
Volume 40 [1981]

Contents and Index

Number 1, January 1981

     1973-77 Cancer Incidence in Hawaii, with Special
     Reference to Trends Since 1968-72 for Certain Sites

     M. Ward Hinds, M.D., M.P.H., Laurence N. Kolonel,
     M.D., Ph.D., Abraham M. Y. Nomura, M.D., Dr., P.H.,
     Thomas A. Burch, M.D., M.P.H., and William Rellahan,

     Dysbarism Associated with Alcohol Abuse: A Case

     Kenneth W. Kizer, M.D., M.P.H., and William C. Milroy,
     M.D., Ph.D.

     Continuing Medical Education


     HMA Council Meeting

     Hawaii Academy of Family Physicians' Newsletter

     Index to Volume 39

     New Members

     News & Notes


Number 2, February 1981

     The Success of Hawaii's Medical Claims Conciliation

     Terry T. Shintani, J.D. and H. William Goebert, Jr., M.D.,

     An Abused Wife Before and After Filicide and Suicide
     by Her Husband

     Clarence E. McDanal, Jr., M.D., and Bobbie L. Siegel

     Continuing Medical Education


     HMA Council Meeting

     Hawaii Academy of Family Physicians' Newsletter

     In Memoriam

     News & Notes


Number 3, March 1981

     Treatment of Coral Cuts in Hawaii
     Maxwell A. Cooper, M.D.

     Hemoccult Screening for Colon Cancer by Hawaii's

     John N. Withers, M.D., F.A.C.S., and James W. Wienke,

     Continuing Medical Education


     HMA Council Meeting

     Hawaii Academy of Family Physicians' Newsletter

     New Members


Number 4, April 1981

     Non-Fatal Shark Attack at Maui
     Kathleen Welch, M.D., and F.H. Martini, Ph.D.

     Eosinophils in Cerebrospinal Fluid: Criteria for
     Eosinophilic Meningitis

     Tim Kuberski, M.D.

     Monitoring Methenamine Therapy: Data from a
     Geriatric Population

     Ronald Taniguchi, Pharm. D.

     Book Reviews

     Clinical Pathologist's Easy Chair

     Continuing Medical Education


     HMA Council Meeting

     Hawaii Academy of Family Physicians' Newsletter

     News & Notes


Number 5, May 1981

     Fireworks Trauma
     George O. McPheeters, M.D., and Clifford J. Straehley,

     Fatal Pulmonary Tumor Microembolism Complicating
     Peritoneovenous Shunt

     Stephen Y.K. Chew, M.D., and Grant N. Stemmermann,


     Continuing Medical Education

     Clinical Pathologist's Easy Chair

     Book Review


Number 6, June 1981

     Proceedings of the House of Delegates Special
     Meeting on "Unity" Rule


     HMA Council Meeting


     Methacholine Response in Asthmatics in Hawaii
     Douglas Massey, M.D., M.Sc., F.A.C.P. and G. Gisele
     Fourier-Massey, M.D., Ph.D.

     Continuing Medical Education

     News and Notes

     Hawaii Academy of Family Physicians Newsletter

     Book Review


Number 7, July 1981

     A Comparison of Inborn versus Transferred Neonates
     Admitted to a Special Care Unit

     David Easa, M.D., Kenneth Ash, M.D., Rodney Boychuk,
     M.D., Michael J. Light, M.B., M.R.C.P. (U.K.), and Mark

     Clinical Giardiasis on Maui
     Larry L. Killion, M.S.P.H., Robert S. Desowitz, Ph.D., D.
     Sc., and Ned H. Wiebenga, M.D., M.P.H.

     Football Injuries in Hawaii 1979
     Ralph W. Hale, M.D. and Waynette Mitchell

     Use of Vinblastine-Treated Platelets in Drug-Immune

     Robert T. S. Jim, M.D.

     Continuing Medical Education

     Editorial: Increasing Professional Fees

     News and Notes


Number 8, August 1981


     Pre-Hospital Ambulance Utilization of the MAST
     Garment in Honolulu During 1978

     Walter Nishimura, MICT and J.K. Sims, M.D.

