
Hawai‘i Medical Journal

[Volume 69 No. 4 April 2010 Supplement 1]

[Download HMJ_Apr10.Suppl1.pdf here]

Hawaii Med J. 2010;69(4 Suppl 1):3-20. PMID: 20533191. [Abstract]


Viral Hepatitis in Hawai‘i – Differing Perspectives
Alan D. Tice MD; Michael Bannan; Kay Bauman MD; Tarquin Collis MD; Alba Hall; William Haning MD; Shoshana Hannemann; C. Bradley Hare MD; Joseph Humphry MD; Robert Jao MD; Carroll Leevy MD; Heather Lusk; Edward Ochoa; Neal Palafox MD; Nancy Withers MD, MPH; and Kenneth Akinaka

This publication contains information from a conference titled “Individual Perspectives on the Silent Epidemic of Viral Hepatitis in Hawai‘i” held in October of 2007 with updates and additional contributions from annual conferences in 2008 and 2009. These conferences were sponsored by the Hepatitis Support Network of Hawai‘i and held in Honolulu, Hawai‘i at the Queen’s Conference Center.

The primary objectives of the conferences have been to heighten awareness of viral hepatitis in Hawai‘i and to bring together health care professionals to learn about these infections and to help them respond to the challenges they bring to the people of Hawai‘i. The initial conference was oriented to present the unique and individual perspectives of patients, physicians, and other healthcare providers specific to the complex issues of hepatitis in an effort to help them understand their role in the context of others and to develop a team approach in responding to this epidemic.

I. Introduction
Alan D. Tice MD

II. Perspectives on Patients
Michael Bannan, Alba Hall, Shoshana Hannemann, and Edward Ochoa

III. Perspectives of Physicians

A. General Hepatitis Management:
Robert Jao MD and Alan D. Tice MD

B. Management Hepatitis in Patients with Psychiatric and Substance Abuse Disorders:
William Haning MD and Nancy Withers MD, MPH

IV. Perspectives of Administrators and Health Care Plans
This section outlines the perspectives of several different administrators who manage hepatitis, including representatives from the State of Hawai‘i Department of Health, State of Hawai‘i Department of Public Safety (prison system), and private insurance carriers Kaiser Permanente and the Hawai‘i Medical Service Association (HMSA).

A. Viral Hepatitis and the Hawai‘i State Departments of Health and Public Safety:
Kay Bauman MD and Heather Lusk

B. Hepatitis and Private Insurance Companies:
Tarquin Collis MD and Joseph Humphrey MD

V. The Future of Hepatitis in Hawai‘i

A. Advocacy Programs:
Kenneth Akinaka

B. Hepatitis and Impact of Immunization:
Neal Palafox MD

C. The Future of Hepatitis Therapy:
C. Bradley Hare MD and Carroll Leevy MD

VI. Summary and Conclusions
Alan D. Tice MD


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