
Volume 37 [1978]

Contents and Index

Number 1, January 1978

     Jejuno-Ileal Bypass for Morbid Exogenous Obesity
     John F. Balfour, M.D.

     Hawaii's Quarantine Regulations and the Epidemiology
     of Rabies

     Richard I. Frankel, M.D.

     Continuing Medical Education


     Hawaii Academy of Family Physicians' Newsletter

     HMA Council Meeting

     HMA Newsletter

     New Members

     News & Notes


Number, 2 February, 1978

     Hawaii Physicians' Attitudes and Practices Regarding
     Reproductive Health Services for Minors

     Jeanne H. Fertel, Ph.D., M.P.H. and Roy G. Smith, M.D.,

     Young Parenthood in Hawaii
     Margaret Joan Wootton, R.N., M.P.H. and Lorraine C.
     Stringfellow, R.N., M.P.H.

     Continuing Medical Education


     Hawaii Academy of Family Physicians' Newsletter

     HMA Council Meeting

     HMA Newsletter

     Letters To The Editor

     News & Notes


Number 3, March 1978

     Study of the Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Among
     Teenagers in Hawaii Related to Reproduction, Family
     Planning and Sexuality

     Susan Hancock and Gloria Kaw

     Transvenous Pacemaker Placement in a Community

     J. Judson McNamara, M.D., Vicky Grant, R.N. and Stella

     Preview of Serum Digoxin Levels
     Ronald T. Taniguchi, Pharm. D.

     Clinical Pathologist's Easy Chair

     Continuing Medical Education


     Hawaii Academy of Family Physicians' Newsletter

     HMA Newsletter

     Index to Volume 36

     In Memoriam

     New Members

     News & Notes


Number 4, April 1978

     Adolescent Fertility in Hawaii: Implications for Planning
     Lorraine Stringfellow, R.N., M.P.H., Margaret Joan
     Wootton, R.N., M.P.H., Mollie Hustace, R.N., M.P.H.,
     Thomas A. Burch, M.D., Beatrice Reyes, R.N., M.P.A. and
     Dorothy Colby, R.N., M.P.H.

     Book Reviews

     Continuing Medical Education


     Hawaii Academy of Family Physicians' Newsletter

     HMA Council Meeting

     HMA Newsletter

     New Members

     News & Notes


Number 5, May 1978

     Psychological Preparation for Surgery: The Usefulness
     of a Preoperative Psychotherapeutic Interview

     Jon Streltzer, M.D., and Hoyle Leigh, M.D.

     Effect of Oral Bromelain On Blood Pressure and Heart
     Rate of Hypertensive Patients

     Andrew E. Gutfreund, M.D., Stephen J. Taussig, Ph.D., and
     Alfred D. Morris, M.D.

     Book Reviews

     Clinical Pathologist's Easy Chair

     Continuing Medical Education


     Hawaii Academy of Family Physicians' Newsletter

     HMA Newsletter

     New Members

     News & Notes


Number 6, June 1978

     "Hyskon Hysteroscopy": A preliminary Report
     Kunio Miyazawa, M.D.

     Five–Year Emergency Medical Service Training
     Update for January 1, 1972–January 1, 1977 and
     Emergency Personnel Continuing Medical Education
     Update Effective July 1, 1977

     J. K. Sims, M.D., and William W. L. Dang

     Under–Reporting of Birth Defects in Hawaii: A Pilot

     Sharon J. Bintliff, M.D., and Dorethea B. Hernandez, M.P.H.

     Clinical Pathologist's Easy Chair

     Continuing Medical Education


     Hawaii Academy of Family Physicians' Newsletter

     HMA Council Meeting

     HMA Newsletter

     New Members

     News & Notes


Number 7, July 1978

     The Emergency Medical Services Program of Hawaii,
     Part III: The Hawaii Medical Association's Training of
     Mobile Intensive Care Technicians (MICT's) as
     Pre-Hospital Paramedics

     J.K. Sims, M.D., Reta Pozzi, R.N., Livingston M.F. Wong,
     M.D., and William W.L. Dang, M.D.

     Microcytosis, Iron Deficiency and Thalassemia Trait
     Joseph M. Iczkovitz, M.D., and Robert T.S. Jim, M.D.,

     Continuing Medical Education


     Hawaii Academy of Family Physicians' Newsletter

     HMA Newsletter

     New Members

     News & Notes


Number 8, August 1978

     The Use of Pre–Operative Collection Autotransfusion
     Kathleen L. Tucker, M.D.

     Hemoglobin G Waimanalo Beta Thalassemia
     Theresia G.H. Tan, M.D., Robert T.S. Jim, M.D., and R.
     Quentin Blackwell, Ph.D.

