
Volume 41 [1982]

Contents and Index

Number 1, January 1982


     Letters to the Editor

     Science and Current Dilemmas of Health Care
     Donald F.B. Char, M.D.

     Annual Proceedings fo the House of Delegates

     Continuing Medical Education

     Clinical Pathologist's Easy Chair

     Hawaii Academy of Family Physicians' Newsletter

     HMA Auxiliary

     HMA Council Meeting

     News and Notes


Number 2, February 1982


     The Cardiac Valve Controversy
     George K.T. Chung, M.D.

     Ethnicity and Alcohol
     Sylvia Yuen Schwitters, Ph.D.
     Ronald C. Johnson, Ph.D.
     James R. Wilson, Ph.D.
     Gerald E. McClearn, Ph.D.

     Over the Editor's Desk

     President's Message

     HMA Council Meeting

     Clinical Pathologist's Easy Chair

     HMA Auxiliary

     News and Notes

     Continuing Medical Education


Number 3, March 1982

     Editorials and Opinions

     HMA Council Meeting

     Implementation of a Computer–Assisted Medical
     Record System in the Family Practice Office

     Donald L. Farrell, M.D.
     Robert M. Worth, M.D., Ph.D.

     Continuing Medical Education

     HMA Auxiliary

     News and Notes

     HAFP Newsletter


Number 4, April 1982

     Editorials and Opinions

     Continuing Medical Education

     Medical History in the Islands

     HMA Auxiliary Results of a Hospital-Based Thyroxine
     Screening Program for Congenital Hypothyroidism

     By Kenneth B. Robbins, M.D.,
     Herbert S. Uemura, M.D.
     and Sorrell H. Waxman, M.D.

     HMA Council Meeting

     Clinical Update

     Over the Editor's Desk

     News and Notes

     HAFP Newsletter

     Auxiliary Logo Contest


Number 5, May 1982

     HMA Council Meeting

     HMA Annual Meeting Announcement

     Letters to the Editor

     HMA Auxiliary News

     Editorials and Opinions

     Continuing Medical Education

     Breast Cancer Screening in Hawaii 1974-1980
     By Madeleine J. Goodman, Ph.D., Fred I. Gilbert Jr., M.D.,
     M.P. Mi, Ph.D., John S. Grove, Ph.D., Ann Catts, M.D.,
     and Gloria Low, R.N., M.P.H.

     News and Notes


Number 6, June 1982

     Editorials and Opinions

     Book Review

     Continuing Medical Education

     Surgical Treatment of Cyanotic Congential Heart

     Ricardo J. Moreno-Cabral, M.D., Honolulu, and Norman E.
     Shumway, M.D.

     HMA Auxiliary

     Over the Editor's Desk

     News and Notes

     Index to Vol. 40, 1981, Hawaii Medical Journal


Number 7, July 1982


     Continuing Medical Education

     HMA Auxiliary

     Arterial Blood Gas Changes with Bluebottle
     Envenomation--A Case Report

     Kenneth W. Kizer, M.D., M.P.H., and Michael Piel, M.D.

     Clinical Update

     Thought for the Day

     Over the Editor's Desk

     HAFP Newsletter

     Seaweed Itch on Windward Oahu
     Mary Serdula, M.D., M.P.H., Giovanni Bartolini, Richard E.
     Moore, John Gooch, D.V.M., and Ned Wiebenga, M.D.,

     Medical History in the Islands

     Clinical Pathologist's Easy Chair

     News and Notes

     Letters to the Editor


Number 8, August 1982


     Continuing Medical Education

     Clinical Update

     Neonatal Pneumonia in a Community Hospital: A
     Retrospective Study

     Lance Terada, B.A., and David Easa, M.D.