     Continuing Medical Education

     News and Notes

     Hawaii Academy of Family Physicians Newsletter


Number 9, September 1981


     From the Editor's Desk

     Escharotic stomatitus caused by the "Stinging

     J.K. Sims, M.D. and Richard D. Zandee Van Rilland, M.D.

     Continuing Medical Education

     HMA Council Meeting

     News and Notes

     Hawaii Academy of Family Physicians Newsletter

     HMA Auxiliary


Number 10, October 1981


     Hawaiians and Medicine
     George H. Mills, M.D.

     Medical Men Who Helped to Shape Hawaii
     Betty Katsuki

     Health and Medical Firsts in Hawaii
     Robert C. Schmitt, M.A.

     Labor Under Ether
     Charles H. Wetmore, M.D. and Robert C. Schmitt

     Continuing Medical Education

     News and Notes

     HMA Auxiliary

     25 Year HMJ Cumulative Index


Number 11, November 1981


     Adolescent Psychiatric Hospitalization and Ethnic
     Origin: Hawaii 1979

     Stephen S.F. Choy, Ph.D.

     Aquatic Medicine in Hawaii
     Kenneth W. Kizer, M.D., M.P.H.

     Screening for Tay-Sachs Carriers in Hawaii, 1980
     Y. Edward Hsia, M.D., and Jordan Popper, M.D.

     Red Blood Count and Hemoglobin Level in Healthy
     Student Nurses of Oriental Extraction in Hawaii

     Robert T.S. Jim, M.D.

     Instructions to Authors

     Hawaii Academy of Family Physicians' Newsletter

     Book Reviews

     News and Notes

     HMA Auxiliary

     Clinical Pathologist's Easy Chair

     Continuing Medical Education

     HMA Council Meeting


Number 12, December 1981


     Depression, Parkinsonism and Psychosis: A Case

     Clarence E. McDanal, Jr., M.D. and William M. Bolman,

     Management of Persistent Fetal Circulation in a

     David Easa, M.D., Kenneth Herrman, M.D., and David Holt,

     HMA Auxiliary

     Over the Editor's Desk

     Hawaii Academy of Family Physicians Newsletter

     News and Notes

     Clinical Short Report

     Continuing Medical Education


Index to Volume 40, 1981

Compiled by Virginia Tanji, Hawaii Medical Library.
[Indexed published in the Hawaii Medical Journal 1982 Jun;41(6):182.]

Title Keyword Index   &   Author Index


Title Keyword Index

A-D   E-G   H-N   P-V

Abused wife before and after filicide and suicide by her husband, 48
Alcohol abuse, dysbarism associated with, 12
Aquatic medicine in Hawaii, 325
Asthmatics in Hawaii, methacholine response, 157

Top of Subject and Title Index

Cancer incidence in Hawaii, 1973-77, 7
Cerebrospinal fluid, eosinophils in, criteria for eosinophilic meningitis, 97
Claims Conciliation Panel, success of Hawaii's Medical, 41
Clinical Pathologist's Easy Chair
     HDL-cholesterol, 110
     Hormone receptors and breast cancer, 334
     Hyperparathyroidism, 141
Colon cancer, hemoccult screening for, by Hawaii physicians, 75
Coral cuts in Hawaii, treatment, 73

Top of Subject and Title Index

Depression, Parkinsonism, and psychosis, 352
Dysbarism associated with alcohol abuse, 12

Top of Subject and Title Index

     Aloha, Mike, 16
     The Chief was right, 50
     DEA's drug abusers, 350
     Doctor in Wonderland, 319
     England, message from, 50
     Eye month, 239
     Gasoline and silver, 207
     Goodbye, Paul -- hello, Doris, 319
     Great anniversaries, 270
     Hawaii Medical Association through the years, 270
     Health provider in the house, is there a, 78
     The Howzit Family -- welcome, 207
     Ing, Edward T.K., M.D. honored, 135
     Joke's on us, 78
     Just tell the truth, 16
     A layman speaks out on the hospital hazard nobody ever
     writes about, 16
     Monkey business, 16
     Most successful doctor, 102
     Nose of the FDA camel is under the tent of the M.D., 154
     Our federal sow, 78
     Protection increases risk?, 50
     Quick fix, 16
     Skin cancer and melanoma, 350
     Unit rule, 102
Eosinophils in cerebrospinal fluid, criteria for eosinophilic meningitis, 97
Ether, labor under, Hilo, 1850, 291