     Clinical Pathologist's Easy Chair

     Continuing Medical Education


     Hawaii Academy of Family Physicians' Newsletter

     HMA Council Meeting

     HMA Newsletter

     Letters to the Editor

     New Members

     News & Notes


Number 9, September 1978

     Evaluation of Obstructive Jaundice By Ultrasonography
     David H. Sakuda, M.D.

     Nausea and Vomiting Associated with Fluphenazine: A
     Case Report

     Clarence E. McDanal, Jr., M.D., and Richard A. Markoff,

     The Clinical Application of EMG Biofeedback Therapy
     for Muscle Contraction Headaches

     William T. Tsushima, Ph.D., and Alan B. Hawk, M.D.

     Book Reviews

     Clinical Pathologist's Easy Chair

     Continuing Medical Education


     Hawaii Academy of Family Physicians' Newsletter

     HMA Council Meeting

     New Members

     News & Notes


Number 10, October 1978

     Ninety–Seven Years of Mortality in Hawaii
     Robert W. Gardner and Robert C. Schmitt

     Vanishing Bone Disease: A Case Report
     Angelita Catalan, M.D. and Azucena C. Ignacio, M.D.

     Clinical Pathologist's Easy Chair

     Continuing Medical Education


     Hawaii Academy of Family Physicians' Newsletter

     HMA Council Meeting

     Letters to the Editor

     New Members

     News & Notes


Number 11, November 1978

     Successful Total Correction of Tricuspid Atresia
     George K. T. Chung, M.D., J. Judson McNamara, Jr.,
     M.D., Ernest K. H. Lee, M.D., Scott Brainard, M.D., and
     Arthur Sprague, M.D.

     Restoration of Male Fertility Five Years After Total

     Werner G. Schroffner, M.D.

     Pseudomembranous Enterocolitis After Ampicillin

     Gerald A. Hiatt, M.D.


     Book Reviews

     Clinical Pathlogist's Easy Chair

     Continuing Medical Education


     Hawaii Academy of Family Physicians' Newsletter

     HMA Council Meeting

     New Members

     News & Notes


Number 12, December 1978

     Scoliosis Screening Pilot Project–A
     June Frost, B.N., Helene Shiratori, R.P.N. and Jeremy Lam,
     M.D., M.P.H.

     Colon Cancer Detection Using Guaiac Screening
     John N. Withers, M.D., F.A.C.S. and William C. James,
     M.D., F.A.C.P.

     Annual Proceedings, House of Delegates

     Clinical Pathologist's Easy Chair

     Continuing Medical Education


     Hawaii Academy of Family Physicians' Newsletter

     HMA Council Meeting

     HMA Newletter

     Letters to the Editor

     New Members

     News & Notes

     Proceeding of the House of Delegates


Index to Volume 37

[Indexed published in the Hawaii Medical Journal 1979 Jan;38(1):23-24.]

Subject and Title Index   &   Author Index


Subject and Title Index

A-E   F-N   P-Y

Adolescent Fertility in Hawaii: Implications for Planning, 105
Announcements, 323
Annual Proceedings, House of Delegates, 369

Top of Subject and Title Index

Book Reviews, 122, 152, 280, 342

Top of Subject and Title Index

Clinical Application of EMG Biofeedback Therapy for Muscle Contraction Headaches, 270
Clinical Pathologist's Easy Chair, 88, 154, 184, 250, 278, 311, 342, 406
Colon Cancer Detection Using Guaiac Screening, 363
Continuing Medical Education, 21, 53, 84, 177, 149, 182, 214, 243, 272, 306, 338, 368

Top of Subject and Title Index

     A Waste of Time, 272
     Aloha, 368
     AMA is Active in Effort to Cut Federal Regulation Down to
     Size, 305
     Arnold to Califano, 337
     Cost Containment, 148
     Education of the Patient, 305
     HAMPAC and AMPAC Political Contributions, 115
     Hemoglobin G Article, 243
     Outreach From an M.D.--the P.A., 20
     Rigid and Inflexible Positions We Don't Need, 116
     Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Opinions, 337
     The Family That Has a Family Doctor, Sticks Together, 83
     The Government is Occasionally Responsive, 52
     The 1978 Shattuck Lecture in Boston, 213
     The Role of a Modern Family Physician, 242
     Valedictory, 368
     We've Simply Got to Hold Back!, 178
     Why We Can't Afford National Health Insurance, 177
Effect of Oral Bromelain on Blood Pressure and Heart Rate of Hypertensive Patients, 143
Emergency Medical Services Program of Hawaii, Part III: The Hawaii Medical Association's Training of Mobile Intensive Care Technicians (MICT's) as Pre-Hospital Paramedics, 203
Evaluation of Obstructive Jaundice by Ultrasonography, 265