     HMA Council

     Over the Editor's Desk

     News and Notes

     Medical History in the Islands

     Book Review

     HAFP Newsletter


Number 9, September 1982


     Continuing Medical Education

     Clinical Pathlogist's Easy Chair

     Over the Editor's Desk

     Organochlorine Pesticide Residues in Human Tissues,
     Hawaii, 1968-80

     Wataru Takahashi, M.A., and Leland H. Parks, Ph.D.

     HMA Auxiliary

     Letters to the Editor

     The Sia Test in Hyperglobulinemia
     Robert T.S. Jim, M.D.

     Throat Streptococcal Survey in School Children,
     Hawaii, 1976-80

     L.T. Chun, M.D.; Jeremy Lam, M.D., M.P.H.; Patricia
     Stachowiak, M.P.H.; and George G. Rhoads, M.D., M.P.H.

     HMA Council Meeting

     News and Notes


Number 10, October 1982

Table of Contents
     Staff of Hawaii Medical Association

     Abbreviations of Specialties

     County Society Membership Codes

     Alphabetical Listing of Physicians


     Geographical Listing of Physicians by Postal Zones

     Physicians Listed by Primary Specialty

     Frequently Called Phone Numbers

     Instructions to Authors, Hawaii Medical Journal

     Continuing Medical Education

     Over the Editor's Desk


Number 11, November 1982

Table of Contents
     Encomia & Remembrances

     The Other Side of Harry Arnold Jr.
     Harold M. Johnson

     Lupus Erythematosus (Panniculitis) Profundus
     Denny L. Tuffanelli

     Cutaneous Malignant Melanomas, Five-Year Survival
     Alfred W. Kopf, Darrell S. Rigel, and Robert J. Friedman

     Sunburn, Aging, and the Carcinogenic Effects of
     Sunlight on the Skin, a Review

     D. Friday King and Victor D. Newcomer

     Treatment of Venous Ectasias with Hypertonic Saline
     Bruce Chrisman

     WWII, the 147th General Hospital and Harry Arnold
     Robert W. Goltz

     Epitheliomas--Girls Get Them First?
     Samuel D. Allison

     Rapid Screening for Leprosy
     C.V. Caver

     Psedotumor Cerebri Following Steroid Injections
     Richard W. Fardal

     Have Extemporaneously Compounded Topical
     Antibiotics A Place? The Clindamycin Saga

     Otto H. Mills Jr. and Albert M. Klingman

     Corticosteroid Therapy of Zoster: Oral vs. Sublesional

     Ervin Epstein

     Harry L. Arnold Jr.--As Some of Us Know Him
     Fred I. Gilbert

     Organoid Nevus--A Potential Premalignant Lesion
     Allan K. Izumi

     Kaposi's Sarcoma in a Homosexual Man in Hawaii
     Francis J. Dann

     Epidemiology in Psoriasis Research
     Eugene M. Farber and Lexie Nall

     Skin Cancer Screening Clinic at the Lions Club Health

     Norman Goldstein and Vincent Lizama

     Over the Editor's Desk

     Guest Editor's Page

     Harry L. Arnold Jr.: His Associations

     Harry L. Arnold Jr.: His Writings


Number 12, December 1982


     Continuing Medical Education

     LSD--A Generation Later
     Marjorie Livingston, B.A.

     HCMS Auxiliary

     Clinical Pathologist's Easy Chair

     News and Notes

     Clinical Update

     Book Reviews

     Letters to the Editor

     Over the Editor's Desk


Index to Hawaii Medical Journal, Volume 41

Compiled by Virginia Tanji and John Hoover of Hawaii Medical Library
[Index published in the Hawaii Medical Journal 1983 Mar;42(3):74.]

