA Newsletter

     Letter to the Editor


Number 8, August 1977

     Fish Poisoning in American Samoa
     John M. Dawson, M.D.

     Continuing Medical Education


     Hawaii Academy of Family Physicians' Newsletter

     HMA Council Meeting

     HMA Newsletter

     News and Notes


Number 9, September 1977

     Guide Lines for the Physician Testifying Under the
     Amended Hawaii Mental Health Law of May, 1976

     Melvin Blaustein, M.D.

     The Primary Empty Sella Syndrome in Hawaii
     Clyde Nakayama, M.D., Werner G. Schroffner, M.D., and
     Raymond M. Taniguchi, M.D.

     AMA/HMA Program

     Clinical Pathologists Easy Chair

     Continuing Medical Education


     Hawaii Academy of Family Physicians' Newsletter

     HMA Council Meeting

     HMA Newsletter

     Letters to the Editor

     New Members


Number 10, October 1977

     Collaborative Team Approach to Non-Accidental Injury
     and Neglect in Children

     George W. Starbuck, M.D.

     Continuing Medical Education


     Hawaii Academy of Family Physicians' Newsletter

     HMA Council Meeting

     HMA Newsletter

     New Members

     News & Notes


Number 11, November 1977

     Survival Patterns from Large Bowel Cancer in Hawaii
     Tomio Hirohata, M.D., Abraham Nomura, M.D., Will
     Rellahan, Ph.D., Thomas Burch, M.D., Donald Harris, M.S.,
     and Grover Batten, M.D.

     Survivorship Among Patients with Nasopharyngeal
     Carcinoma in Hawaii

     Pak Shem, M.P.H., and R.W. Armstrong, Ph.D.

     Transvenous Pacemaker Placement In a Community

     J. Judson McNamara, M.D., Vicky Grant, R.N., and Stella

     Continuing Medical Education


     Hawaii Academy of Family Physicians' Newsletter

     HMA Council Meeting

     HMA Newsletter

     New Members

     News and Notes


Number 12, December 1977

     Health and Support Services for Rape Victims on Oahu
     Jeanne H. Fertel, Ph.D., M.P.H.

     Amylase-Creatinine Clearance Ratio in the Diagnosis
     of Acute Pancreatitis

     Alfred G. Scottolini, M.D., and N.V. Bhagavan, Ph.D.

     Annual Proceedings of the House of Delegates

     Book Reviews

     Clinical Pathologists' Easy Chair

     Continuing Medical Education


     Hawaii Academy of Family Physicians' Newsletter

     HMA Newsletter

     News and Notes


Index to Volume 36

[Indexed published in the Hawaii Medical Journal 1978 Mar;37(3):93-4.]

Subject and Title Index   &   Author Index


Subject and Title Index

A-E   F-N   O-T

Adolescent Alcohol Abuse in Hawaii, 11
Amylose-Creatinine Clearance Ratio in the Diagnosis of Acute Pancreatitis, 391

Top of Subject and Title Index

Book Reviews, 54, 88, 223, 434

Top of Subject and Title Index

Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia in Japanese in Hawaii, 169
Clinical Assessment of Chronic Occlusive Peripheral Arterial Disease, 138
Clinic Pathologists Easy Chair, 57, 186, 226, 436
Continuing Medical Education, 19, 50, 80, 113, 146, 179, 220, 249, 284, 318, 355, 427
Collaborative Team Approach to Non-Accidental Injury and Neglect in Children, 309
Colonoscopy-Polypectomy Data Accumulation, 15

Top of Subject and Title Index

Development of Chronic Granulocytic Leukemia in a patient Treated with Pyrimethamine, 173
Does Kinin Released by Pineapple Stem Bromelain Stimulate Production of Prostaglandin E-like Compounds, 39

Top of Subject and Title Index

Earlobe Crease-Sign of Obesity in Middle Aged Japanese Men, 74
     Danger Ahead: Rationing of Care, 245
     Extended Care, 317
     How a Law Can be Preverted by Bureaucrats, 394
     Illness is no Respector of Time, 49
     Lifters and Leaners, Once More, 112
     Long Term Iatrogeny, 79
     People Pressures, 144
     Planning for Health, 18
     Overemphasis on Certification, 354
     Trip Insurance, 217
     Turning off the Burners, 178

Top of Subject and Title Index

Fish Poisoning in American Samoa, 239

Top of Subject and Title Index

Guidelines for the Physician Testifying Under the Amended Haiwaii Mental Health Law of May 1976, 273

Top of Subject and Title Index

Hawaii Academy of Family Physicians, 23, 56, 85, 115, 151, 181, 223, 254, 294, 359, 434
Health & Support Services for Rape Victims on Oahu, 385
HMA Council, 52, 116, 152, 181, 254, 286, 320, 357

Top of Subject and Title Index

Immunotherapy of Carcinoma of the Stomach: A Status Report, 71
Incidence of Intestinal Parasites in Some Hilo Hospital Patients, 172

Top of Subject and Title Index

Leptospirosis in Hawaii, 135
Letters to the Editor, 3, 224, 296, 443

Top of Subject and Title Index

New Members, 54, 82, 298, 320, 358
Newsletter, 17, 48, 78, 110, 143, 177, 216, 244, 278, 316, 354, 394
News & Notes, 24, 85, 118, 184, 256, 324, 360, 438
Non-gonococcal urethritis in Hawaii, 103

Top of Subject and Title Index

Overview of the Renal Recipients in Hawaii--Aug. 1969, 203

Top of Subject and Title Index

Proceedings of the House of Delegates--121st Annual Meeting, 395

Top of Subject and Title Index

Sonographic Evaluation of Non-parasitic Liver Cysts, 212
Surfer's Elbow, 108
Survival Patterns for Large Bowel Cancer in Hawaii, 343
Survivorship Among Patients with Nonpharyngeal Carcinoma in Hawaii, 348

Top of Subject and Title Index

Transvenous Pacemaker Placement in a Community Hospital, 351

Top of Subject and Title Index


Author Index

A-G   H-P   R-Y


Anderson, Bruce, 108
Andrade, Naleen, 172
Batten, Grover, 343
Bhaganan, N.V., 391
Blaustein, Melvin, 273
Dawson, John, 239
Deich, A., 71
Edynak, Eugene, 71
Elizaga, Fortunato, 169, 173
Felton, George, 39
Fertel, Jeanne, 385
Gordon, B. L., 71

Top of Author Index

Hirohata, Tomio, 343
Jim, Robert, 173
Klein, Keith, 74
Kuberski, Tim, 103
Latta, Robert, 11
Lee, Philip, 11
McDanal, Clarence, 108
Nakayama, Clyde, 275
Noda, Kaoru, 172
Nomura, Abraham, 343
Ohye, Roy, 103
Oishi, Noboru, 71, 169
Oishi, Robert, 203
Perry, Sam, 103
Preston, Henry, 74

Top of Author Index

Rellahan, Will, 343
Rhoads, George, 74
Rose, Robert, 15
Sakuda, David, 212
Schatz, Irwin, 138
Schroffner, Werner, 275
Schwitters, Sylvia, 203
Scottolini, Alfred, 391
Seto, Dudley, 203
Shapiro, S. I., 203
Shrader, W. A., 135
Siemsen, Arnold, 203
Starbuck, George, 309
Taniguchi, Raymond, 275
Wiebenga, Ned, 103
Wong, Livingston, 203
Yano, Katsuhiko, 74

Top of Author Index