Top of Subject and Title Index

Five-Year Emergency Medical Services Training Update for January 1, 1972 - January 1, 1977, and Emergency Personnel Continuing Medical Education Update Effective July 1, 1977, 171

Top of Subject and Title Index

HMA Council Meeting, 24, 56, 118, 179, 246, 274, 308, 340, 403
HMA Newsletter, 19, 51, 82, 114, 147, l76, 212, 240, 366
Hawaii Academy of Family Physicians' Newsletter, 23, 54, 88, 124, 153, 183, 216, 245, 278, 312, 344, 402
Hawaii Physicians' Attitudes and Practices Regarding Reproductive Health Services for Minors, 41
Hawaii's Quarantine Regulations and the Epidemiology of Rabies, 16
Hemoglobin G Waimanalo Beta Thalassemia, 235
Hyskon Hysteroscopy: A Preliminary Report, 169

Top of Subject and Title Index

In Memoriam, 67
Index to Volume 36, 93

Top of Subject and Title Index

Jejuno-Ileal Bypass for Morbid Exogenous Obesity, 9

Top of Subject and Title Index

Letters to the Editor, 55, 246, 291, 355

Top of Subject and Title Index

Microcytosis, Iron Deficiency and Thalassemia Trait, 209

Top of Subject and Title Index

Nausea and Vomiting Associated with Fluphenazine: A Case Report, 268
New Members, 23, 86, 124, 153, 179, 216, 246, 276, 310, 344, 407
News and Notes, 25, 60, 89, 125, 156, 185, 217, 251, 280, 312, 345, 407
Ninety-Seven Years of Mortality in Hawaii, 297

Top of Subject and Title Index

Preview of Serum Digoxin Levels, 79
Proceedings of the House of Delegates, 369
Pseudomembranous Enterocolitis After Ampicillin Therapy, 334
Psychological Preparation for Surgery: the Usefulness of a Preoperative Psychotherapeutic Interview, 139

Top of Subject and Title Index

Restoration of Male Fertility Five Years After Total Hypophysectomy, 331

Top of Subject and Title Index

Scoliosis Screening Pilot Project-A, 361
Study of the Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Among Teenagers in Hawaii Related to Reproduction, Family Planning and Sexuality, 73
Successful Total Correction of Tricuspid Atresia, 329

Top of Subject and Title Index

Transvenous Pacemaker Placement in a Community Hospital, 76

Top of Subject and Title Index

Under-Reporting of Birth Defects in Hawaii: A Pilot Study, 173
Use of Pre-Operative Collection Autotransfusion, 233

Top of Subject and Title Index

Vanishing Bone Disease: A Case Report, 302

Top of Subject and Title Index

Young Parenthood in Hawaii, 44

Top of Subject and Title Index


Author Index

B-G   H-M   P-W


Balfour, John F, 9
Bintliff, Sharon J., 173
Blackwell, R. Quentin, 235
Brainard, Scott, 329
Burch, Thomas A., 105
Catalan, Angelita, 302
Chung, George K. T., 329
Colby, Dorothy, 105
Dang, William W. L., 171, 203
Fertel, Jeanne H., 41
Frankel, Richard I., 16
Frost, June, 361
Gardner, Robert W., 297
Grant, Vicky, 76
Gutfreund, Andrew E., 143

Top of Author Index

Hancock, Susan, 73
Hawk, Alan B., 270
Hernandez, Dorethea B., 173
Hiatt, Gerald A., 334
Hustace, Mollie, 105
Iczkovitz, Joseph M., 209
Ignacio, Azucena C., 302
James, William C., 363
Jim, Robert T. S., 209, 235
Kaw, Gloria, 73
Lam, Jeremy, 361
Lee, Ernest K. H., 329
Leigh, Hoyle, 139
Markoff, Richard A., 268
Matsuda, Stella, 76
McDanal, Clarence E., Jr., 268
McNamara, J. Judson, 76, 329
Miyazawa, Kunio, 169
Morris, Alfred D., 143

Top of Author Index

Pozzi, Reta, 203
Reyes, Beatrice, 105
Sakuda, David H., 265
Schmitt, Robert C., 297
Schroffner, Werner G, 331
Shiratori, Helene, 361
Sims, J. K., 171, 203
Smith, Roy G., 41
Sprague, Arthur, 329
Streltzer, Jon, 139
Stringfellow, Lorraine C., 44, 105
Tan, Theresia G. H., 235
Taniguchi, Ronald T., 79
Taussig, Stephen J., 143
Tsushima, William T., 270
Tucker, Kathleen L., 233
Withers, John N., 363
Wong, Livingston M. F., 203
Wootton, Margaret Joan, 44, 105

Top of Author Index