Title Keyword Index   &   Author Index


Title Keyword Index

A-D   E-F   H-N   O-W

Alcohol and ethnicity, 41:60
Arnold, Harry L. Jr.
     as some of us know him, 41:424
     Festschrift to honor, 41:387
     his association, his writings, 41:450
     WW II, the 147th General Hospital and, 41:410

Top of Subject and Title Index

Blood gas, arterial, changes with bluebottle envenomation, 41:193
Bluebottle envenomation, arterial blood gas changes with, 41:193
Breast cancer prevention and detection--clinical update, 41:225
Breast cancer screening in Hawaii 1974-1980, 41:150

Top of Subject and Title Index

Cancer patients, rehabilitation and continuing care program for cancer patient--Clinical Update, 41:128
Cardiac valve controversy, 41:56
Cerebri, pseudotumor, following steroid injections, 41:414
Clindamycin, extemporaneously compounded topical antibiotics, 41:416
Clinical Pathologist's Easy Chair
     antibiotic susceptibility testing, 41:204
     bacterial diarrhea, 41:471
     complement, 41:42
     immunoglobulins, 41:70
     pregnancy testing, 41:246
Computer-assisted medical record system in family practice office, 41:90
Corticosteroid therapy of zoster, oral vs. sublesional injection, 41:420
Crib death: myth or mystery, 41:118

Top of Subject and Title Index

Directory of Hawaii Physicians, 1982-83, 41:280

Top of Subject and Title Index

Ectasias, venous, treatment of, with hypertonic saline, 41:406
     Anxiety epidemic, 41:86
     Bluffing, 41:224
     CME and the HMJ, 41:190
     Caveat emptor, 41:461
     Costly happy ending, 41:114
     Death call, 41:166
     Doctor power, 41:222
     Double standards, 41:245
     Enemy within, 41:190
     Filipino and Iranian (?!) M.D.s, study of, 41:224
     Food for thought, 41:54
     Health care vs. medical care, 41:53
     Heptachlor in milk, 41:145
     Howzit!, 41:449
     Lens, poison, 41:145
     Medical progress, 41:5
     Milk, more crying over, 41:145
     Negative tests, do more, 41:86
     New features, check out our, 41:114
     Nuclear war, danger, 41:222
     PSRO, farewell, 41:87
     Pan Pacific Surgical Association, 41:5
     Psychedelic report, 41:461
     Skin man, 41:449
     Special issue to honor, Harry L. Arnold Jr., M.D., 41:449
     Summer sores, 41:190
     Treadmill, 10 years on the, 41:6
     Valuable suggestion, 41:5
     Workers' compensation, 41:222
     Your body, your mind, death of, 41:53
     Yuen, George, aloha ka'ua, 41:166
Epitheliomas--girls get them first?, 41:412
Ethnicity and alcohol, 41:60

Top of Subject and Title Index

Family practice office, computer-assisted medical record system, 41:90
Festschrift to honor Harry L. Arnold Jr., 41:387

Top of Subject and Title Index

Health care dilemmas, 41:11
Heart disease, cyanotic congenital, surgical treatment, 41:171
Hyperglobulinemia, Sia test in, 41:252
Hypothyroidism, congenital, thyroxine screening, 41:123

Top of Subject and Title Index

Index, Hawaii Medical Journal, vol. 40, 1981, 41:182

Top of Subject and Title Index

Kaposi's sarcoma in a homosexual man in Hawaii, 41:428
LSD--a generation later, 41:462
Leprosy, rapid screening for, 41:412
Lupus erythematosus (panniculitis) profundus, 41:394

Top of Subject and Title Index

Medical History in the Islands
     internships and residencies, 41:238
     nursing in Hawaii, 41:202
     plantation health, 41:116
     voluntary health insurance plans, 41:202
Medical record system, computer-assisted, in family practice office, 41:90
Melanomas, cutaneous malignant, five-year survival, 41:398
Monoclonal antibodies from "hybridomas"--Clinical Update, 41:196
Myocarditis, drug-related--Clinical Update, 41:478

Top of Subject and Title Index

Neonatal pneumonia in a community hospital, 41:226

Top of Subject and Title Index

Organoid nevus, 41:426

Top of Subject and Title Index

Pesticide residues, organochlorine, in human tissues, Hawaii, 1968-1980, 41:250
Pneumonia, neonatal, in a community hospital, 41:226
Psoriasis research, epidemiology, 41:430