Top of Subject and Title Index

Fees, increasing professional, 192
Fireworks trauma, 127
Football injuries in Hawaii, 1979, 180

Giardiasis on Maui, clinical, 178

Top of Subject and Title Index

Hawaii Medical Association, past presidents, 276
Hawaii Medical Journal
     cumulative index, v. 15-39, 1955-1980, 302
     index to v. 39, 29
Hawaiians and medicine, 272
Health and medical firsts in Hawaii, 284
Hemoccult screening for colon cancer by Hawaii physicians, 75
Hemoglobin level in healthy student nurses of Oriental extraction in Hawaii, 329
Hospitalization, adolescent psychiatric, and ethnic origin, Hawaii, 1979, 320
Howzit Family, incredible adventures of, Suppl 8/81

Top of Subject and Title Index

In Memoriam -- Walker, HH, 58

Top of Subject and Title Index

Labor under ether, Hilo, 1850, 291

Top of Subject and Title Index

MAST garment, pre-hospital ambulance utilization in Honolulu during 1978, 209
     Claims Conciliation Panel, success of Hawaii's 41
     separate men who helped to shape Hawaii, 279
Methacholine response in asthmatics in Hawaii, 157
Methenamine therapy, monitoring, 99

Top of Subject and Title Index

Neonates admitted to a special care unit, comparison of inborn vs. transferred, 175

Top of Subject and Title Index

Parkinsonism, depression, and psychosis, 352
Peritoneovenous shunt, fatal pulmonary tumor microembolism complicating, 130
Persistent fetal circulation in a neonate, management, 355
Psychiatric hospitalization and ethnic origin, Hawaii 1979, adolescent, 320
Pulmonary tumor microembolism complicating peritoneovenous stunt, total, 130

Top of Subject and Title Index

Red blood count in healthy student nurses of Oriental extraction in Hawaii, 329

Top of Subject and Title Index

Shark attack at Maui, non-fatal, 95
"Stinging seaweed" Microcoleus lyngbyaceus, escharotic stomatitis caused by, 243
Stomatitis, escharotic, caused by "stinging seaweed," 243

Top of Subject and Title Index

Tay-Sachs carriers in Hawaii, 1980, screening for, 327
Thrombocytopenia, use of vinblastine-treated platelets in drug-immune, 182

Top of Subject and Title Index

Vinblastine-treated platelets in drug-immune thrombocytopenia, 182

Top of Subject and Title Index


Author Index

A-F   G-L   M-R   S-Z


Arnold HL Jr, 58, 102, 154, 207, 319
Ash K, 175
Bolman WM, 352
Boychuk RB, 175
Burch TA, 7
Chew SY, 130
Choy SS, 320
Cooper MA, 73
Corboy JM, 16, 50, 78, 102, 192, 207, 239, 319, 350
Desowitz RS, 178
Easa D, 175, 355
Fournier-Massey GG, 157
Fukunaga F, 110, 141, 334

Top of Author Index

Goebert HW Jr, 41
Hale RW, 180
Herrman K, 355
Hinds MW, 7
Holt D, 355
Hsia YE, 327
Jasinski DR, 270
Jim RT, 182, 329
Judd CS, 270
Katsuki B, 279
Killion LL, 178
Kizer KW, 12, 325
Kolonel LN, 7
Kuberski T, 97
LaBarre M, 175
Lee CA, 16
Light MJ, 175

Top of Author Index

McDanal CE Jr, 48, 352
McPheeters GO, 127
Martini FH, 95
Massey DG, 157
Mills GH, 272
Milroy WC, 12
Mitchell W, 180
Nishimura W, 209
Nomura AM, 7
Popper J, 327
Reppun JIF, 136
Rellahan W, 7

Top of Author Index

Schmitt RC, 284, 291
Shintani TT, 41
Siegel BL, 48
Sims JK, 209, 243
Straehley CJ, 127
Stemmermann GN, 130
Taniguchi R, 99
Welch K, 95
Wetmore CH, 291
Wiebenga NH, 178
Wienke JW, 75
Withers JN, 75
Zandee van Rilland RD, 243

Top of Author Index