Top of Subject and Title Index

Saline, hypertonic, treatment of venous ectasias, 41:406
School children, throat streptococcal survey, Hawaii, 1976-80, 41:256
Seaweed itch on Windward Oahu, 41:200
Sexually abused patient, evaluation--Clinical Update, 41:128
Sia test in hyperglobulinemia, 41:252
Skin cancer screening at health fair, 41:444
Skin, carcinogenic effects of sunlight, sunburn, aging, 41:400
Steroid injections, pseudotumor cerebri following, 41:414
Streptococcal, throat, survey in school children, Hawaii 1976-80, 41:256
Sunburn, aging, and the carcinogenic effects of sunlight on skin, 41:400
Surgical treatment of cyanotic congenital heart disease, 41:171

Top of Subject and Title Index

Throat streptococcal survey in school children, Hawaii, 1976-80, 41:256
Thyroxine screening for congenital hypothyroidism, 41:123

Top of Subject and Title Index

WW II, the 147th General Hospital and Harry Arnold, 41:410

Top of Subject and Title Index


Author Index

A-F   G-L   M-R   S-W


Allison SD, 41:142
Arnold HL Jr, 41:86, 145, 166
Bartolini G, 41:200
Catts A, 41:150
Caver CV, 41:412
Char DF, 41:11
Chrisman BB, 41:406
Chun LT, 41:256
Chung GK, 41:56
Corboy JM, 41:5, 6, 53, 86, 87, 114, 145, 190, 222, 224, 245, 461
Dann FJ, 41:428
Easa D, 41:226
Epstein E, 41:388, 420
Epstein JH, 41:387
Farber EM, 41:430
Fardal RW, 41:414
Farrell DL, 41:90
Fitzpatrick TB, 41:388
Friedman RJ, 41:398
Fukunaga F, 41:42, 70, 204, 246, 471

Top of Author Index

Gellin GA, 41:390
Gilbert FI Jr., 41:150, 424
Goldstein N, 41:444, 449
Goltz RW, 41:410
Gooch J, 41:200
Goodman MJ, 41:150
Grove JS, 41:150
Hathaway J, 41:387
Hawes KA, 41:128
Izumi AK, 41:426
Jasinski DR, 41:114, 190, 461
Jim RT, 41:252
Johnson HM, 41:391
Johnson RC, 41:60
Judd CS Jr, 41:116, 202, 238
King DF, 41:400
Kizer KW, 41:193
Kligman AM, 41:416
Kopf AW, 41:398
Lam J, 41:256
Livingston M, 41:462
Lizama V, 41:444
Low G, 41:150
Lumeng J, 41:478

Top of Author Index

McClearn GE, 41:60
Mi MP, 41:150
Mills OH Jr, 41:416
Moore RE, 41:200
Moreno-Cabral RJ, 41:171
Morton SM, 41:118
Nakamura JM, 41:196
Nakayama RT, 41:128
Nall L, 41:430
Nelson LM, 41:390
Newcomer VD, 41:400
Orkin M, 41:388
Parks LH, 41:250
Piel M, 41:193
Putnam GL, 41:225
Rees RB, 41:388
Reppun JIF, 41:5, 53, 222
Rhoads GG, 41:256
Rigel DS, 41:398
Robbins KB, 41:123

Top of Author Index

Schoch EP Jr, 41:390
Schwitters SY, 41:60
Serdula M, 41:200
Shaw JM, 41:387
Shumway NE, 41:171
Smyth M, 41:202
Stachowiak P, 41:256
Tabrah FL, 41:166
Takahashi W, 41:250
Terada L, 41:226
Tuffanelli DL, 41:394
Uemura HS, 41:123
Waxman SH, 41:123
Welton DG, 41:392
Wiebenga N, 41:200
Wilson JR, 41:60
Worth RM, 41:90

Top of Author Index